Allied Pilots Association

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APA News Digest: July 26, 2024

APA News Digest July 26, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... Food, Fun, and Fellowship at Oshkosh Special Open Enrollment Begins Aug. 1 Scheduling Committee: Summer Statistics and Updates AAL Reports “Bronze Medal” Earnings Airline Analysts on AAL: “Disappointing,” “Discouraging,” and “Uninspiring” IT Steering Committee: Look for an Updated Logbook in the Coming Months Military Affairs Subcommittee: Check Out Our New Military Guidebook Hotel Committee: “Booking in Progress” Guidance Has Not Changed National Communications Network: Concourse Conversations at DFW on July 31 Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Leadership Class APA Medical Minute – Cataract Surgery Domicile Events Domicile Elections Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Food, Fun, and Fellowship at Oshkosh The fellowship our pilots are enjoying at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh this week extends between unions. CA Anne Worster, the United MEC Chair at ALPA, invited APA’s contingent to dinner on Wednesday. She’s pictured with APA Family Awareness Committee Chair CA Jerry Gemma, APA Professional Standards Committee Chair CA Pat McGinn, and FO Melissa Monahan, Deputy Chair of the APA Family Awareness and Communications committees. We look forward to continuing to work together to benefit all airline pilots. APA will host two more events before the world’s largest aviation gathering wraps up on Sunday. There will be a pizza party from 1700 to 1900 today and a Tex-Mex dinner from 1700 to 1900 on Saturday. If you will be in Oshkosh, here’s where to find our hospitality area. Special Open Enrollment Begins Aug. 1 Aug. 1-15 will be a special open enrollment period for two of APA’s benefits plans, Pilot Mutual Aid (PMA) and the Supplemental Medical Plan (SMP). For more information, please review the FAQs for each plan: Pilot Mutual Aid FAQs Supplemental Medical Plan FAQs Where to enroll: Click here to access the Benefit Elect enrollment portal . Your Benefit Elect username is your employee ID number. If you do not remember your Benefit Elect password, click the portal’s “Log In Instructions” link. With custom-tailored benefit plans that fit your specific needs throughout your career and into retirement, APA is designed with you in mind. Only APA provides members with custom-tailored benefit plans that fit your specific needs, flexibility to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done, and an unmatched level of independence and care. For more details, watch this video featuring Director of Benefits Marcy Scott. Any questions? Contact the APA Benefits Department at . Summer Statistics and Updates This is a new message from the APA Scheduling Committee. TTS enhancement continues to be a priority for the Scheduling Committee. Progress has been made even with the company’s commitment to Contract 2023 implementation. We continue to engage with our company counterparts on improvements and functionality. Notable stats from June: Highest number of TTS transactions ever. Highest number of PVDs used (facilitated by trading). Record low sick usage. (If pilots are trading, no need to use sick time.) July trading is following on the same trajectory. Our first three TTS runs for the August bid month have seen 2,900 awarded trades, with an average participation rate of 36% across all bid statuses. Please reach out to the Scheduling Committee with any questions on ballot building or run history. The Scheduling Committee is available to our pilots for help with anything that they can bid for: vacancy, vacation, TTS, DOTC, CQT, TDY, MBE, and PBS. The Scheduling Administrators are available from 0800 to 1700 Central on weekdays, and the committee’s pilot volunteers are available around the clock: or 817-302-2321. AAL Reports “Bronze Medal” Earnings This week, AAL management reported second quarter earnings that lived up – or lived down, rather – to this forecast from JP Morgan airlines analyst Jamie Baker: “The company (AAL) likely remains on the bronze medal podium when it comes to Big 3 margins.” During the earnings call, CEO Robert Isom disclosed that the failed sales and distribution strategy reduced revenue by $750M for the first half of the year, and management expects another $750M in lost revenue for the second half of the year, for a total 2024 impact of $1.5B. Here are some excerpts from the AAL filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission: “The company’s previous sales and distribution strategy will continue to impact its revenue performance and earnings through the remainder of the year.” “The company expects its third-quarter 2024 adjusted earnings per diluted share to be approximately breakeven.” “The company now expects its full-year 2024 adjusted earnings per diluted share to be between $0.70 and $1.30.” (~$460-$854M) “The company reduced total debt by approximately $680 million and is now more than $13 billion, or approximately 87%, toward its goal of reducing total debt by $15 billion by the end of 2025. The company ended the quarter with approximately $11.7 billion of total available liquidity.” Pre-Tax Profit (excluding special items)  DAL: $2 billion UAL: $1.7 billion AAL: $1.04 billion Free Cash Flow (FCF)  DAL: $1.3 billion UAL: $1.9 billion AAL: $850 million Margins  2Q24 Pre-Tax Op. Margin EBITDAR DAL 13.0% 14.7% 18.2% UAL 12.1% 13.1% 17.9% AAL 7.3% 9.7% 15.7% As for the $1.5B worth of lost revenue this year, Forbes reported that Delta and United have been coy in discussing whether American’s loss benefitted them. But APA spokesman CA Dennis Tajer said it clearly went to the rival carriers’ coffers. “We don’t need Nancy Drew to determine where the $1.5 billion went,” he said. Airline Analysts on AAL: “Disappointing,” “Discouraging,” and “Uninspiring” You can click here for an in-depth account of Wall Street analysts’ reactions to the AAL earnings call, but here are a few excerpts: Jamie Baker of J.P. Morgan: “We’d have to go back to the Arpey era (pre-dating both its merger and its bankruptcy filing) to identify an American earnings call as discouraging as Thursday’s. ... To paraphrase one investor, American’s call sounded disappointingly like ‘the old America West script but with meaningfully elevated costs,’ sentiment we can’t really push back on.” Thomas Fitzgerald of TD Cowen: “We expect the airline’s commercial challenges (overexposure to domestic and LatAm, challenges with corporate travel, underexposure to long-haul international) to weigh on margins. Driving