Allied Pilots Association

Headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, near Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, the Allied Pilots Association (APA) serves as the certified collective bargaining agent for the 16,000 professional pilots who fly for American Airlines. APA was founded in 1963 and is the largest independent pilots’ union in the world. APA provides a broad range of representation services for its members and devotes more than 20 percent of its dues income to support aviation safety.


APA in the News

KVUE, July 19

Austin leaders are one step closer to bringing extra safety to its airport

APA spokesman Capt. Dennis Tajer told KVUE-TV that traffic at AUS has exploded over the years, so the implementation of a ramp control program is overdue. “We're probably a little bit late in this, but we’re going to stand with the city, get this done, and make this even safer, because Austin certainly deserves that.” Watch the report ...


Newsmax, July 9

Pilots union rep: Boeing must stop relying on others to fix their mistakes

APA spokesman Capt. Dennis Tajer told Newsmax that Boeing can’t continue to rely on pilots and other frontline workers to fix the company’s mistakes. “I have this book – it’s 460 pages long – for when things go bad on the airplane,” he said. “I don’t have a section for when things go wrong at Boeing.” Watch the interview …


CBS Sunday Morning, July 7

Can Boeing recover the public's trust?

Hours before its deal with the Justice Department was announced, Boeing was the topic of the lead story on CBS Sunday Morning. APA spokesman Capt. Dennis Tajer told senior transportation correspondent Kris Van Cleave that he’s “more ready than I’ve ever been” to fly the company’s planes. Watch the report ...



APA Public Statements

Allied Pilots Association Congratulates Aer Lingus Pilots on Pay Increases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Capt. Dennis Tajer, 847-902-8481/Gregg Overman, 817-312-3901 Allied Pilots Association Congratulates Aer Lingus Pilots on Pay Increases FORT WORTH, Texas (July 25, 2024) – The Allied Pilots Association (APA), representing the 16,000 pilots of American Airlines, lauded the pilots of Aer Lingus for securing significant pay increases, resolving a protracted dispute between the Irish Air Line Pilots’ Association (IALPA) and Aer Lingus management. “We wholeheartedly agree with IALPA President Capt. Mark Tighe – this is a prime example of what workers can achieve when they stand together,” APA President Capt. Ed Sicher said. “With 96% of IALPA members casting a vote and 85% of those voting in favor, there is clearly strong support among the pilots for the new agreement. “It is my distinct pleasure to congratulate IALPA leadership and the rank-and-file membership,” Capt. Sicher said. “You stood up for your interests, you ultimately prevailed, and you can take pride in a job well done.” Founded in 1963, the Allied Pilots Association – the largest independent pilots union in the United States – has its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. APA represents the 16,000 pilots of American Airlines, including several hundred pilots on full-time military leave of absence serving in the armed forces. The union’s website is

PMA and SMP Special Open Enrollment

PMA and SMP Special Open Enrollment for Active Pilots and Eligible Dependents Aug. 1-15 will be a special open enrollment period for two of APA’s benefits plans, Pilot Mutual Aid (PMA) and the Supplemental Medical Plan (SMP). For more information, please review the FAQs for each plan: Pilot Mutual Aid FAQs Supplemental Medical Plan FAQs Register for a Zoom meeting: If you want more information beyond what’s in the FAQs, consider attending a Zoom meeting. You are welcome to register for multiple meetings, but each one will include the same information. 1000 Central on July 10 – Click here to register . 1400 Central on July 10 – Click here to register . 1200 Central on July 16 – Click here to register . 1100 Central on July 18 – Click here to register . 1500 Central on July 18 – Click here to register . 1400 Central on July 24 – Click here to register . Where to enroll: Click here to access the Benefit Elect enrollment portal . Your Benefit Elect username is your employee ID number. If you do not remember your Benefit Elect password, click the portal’s “Log In Instructions” link. Any questions? Contact the APA Benefits Department at .

“A Course Change is Past Due”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Capt. Dennis Tajer, 847-902-8481/Gregg Overman, 817-312-3901 Allied Pilots Association: “A Course Change is Past Due” FORT WORTH, Texas (July 1, 2024) — In a June 30 negotiations update, the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) indicated that talks were continuing between the union and American Airlines management at the offices of the National Mediation Board (NMB) in Washington, D.C. The APFA represents the 27,000 flight attendants of American Airlines. “On behalf of the 16,000 American Airlines pilots the Allied Pilots Association represents, I want our fellow union members at the APFA to know that APA wholeheartedly supports their efforts to secure a fair contract,” said APA President CA Ed Sicher. “We know from firsthand experience in our own protracted Section 6 negotiations that management intransigence is the culprit for the predicament American Airlines now finds itself in during the peak summer travel period. “We urge management to consider carefully how they choose to respond. Unfortunately, we are not especially optimistic they will choose the correct course. Management’s handling — or more precisely, mishandling — of negotiations with the APFA is yet another example of what we view as a concerning trend at American Airlines,” CA Sicher said. “From management’s myopic focus on short-haul domestic travel at the expense of lucrative long-haul international travel, to alienating key corporate clients, to turmoil in the senior management ranks, it is clear to us that a course change is past due. “If the NMB declares a 30-day cooling-off period and starts the clock on a potential flight attendant strike, it would have an adverse impact on the airline’s bottom line as passengers take their business elsewhere to avoid the risk of disruption in their travel plans — and a strike would be tremendously costly,” he said. “A negotiated solution is always the preferred outcome in Section 6, and we urge management to rethink its approach to bargaining with the APFA before it’s too late.” Founded in 1963, the Allied Pilots Association — the largest independent pilots union in the United States — has its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. APA represents the 16,000 pilots of American Airlines, including several hundred pilots on full-time military leave of absence serving in the armed forces. The union’s website is

Aer Lingus Pilots: You Have Our Steadfast Support

Open Letter to the Pilots of Aer Lingus from the Allied Pilots Association: You Have Our Steadfast Support On behalf of the 16,000 American Airlines pilots the Allied Pilots Association (APA) represents, I am proud to pledge our steadfast support for the Irish Air Line Pilots’ Association’s efforts to conclude CLA negotiations with Aer Lingus management. APA has a longstanding history of standing shoulder to shoulder with our Irish brother and sister pilots. Like professional pilots across the globe, you sacrificed to help your airline navigate the challenges of the global pandemic. With the surge in air travel demand, you have watched as the airline’s profits have increased dramatically. Now, in response to the union’s calls to normalize pilot salaries to account for the increased cost of living, Aer Lingus management has instead chosen to employ whipsaw tactics and threaten legal proceedings. Management’s use of traditional strong-arm tactics such as pressuring pilots to fly when they have declared themselves not fit to do so poses a safety threat. APA has a great deal of experience in dealing with a management team that refuses to recognize the value its pilot group provides. We stand ready to share our knowledge and experience with you and provide whatever assistance we can to support your efforts to successfully conclude your negotiations. It is in the best interests of all professional pilots, and the passengers we carry, to work cooperatively to elevate our profession and enhance the margin of safety whenever possible. We are here for you. In Unity, Captain Ed Sicher President, Allied Pilots Association

APA’s Legislative Priorities

APA makes its voice heard on Capitol Hill.

Video Highlight

“We Are Proud”