significant changes in strategy will require years of elevated CAPEX investments and diminish the company’s prospects for generating consistent free cash flow.” Conor Cunningham of Melius: “American has been crystal clear that adjustments to the distribution strategy that cost them $750 mm in 1H are underway. But a further review of the business is needed as they lag Delta and United on margins. Investor patience is very thin at this point and additional adjustments are needed for a credible margin recovery story to return.” Look for an Updated Logbook in the Coming Months This is a new message from the APA IT Steering Committee. Thanks to the hard work of FO Ken Lambert, along with many others, an updated Logbook will be launched this fall with a revamped user interface and design, along with new features, integration, and attention to detail. New features will include: Convenient access to your flying Table and calendar view Sequence grouping of flying Running convenient totals Sequence- and flight-level detail of flying with integrated map overview Handy filters to search and display data Multiple export options Integrated statistics visualizations We are also diligently working to update and improve our previously released products and features and are excited to showcase them in the coming weeks. Here are just a few to look forward to: Trips Marketplace: Will include drops, shared sequences, last live leg. APA Calendar Sync: Supporting other calendars and an increase in the number of data items that can be synced. Sequence History: No more taking a snapshot of your HSS! EVERY update and change will be available to browse and access. Open Time Detected Log: A history of all open time to allow for further analysis of your MyOT alerts using the reasons report functions. Again, thank you to FO Lambert, CA Vince Trevarton, the other pilots on the IT Steering and Operational Analysis committees, and the staff in our APA IT Department for the hard work put in by all. As always, please keep your valuable feedback coming! It only helps to improve the services provided to our pilots. Check Out Our New Military Guidebook This is a new message from the Military Affairs Subcommittee. On Monday, the Military Affairs Subcommittee conducted a town hall via Zoom and briefed the Board of Directors in person. During the Board briefing, the subcommittee hosted FBI and Homeland Security agents to give a brief update on international travel concerns and the best paths to stay safe once you leave American soil. Most of the tips and pointers can be found on the DHS or FBI websites or the Security Committee’s page on Bottom line: Once you leave American soil, be prepared for anything, stay conservative in your actions, and be alert to your surroundings. The Zoom town hall began with FO Christine Simpson providing an overview of the new APA Military Guidebook . We believe the document is a one-stop shop for all military-related questions a pilot might have while serving our country and flying for AAL. The Guidebook can now be found on the Military Affairs page on (Documents > General). The town hall also covered the high points we have seen over the past year in a PowerPoint presentation that will be posted on our webpage. Due to a technical issue with Zoom, we were unable to record the session. We will host another town hall next spring to highlight ongoing issues our pilots face. Stay safe flying, and reach out to us with any concerns at . “Booking in Progress” Guidance Has Not Changed This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee. The last week has been rough! No doubt, many of you have felt the weight of putting our operation back together on your shoulders. Many crews have had difficulty getting hotels assigned due to lengthy waits getting their sequences repaired by Crew Tracking and lengthy waits on hold with the Hotel/Limo Desk. APA’s position has not changed. We recommend that you DO NOT DEPART on your last leg to a layover when “Booking in Progress” shows in your CCI Hotel/Limo information, unless you receive confirmation that you have lodging, or you are directed to depart by a Chief Pilot. “Booking in Progress” is a placeholder when no reservation exists. It does not necessarily indicate someone is actively working on booking you a room. Multiple crews have not followed this guidance lately and written to us to tell us it was a mistake. Crews who have waited to secure lodging have experienced lengthy waits after their last leg of the day. Some crews had the misfortune of arriving at a sold-out market only to learn that they were stuck with no hotel options. Had they insisted a room be booked prior to departure, this would not have happened. Although it’s not required, you may want to advise the Company of the reason why you aren’t departing and advise that you will be prepared to depart as soon as lodging is confirmed. If you can’t get through to the Hotel/Limo Desk, try the Duty Pilot, or consider sending an ACARS or HISEND message. Do not let the issue distract you from your preflight duties. Take care of yourself; take care of your crew. For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. Concourse Conversations at DFW on July 31 This is a new message from the National Communications Network. Along with the DFW Domicile Officers, we will host Concourse Conversations from 0900 to 1500 on July 31 outside the new Terminal A Operations. These events provide an opportunity for members at large to deliver feedback directly to union volunteers. We will be collecting feedback to send to the Board of Directors and National Officers. If your schedule allows, please stop by to chat. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since July 7, the Digital Flight Data Recorder on A321 aircraft 799 has been written up 11 times, been on MEL three times, and been out of service seven times. It was most recently signed off on July 25. Since June 13, the Flight Control ELAC (Elevator and Aileron Computer) 2 faults on A321 aircraft 553 have been written up 15 times and been out of service seven times. It was most recently signed off on July 23. APA Welcomes Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On July 24, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Robert Banks, Erik Breault, Brett Cavitt, Matthew Costa, Matthew Creed, Alex Durr, Todd Eysenbach, David Hegedus Jr., Mohammad Khattab, Scott Lee, Brian Lietzke, Cole Linburg, Clayton Malphrus, Joseph Mcbrearty Jr., Brandon McIntire, Joseph Miklasz, Kyle Morris, Michael O’Dea, Kareem Omar, Nicholas Osburn, Juan Carlos Pallares, Christine Rupert, Janelle Setta, and Ronald Sheppard. APA Medical Minute – Cataract Surgery In the latest edition of the APA Medical Minute , APA Medical Advisor Tina Smith provides guidance regarding cataract surgery. Domicile Events Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: BOS: Boston Red Sox game on Aug. 23 CLT: Carowinds Family Day on Aug. 9 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 21 DFW: Concourse Conversations on July 31; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 ; Retirement Party on Nov. 9 LAX: Dana Point Lunch on Aug. 8 ; San Diego Lunch on Aug. 13 ; Thousand Oaks Lunch on Aug. 14 ; Temecula Lunch on Aug. 21 ; San Diego Padres game on Sept. 16 LGA: New York Mets game on Sept. 2 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 26 MIA: IMAX Training on Aug. 29 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 14 PHL: Retirement Party on Oct. 19 Domicile Elections Pilots based at CLT, LGA, and MIA will elect a Chair and Vice Chair to represent each domicile for three-year terms that will begin on Nov. 1. These candidates’ resumes will be emailed (and posted on the Elections page on on Aug. 6: CLT Chair CA Heather Boulanger CA Erik DeWinne CA Casey Granger CLT Vice Chair CA Casey Granger FO Hickory Ham CA Michael Pfeifer FO Tammy Smart LGA Chair CA Lawrence Cutler CA David Hines CA Mark Lokey CA Jeff Kerr LGA Vice Chair CA David Hines CA Michael Phelan CA Sam Pool CA James Scanlan CA Robert D. White MIA Chair CA Thomas Copeland CA Andrew Weingram CA Jay Wilhelm MIA Vice Chair CA Scott Craig FO Jamie Funderburk FO Steven Mann CA Ken Wells CA Anne Witcher When there are four or more candidates for a domicile position, the APA Constitution and Bylaws calls for a Nomination Round that winnows the field to three. The Nomination Round voting period will be open from 0100 Eastern on Aug. 7 until 0101 Eastern on Aug. 29. The deadline for receipt of mailed paper ballots is 1100 Eastern on Aug. 29. For more information, visit the Elections page on Week in Review Here are some recent messages you may have missed. Captain’s Authority Committee: Attention: Augmented Crews Check Pilot Committee: Update for CKPs and IPs Information Hotline: APA Board of Directors Convenes Summer Meeting Information Hotline: APA Board of Directors Reconvenes Summer Meeting Information Hotline: APA Board of Directors Continues Summer Meeting Information Hotline: APA Board of Directors Concludes Summer Meeting Information Technology Steering Committee: Overnight Service Interruption Planned Press Release: Allied Pilots Association Congratulates Aer Lingus Pilots on Pay Increases Scheduling Committee: Interim Self-Repair for Recovery Obligation Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (1) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (3) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (4) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs Why isn’t management part of the Professional Standards Committee? This is a peer-to-peer program. Correcting behavior through peer engagement and awareness offers a potentially permanent solution. Management fully supports the work of the Professional Standards Committee by providing vast resources and thoughtful input toward improving the process. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

Allied Pilots Association Congratulates Aer Lingus Pilots on Pay Increases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Capt. Dennis Tajer, 847-902-8481/Gregg Overman, 817-312-3901 Allied Pilots Association Congratulates Aer Lingus Pilots on Pay Increases FORT WORTH, Texas (July 25, 2024) – The Allied Pilots Association (APA), representing the 16,000 pilots of American Airlines, lauded the pilots of Aer Lingus for securing significant pay increases, resolving a protracted dispute between the Irish Air Line Pilots’ Association (IALPA) and Aer Lingus management. “We wholeheartedly agree with IALPA President Capt. Mark Tighe – this is a prime example of what workers can achieve when they stand together,” APA President Capt. Ed Sicher said. “With 96% of IALPA members casting a vote and 85% of those voting in favor, there is clearly strong support among the pilots for the new agreement. “It is my distinct pleasure to congratulate IALPA leadership and the rank-and-file membership,” Capt. Sicher said. “You stood up for your interests, you ultimately prevailed, and you can take pride in a job well done.” Founded in 1963, the Allied Pilots Association – the largest independent pilots union in the United States – has its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. APA represents the 16,000 pilots of American Airlines, including several hundred pilots on full-time military leave of absence serving in the armed forces. The union’s website is
Press Releases

APA News Digest: July 19, 2024

APA News Digest July 19, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... You’re Cleared for Departure to Oshkosh Positive Rate Episode 27: Training Committee APA Medical Minute – Kidney Stones Hotel Committee: Good News for CDG Layovers Aeromedical Committee: Preparing for Space Weather Storms Aeromedical Committee: CIRP Volunteer of the Quarter Aeromedical Committee: Our Recommended Reading List Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Leadership Class Membership Committee: Congratulations to Newly Upgraded Captains Flight Attendants Announce Tentative Agreement Domicile Events Domicile Elections Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars You’re Cleared for Departure to Oshkosh In last week’s edition, we asked our members (current and retired) to send us pictures of the planes they will be flying to Oshkosh. These photos were submitted by (clockwise from top left) FO Loren Marburg, FO Mike Schreiner, CA Larry Bradshaw (retired), and CA Chris Sims. EAA AirVenture Oshkosh , the world’s largest aviation gathering, kicks off on Monday. APA’s Family Awareness Committee will host gatherings each evening, July 22-27. If you plan to attend any of these dinners or happy hours, please let us know via the RSVP links at . (To see the Family Awareness events, you may need to adjust your preferences by clicking the gear icon at the top of the calendar. However, we have included direct links to each event below.) July 22: Happy Hour July 23: Pizza Party July 24: Military ">July 25: Happy Hour July 26: Pizza Party July 27: Tex-Mex Dinner Positive Rate Episode 27: Training Committee In the latest episode of our “ Positive Rate ” podcast, Communications Committee Deputy Chair FO Melissa Monahan talks with CA Tim Martin, Training Committee Deputy Chair, about the various ways the committee serves the membership. He notes the committee has an expert for each fleet American Airlines operates, and also discusses the recently revamped Training Debrief, emphasizing how the data pilots provide with their debriefs enables the committee to effect change as needed. (All debriefs are deidentified before the committee shares them with the company.) Each episode of “Positive Rate” features various APA leaders and the subject-matter experts working on the membership’s behalf. The podcast is available through popular streaming services, including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Spotify – you can search for “Positive Rate” or “Allied Pilots Association” on your platform of choice to subscribe and download. Your first opportunity to listen will be via . We welcome your feedback on this format. If you have a question or a comment, please send it to Communications Director Gregg Overman via . APA Medical Minute – Kidney Stones In the latest edition of the APA Medical Minute , APA Medical Advisor Christopher Ryan provides guidance regarding kidney stones. Good News for CDG Layovers This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee. CDG layovers will continue at three airport properties through Sept. 8 due to the excessive drive times because of the Olympic-only lanes into the city. As a result of these relocations, the company has offered to reimburse pilots and flight attendants for one round-trip coach train ticket to downtown Paris. You can submit your receipt via Concur for reimbursement. Please note that this offer, which is good through Sept. 8, applies to only one round-trip coach ticket per layover. Each of our CDG airport properties have crafted an informative welcome letter for AA crews that includes this information. Please exercise heightened situational awareness if you choose to go into the city, as there is increased risk of crime during the Olympics. For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. Preparing for Space Weather Storms This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee. Dispatcher notes in your flight release may have remarks regarding space weather. Another great planning tool is located in the WSI weather app. The Space Weather storm scale legend in the top left of the application (after a route is loaded) shows “RSG,” which corresponds to R (HF radio impacts), S (solar radiation), and G (navigational impacts-GPS). There is a legend that explains RSG when clicked. Additionally, your Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee has an alerting system for R3+/S3+. The FOM also provides guidance on space weather. For more information, please refer to the Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee’s webpage . If you have questions, please send to . CIRP Volunteer of the Quarter This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee. FO Greg Keller has been a part of the Critical Incident Response Program since 2002. He has also volunteered his time to his fellow pilots as a member of the Project Wingman Subcommittee and the ORD Safety Committee. Greg flies the 787 out of DFW these days, but he has also flown the 727, the MD-80, the 737, and the 767 during his 25 years with American. Before AA, he flew the C-5 at Dover AFB and the C-137 (B707) at Andrews AFB. He is also the Chair of the Green River Community College Advisory Council and assists with their Aeronautical Science Department. He has three grown daughters and lives in Tacoma, Wash. Our Recommended Reading List This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee. In an effort to improve our members’ health, we have created a recommended reading list. Each month, we will highlight a book that has helped in the prevention of, treatment of, or recovery from an injury or illness, or has elevated a member’s education. Feel free to send your book recommendations to . Curable The United States is fast becoming the sickest nation in the Western world. Cancer rates continue to rise. There is an epidemic of chronic disease in children. Even with all the money and modern innovations in science, the country’s health care system is beyond broken. Clearly there is a glitch in the system. But what if the solution has been here all along, and we’ve just been too blind to see it? In Curable , journalist and health care advocate Travis Christofferson looks at medicine through a magnifying glass and asks an important question: What if the roots of the crisis are psychological and systemic, perpetuated not just by corporate influence and the powers that be, but by you and me? It is now known that human perception is based on deeply entrenched patterns of irrational thought, which we attach ourselves to religiously. So how does this implicate the very scientific research and data that doctors rely on to successfully treat their patients? Disclaimer: This recommendation is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other professional health care services. Always consult with your medical provider when making health care decisions. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since June 16, the flight deck door on A320 aircraft 647 has been written up 14 times and been out of service seven times. It most recently returned to service on July 16. APA Welcomes Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On July 17, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Chad Coontz, Charles Coppa, Skyler Davenport, Michael Doyle, John Hagerty Jr., Korry Hamman, Colin Hendershot, Vincent Jordan, Mark Kish, Ryan Larosh, Brian Lietzke, Kareem Omar, Nathaniel Terry, Natalia Tiunova, Miriam Williams, and Riccardo Zappa. Congratulations to Newly Upgraded Captains This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. We would like to recognize and congratulate these pilots who upgraded last month. They are listed by their post-upgrade base and equipment. CLT 737: Erik Breault, Matthew Costa, David Hegedus Jr., Jacob Muraski, and Nathaniel Terry CLT 320: Rudy Foskuhl and Robert Martin DCA 737: Nicholas Osburn and Andrea Themely DFW 777: Alex Durr, Michael Galante, and Arno Knapen DFW 787: Jennifer Palmer DFW 737: Kenneth Bach, Richard Blagg Jr., Christopher DeLong, Michael Doyle, Colin Hendershot, Denver Hill, Kareem Omar, Casey Ronayne, Adam Shepherd, James Spencer, and Elisha Walker IV DFW 320: Steven Cates, Korry Hamman, Emmanuel Lindsay, Robert Marsh, Joseph McBrearty, Chad Nedved, Thomas Pappas, Christopher Tredemeyer, Miriam Williams, and Brandon Witzel LAX 737: Jeffrey Caouette, Taylor De Ley, Edmund Guerrero Jr., Brian Horeczko, Vincent Jordan, and Victor Stoeckmann LGA 737: Zachary Balas, Robert Banks, Matthew Creed, Eric Darwin, Geoffrey Haw, Brian Lietzke, Antoine Morrison, Paul Murdock, Michael Redmon Jr., Janelle Setta, and Natalia Tiunova MIA 777: Kim Grummitt and Christine Rupert MIA 737: Ciro Capasso, Charles Coppa, Todd Eysenbach, Richard Goodlett, Samuel Heda, Edward Kelley, Andre Leyakatalie, Brandon McIntire, Juan Melendez, Michael O'Dea, Mircea Pamfil, and Tim Wadsworth ORD 787: Robert Stack ORD 737: Keith Allison, Wayne Bushmaker, Stephen Farlow, Jeffrey Fitzgerald, Joseph Lanera, Joseph Miklasz, Kyle Morris, and Shad Vinson PHX 320: Brett Cavitt Flight Attendants Announce Tentative Agreement Today, the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) announced that it had reached a tentative agreement with American Airlines management. “Our latest contract negotiations have resulted in significant benefits for our Flight Attendants,” APFA National President Julie Hedrick said in a press release . “After years of bargaining and with the assistance of the National Mediation Board, we have reached a long overdue agreement with American Airlines, which addresses our concerns in compensation, work rules, and retroactive pay. If approved, this agreement will put billions of additional dollars into compensation and work rules for our Flight Attendant workgroup.” Domicile Events Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: BOS: Town Hall Meeting with LGA and PHL on July 23 ; Boston Red Sox game on Aug. 23 CLT: Carowinds Family Day on Aug. 9 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 21 DFW: Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 ; Retirement Party on Nov. 9 LAX: Dana Point Lunch on Aug. 8 ; San Diego Lunch on Aug. 13 ; Thousand Oaks Lunch on Aug. 14 ; Temecula Lunch on Aug. 21 ; San Diego Padres game on Sept. 16 LGA: Town Hall Meeting with BOS and PHL on July 23 ; New York Mets game on Sept. 2 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 26 MIA: IMAX Training on Aug. 29 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 14 PHL: Town Hall Meeting with BOS and LGA on July 23 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 19 Domicile Elections Pilots based at CLT, LGA, and MIA will elect a Chair and Vice Chair to represent each domicile for three-year terms that will begin on Nov. 1. The list of candidates has been updated since last week’s News Digest was published: CLT Chair CA Heather Boulanger CA Erik DeWinne CA Casey Granger CLT Vice Chair CA Casey Granger FO Hickory Ham CA Michael Pfeifer FO Tammy Smart LGA Chair CA Lawrence Cutler CA David Hines CA Mark Lokey CA Jeff Kerr LGA Vice Chair CA David Hines CA Michael Phelan CA Sam Pool CA James Scanlan CA Robert D. White MIA Chair CA Thomas Copeland CA Andrew Weingram CA Jay Wilhelm MIA Vice Chair CA Scott Craig FO Jamie Funderburk FO Steven Mann CA Ken Wells CA Anne Witcher The candidates’ resumes will be emailed (and posted on the Elections page on on Aug. 6. When there are four or more candidates for a domicile position, the APA Constitution and Bylaws calls for a Nomination Round that winnows the field to three. The Nomination Round voting period will be open from 0100 Eastern on Aug. 7 until 0101 Eastern on Aug. 29. The deadline for receipt of mailed paper ballots is 1100 Eastern on Aug. 29. For more information, visit the Elections page on Week in Review Here are some recent messages you may have missed. Communications Committee: Summer Board Meeting to Begin Monday  Communications Committee: We are Safety Chain’s Last Link Communications Committee: We Remember TWA Flight 800 Family Awareness Committee: We Can’t Wait to See You at Oshkosh Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (1) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (3) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (4) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs What records are kept for Professional Standards? None. There are no individual case files kept, nor are there any records in an employee’s Permanent Employment History (PEH). Only non-specific, de-identified logs are kept to maintain generic trends and reliability of the program. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

APA News Digest: July 12, 2024

APA News Digest July 12, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... We Can’t Wait to See You at Oshkosh APA Board of Directors’ Summer Meeting to Begin on July 22 Reinstatement of The Line Forums Positive Rate Episode 26: Strategic Planning Committee APA Medical Minute — More About Calcium Score Cardiac Testing “That’s a Cornfield or the Hudson River” Compass Project Committee: Join Us for YOUnion 301 on July 17 Family Awareness Committee: Retiring Pilots Honored Via Fini Flight Hotel Committee: Incidentals Charges Aeromedical Committee: What Are Geomagnetic Storms? Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Leadership Classes Domicile Events Domicile Elections Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars We Can’t Wait to See You at Oshkosh Photo by Nate Burrows EAA AirVenture Oshkosh , the world’s largest aviation gathering, will commence in less than two weeks. APA’s Family Awareness Committee will host gatherings each evening, July 22-27. If you plan to attend any of these dinners or happy hours, please let us know via the RSVP links at . Are you an APA member (current or retired) flying into Oshkosh this year? We’d love to showcase your plane on our social media. Please send pictures to . The 1940 Super Stearman “Big Red” pictured above is owned and flown by CA Susan Dacy (retired). This highly modified Stearman will be featured in the airshow throughout the week. The 1956 CallAir A-2 pictured below, piloted by FO Shay Marchetti, was featured in the January/February 2024 issue of EAA’s Vintage Airplane . During Oshkosh, it will be parked in the Vintage area. Photo by Connor Madison Anybody who has frequented our hospitality areas at Oshkosh or Sun ’n Fun for the past several years will recognize Claire Knutson, daughter of CA Tim Knutson. Last year, she flew the family N3N into Oshkosh and was subsequently featured as part of the Warbirds in Review program. You can watch that interview here . APA Board of Directors’ Summer Meeting to Begin on July 22 The APA Board of Directors will convene at union headquarters in Fort Worth for its regularly scheduled summer meeting on July 22. You may review the agenda here . The agenda includes a Membership and Guest Hour on the first day. Policy stipulates that “Any APA member(s) in good standing or, with the consent of the Board, a guest of a member shall be allowed to address the Board. Allocation of time will be 60 minutes divided by the number of members/guests desiring to speak; however, no individual will be afforded more than 10 minutes, including any questions/ answers by the Board. Members and guests must advise the meeting Chair of their desire to address the Board.” Please email if you wish to address the Board. The following resolutions have been submitted for consideration at this meeting: R2024-05 Rev 2 , “Negotiating Committee Communications” R2024-07 , “National Officer Elections” R2024-20 , “Election Withdrawals” R2024-28 , “Board Packets” R2024-29 , “Amendments via Resolution” R2024-30 , “Resolution of Expectation” R2024-31 , “Contract Compliance Database” R2024-32 , “CAPA Standing Committee” R2024-33 , “Board Meeting Recordings” R2024-34 , “Amendment to Merger/Affiliation Vote” R2024-35 Rev 1 , “ALPA Merger Referendum Vote” R2024-36 , “The Line Forums (2024) PM and AUP” Reinstatement of The Line Forums This an updated version of a message that the APA Communications Committee sent to all members on Tuesday. This morning, APA President CA Ed Sicher directed the reinstatement of a limited version of The Line forums on a trial basis. At this time, members can access the following subforums: The Help Desk (Contract/CBA Q box-sizing: border-box;">Participation on The Line remains subject to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) as adopted by the APA Board of Directors. In accordance with the AUP, posts that do not pertain to the aforementioned subforums or otherwise violate the AUP will be removed. These select subforums are available for educational and training purposes for active pilots. Participants do not have “First Amendment” protections in their use of The Line, and all participants are subject to the reasonable rules for use as set forth in the AUP. Participants who violate the terms of the AUP remain subject to suspension or permanent ban from The Line. As noted, reinstatement of these limited subforums is on a trial basis. During its upcoming regularly scheduled summer meeting, the Board of Directors will likely deliberate on The Line’s future and potential changes to related policy. Positive Rate Episode 26: Strategic Planning Committee In the latest episode of our “ Positive Rate ” podcast, Communications Committee Deputy Chair FO Melissa Monahan talks with Strategic Planning Committee Chair FO Scott Yancy, who details how the committee’s planning efforts have centered around eliminating silos and encouraging greater collaboration among the elected leadership, committees, and staff. He encourages all members to engage with APA and notes that engagement can be as simple as voting in all elections and membership referendums. He also cites volunteering for the National Communications Network as a simple path to union service. NCN volunteers meet face to face with pilots in airports around the system to collect member feedback. Each episode of “Positive Rate” features various APA leaders and the subject-matter experts working on the membership’s behalf. The podcast is available through popular streaming services, including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Spotify – you can search for “Positive Rate” or “Allied Pilots Association” on your platform of choice to subscribe and download. Your first opportunity to listen will be via . We welcome your feedback on this format. If you have a question or a comment, please send it to Communications Director Gregg Overman via APA Medical Minute — More About Calcium Score Cardiac Testing In the latest edition of the APA Medical Minute , APA Medical Advisor Kathy Parr addresses what happens after you complete the cardiac calcium score testing procedure and have been provided with a number. “That’s a Cornfield or the Hudson River” CA Dennis Tajer showed his pack of Post-it notes to CBS News’ Kris Van Cleave Hours before its deal with the Justice Department was announced , Boeing was the topic of the lead story on this week’s edition of CBS Sunday Morning . APA spokesman CA Dennis Tajer told senior transportation correspondent Kris Van Cleave that he’s “more ready than I’ve ever been” to fly the company’s planes. “I have absolutely no hesitation in flying the aircraft based on what I know about it,” he said. “The unnerving part – particularly on the MAX – is that I don’t know what you put on it that you decided not to tell me.” Last month, CA Tajer was also featured in a 60 Minutes Australia report on the issues surrounding Boeing. In both interviews, he highlighted an FAA airworthiness directive that references “off-airport” landings. “What the heck does that mean? That’s a cornfield or the Hudson River.” Join Us for YOUnion 301 on July 17 This is a new message from the APA Compass Project Committee. The Compass Project and APA Vice President CA Chris Torres will host a “YOUnion 301” meeting via Zoom at 1100 Central on July 17. This “Captains’ Development Seminar” is intended to help new captains and soon-to-be captains understand their authorities, APA support, and safety trends within our airline. Click here to register for the July 17 meeting . Retiring Pilots Honored Via Fini Flight This is an updated message from the APA Family Awareness Committee. CA Tom Force was honored on June 5 at DFW. Fini Flight is an APA program designed to honor our retiring members. If a pilot chooses to participate, we meet them at the gate after (or sometimes before) their final flight as an American Airlines pilot. We include friends and family, play some music, bring a cake (or donuts), and make their last flight memorable! You can see more photos from our June celebrations on Facebook . For more information on how to get involved, as an honoree or as a volunteer, email . Incidentals Charges This is an updated message from the APA Hotel Committee. This is a reminder to please remember to pay all incidentals you have charged to your room before you depart the hotel. Every month, the AA Hotel Contracts team has to contact crew members through their base Flight Offices to remind them to pay their incidentals. Additionally, these oversights can sour a relationship between a good hotel and the company. A good practice is to never charge to your room unless you already have a credit card on file, and make sure you have no unpaid charges at checkout. We have also seen an uptick in pilots being charged for their room at non-contracted hotels when they put their credit card on file for incidentals. We recommend that you ask for a zeroed-out bill before you depart any hotel if you choose to put a card on file. As a reminder, you should never be required to place a credit card on file by a hotel. If a hotel says they require you to do so, and you do not plan to put incidental charges on the room, please reach out to the Hotel-Limo Desk for resolution. For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. What Are Geomagnetic Storms? This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee. Illustration courtesy of NASA A geomagnetic storm is a disturbance in the Earth’s magnetosphere. These are typically due to solar winds, solar flare, or coronal mass ejections. Some impacts to aviation include reduced GPS fidelty (RNP and well as en route GNSS signal), HF radio loss, and/or increased radiation dosage. For more information, please refer to the Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee’s webpage . If you have questions, please send to . Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. In the last month, the weather radar on B737 aircraft 3GJ has been written up 16 times and out of service 11 times. On July 12, with the radar on MEL, it operated an in-service reposition ferry to a main maintenance base, where it remains out of service and restricted to Class 1 and 2 maintenance stations. APA Welcomes Leadership Classes This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. On July 3, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Keith Allison, Kenneth Bach, Wayne Benson, Tibor Farkas, Stephen Farlow, Kendall Grimmonpre, Christopher Henshall, Brian Horeczko, Edward Kelley, Arno Knapen, Jesse Lea, Matthew Morehouse, Som Chai Odom, Jennifer Palmer, Francisco Razo, Victor Stoeckmann, Marc Werner, and Ian Whitcomb. On July 10, the committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for the PLM class: Zachary Balas, Richard Blagg Jr., Frank Botti, Brad Carstens, Ahmed Fakih, Rudy Foskuhl, Louis Lagro, Robert Mcnamara, Juan Melendez Millan, Michael Redmon Jr., Casey Ronayne, Adam Shepherd, Shad Vinson, and Elisha Walker. Domicile Events Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: BOS: Town Hall Meeting with LGA and PHL on July 23 ; Boston Red Sox game on Aug. 23 CLT: Carowinds Family Day on Aug. 9 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 21 DFW: Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 ; Retirement Party on Nov. 9 LAX: San Diego Lunch on July 9 ; Thousand Oaks Lunch on July 10 ; Dana Point Lunch on July 11 ; Temecula Lunch on July 17 LGA: Town Hall Meeting with BOS and PHL on July 23 ; New York Mets game on Sept. 2 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 26 MIA: Contract Compliance Training on July 11 ; IMAX Training on Aug. 29 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 14 PHL: Town Hall Meeting with BOS and LGA on July 23 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 19 Domicile Elections Pilots based at CLT, LGA, and MIA will elect a Chair and Vice Chair to represent each domicile for three-year terms that will begin on Nov. 1. The following pilots have been submitted for nomination and have indicated a willingness to serve if elected: CLT Chair CA Heather Boulanger CA Erik DeWinne CA Casey Granger FO Hickory Ham CLT Vice Chair CA Heather Boulanger CA Casey Granger FO Hickory Ham CA Michael Pfeifer FO Tammy Smart LGA Chair CA Lawrence Cutler CA David Hines CA Mark Lokey CA Jeff Kerr LGA Vice Chair CA David Hines CA Jeff Kerr CA Michael Phelan CA Sam Pool CA James Scanlan CA Robert D. White MIA Chair CA Thomas Copeland CA Andrew Weingram CA Jay Wilhelm MIA Vice Chair CA Scott Craig FO James Funderburk FO Steven Mann CA Ken Wells CA Anne Witcher The candidates’ resumes will be emailed (and posted on the Elections page on on Aug. 6. When there are four or more candidates for a domicile position, the APA Constitution and Bylaws calls for a Nomination Round that winnows the field to three. The Nomination Round voting period will be open from 0100 Eastern on Aug. 7 until 0101 Eastern on Aug. 29. The deadline for receipt of mailed paper ballots is 1100 Eastern on Aug. 29. For more information, visit the Elections page on Week in Review Here are some recent messages you may have missed. Benefits Department: PMA and SMP Special Open Enrollment  Communications Committee: Pencil Whipping Pilots is Not Leadership Military Affairs Committee: Military Affairs Town Hall  President: The Value of Independence and Self-Government Press Release: “A Course Change is Past Due” Secretary-Treasurer: Four-Month Dues Holiday Scheduling Committee: Changes to December Vacancy Award Scheduling Committee: TTS Heat Map Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (1) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (3) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (4) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs Do committee volunteers receive any kind of training? New committee volunteers receive an extensive two-day training course that includes more than 16 hours of classroom instruction. The training includes modules such as Conflict Resolution, Mediation, Mentoring, Pilot Personality, Generational Issues Affecting Cockpit Performance, Resources, and Communication Skills. Committee members also receive instruction on the Professional Standards process, the APA Policy Manual, and the importance of confidentiality. These concepts are reinforced through multiple role-play scenarios. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . 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News Digest

PMA and SMP Special Open Enrollment

PMA and SMP Special Open Enrollment for Active Pilots and Eligible Dependents Aug. 1-15 will be a special open enrollment period for two of APA’s benefits plans, Pilot Mutual Aid (PMA) and the Supplemental Medical Plan (SMP). For more information, please review the FAQs for each plan: Pilot Mutual Aid FAQs Supplemental Medical Plan FAQs Register for a Zoom meeting: If you want more information beyond what’s in the FAQs, consider attending a Zoom meeting. You are welcome to register for multiple meetings, but each one will include the same information. 1000 Central on July 10 – Click here to register . 1400 Central on July 10 – Click here to register . 1200 Central on July 16 – Click here to register . 1100 Central on July 18 – Click here to register . 1500 Central on July 18 – Click here to register . 1400 Central on July 24 – Click here to register . Where to enroll: Click here to access the Benefit Elect enrollment portal . Your Benefit Elect username is your employee ID number. If you do not remember your Benefit Elect password, click the portal’s “Log In Instructions” link. Any questions? Contact the APA Benefits Department at .
Public News Benefits

“A Course Change is Past Due”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Capt. Dennis Tajer, 847-902-8481/Gregg Overman, 817-312-3901 Allied Pilots Association: “A Course Change is Past Due” FORT WORTH, Texas (July 1, 2024) — In a June 30 negotiations update, the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) indicated that talks were continuing between the union and American Airlines management at the offices of the National Mediation Board (NMB) in Washington, D.C. The APFA represents the 27,000 flight attendants of American Airlines. “On behalf of the 16,000 American Airlines pilots the Allied Pilots Association represents, I want our fellow union members at the APFA to know that APA wholeheartedly supports their efforts to secure a fair contract,” said APA President CA Ed Sicher. “We know from firsthand experience in our own protracted Section 6 negotiations that management intransigence is the culprit for the predicament American Airlines now finds itself in during the peak summer travel period. “We urge management to consider carefully how they choose to respond. Unfortunately, we are not especially optimistic they will choose the correct course. Management’s handling — or more precisely, mishandling — of negotiations with the APFA is yet another example of what we view as a concerning trend at American Airlines,” CA Sicher said. “From management’s myopic focus on short-haul domestic travel at the expense of lucrative long-haul international travel, to alienating key corporate clients, to turmoil in the senior management ranks, it is clear to us that a course change is past due. “If the NMB declares a 30-day cooling-off period and starts the clock on a potential flight attendant strike, it would have an adverse impact on the airline’s bottom line as passengers take their business elsewhere to avoid the risk of disruption in their travel plans — and a strike would be tremendously costly,” he said. “A negotiated solution is always the preferred outcome in Section 6, and we urge management to rethink its approach to bargaining with the APFA before it’s too late.” Founded in 1963, the Allied Pilots Association — the largest independent pilots union in the United States — has its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. APA represents the 16,000 pilots of American Airlines, including several hundred pilots on full-time military leave of absence serving in the armed forces. The union’s website is
Press Releases

APA News Digest: June 28, 2024

APA News Digest June 28, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... APA Board of Directors’ Summer Meeting to Begin on July 22 Aer Lingus Pilots: You Have Our Steadfast Support APA Medical Minute – Common GI Procedures Professional Standards Committee: Professional Standards Training Set for September Aeromedical Committee: Sudden Grief Response Program to Train New Volunteers Aeromedical Committee: CIRP Subcommittee Leader Joins Group of Stress Experts Aeromedical Committee: What’s a Solar Cycle? Aeromedical Committee: Our Recommended Reading List Contract Compliance Committee: Contract Training Offered in MIA on July 11 Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class Special Open Enrollment for APA Benefits APA Holiday Schedule Domicile Events Domicile Elections Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars APA Board of Directors’ Summer Meeting to Begin on July 22 The APA Board of Directors will convene at union headquarters in Fort Worth for its regularly scheduled summer meeting on July 22. The meeting agenda will include a 60-minute Membership however, no individual will be afforded more than 10 minutes, including any questions/ answers by the Board. Members and guests must advise the meeting Chair of their desire to address the Board.” Please email if you wish to address the Board. During this meeting, the Board may address these pending resolutions: R2024-05 Rev 2 , “Negotiating Committee Communications” R2024-07 , “National Officer Elections” R2024-20 , “Election Withdrawals” R2024-28 , “Board Packets” R2024-29 , “Amendments via Resolution” Aer Lingus Pilots: You Have Our Steadfast Support APA President CA Ed Sicher sent this open letter to the pilots of Aer Lingus on Thursday. On behalf of the 16,000 American Airlines pilots the Allied Pilots Association (APA) represents, I am proud to pledge our steadfast support for the Irish Air Line Pilots’ Association’s efforts to conclude CLA negotiations with Aer Lingus management. APA has a longstanding history of standing shoulder to shoulder with our Irish brother and sister pilots. Like professional pilots across the globe, you sacrificed to help your airline navigate the challenges of the global pandemic. With the surge in air travel demand, you have watched as the airline’s profits have increased dramatically. Now, in response to the union’s calls to normalize pilot salaries to account for the increased cost of living, Aer Lingus management has instead chosen to employ whipsaw tactics and threaten legal proceedings. Management’s use of traditional strong-arm tactics such as pressuring pilots to fly when they have declared themselves not fit to do so poses a safety threat. APA has a great deal of experience in dealing with a management team that refuses to recognize the value its pilot group provides. We stand ready to share our knowledge and experience with you and provide whatever assistance we can to support your efforts to successfully conclude your negotiations. It is in the best interests of all professional pilots, and the passengers we carry, to work cooperatively to elevate our profession and enhance the margin of safety whenever possible. We are here for you. In Unity, Captain Ed Sicher President, Allied Pilots Association APA Medical Minute – Common GI Procedures In the latest edition of the APA Medical Minute , APA Medical Advisor Tina Smith discusses common gastrointestinal procedures, such as the upper endoscopy and the colonoscopy. Professional Standards Training Set for September This is a new message from the APA Professional Standards Committee. We plan to train new Professional Standards volunteers at APA headquarters on Sept. 10 and 11, with a Sept. 12 session for pilots who already volunteer on other national committees. If you would like to join us, email CA Pat McGinn via . Sudden Grief Response Program to Train New Volunteers This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee. The Sudden Grief Response Program (SGRP) Subcommittee is looking for volunteers willing to be trained in the last two weeks of August. SGRP provides the initial support structure to families in need during one of the worst times of their life by assisting the family and helping them understand the grief process. If you are interested, please contact FO Vern Reaser at . The training date will be based on volunteers’ schedules. Thank you so much for wanting to be a part of this very valuable team at APA. CIRP Subcommittee Leader Joins Group of Stress Experts This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee. FO Jim Woodke has nearly 30 years’ experience in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), a model pioneered by the founders of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. FO Woodke recently became the first line pilot appointed to the foundation’s faculty and speakers bureau. The foundation provides training to individuals interested in becoming a part of a crisis management team and to organizations dedicated to helping individuals or groups recover from incidents. APA is one such organization. As a Deputy Chair of the APA Aeromedical Committee, FO Woodke oversees our Critical Incident Response Program Subcommittee. The CIRP Subcommittee is responsible for ensuring a coordinated response toward accident investigators, crew members, and their families after a critical incident. FO Woodke is overseeing APA’s CIRP Subcommittee for the second time, and he held similar leadership positions at other unions before he became an American Airlines pilot in 2008. “It has been an honor to work for all the organizations I have served,” FO Woodke said. “I consider all my efforts to assist others as a debt I am repaying for the assistance I have received; I would not still be in aviation today if it wasn’t for the CIRP program.” What’s a Solar Cycle? This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee. In the last few months, have you noticed the aurora visible much further south in latitude than normal? This is due to significant solar activity (solar maximum) as a result of Solar Cycle 25. To spread awareness and education, the Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee will periodically answer some common questions regarding space weather. The solar cycle is when the sun fluctuates between solar minimum and solar maximum. Solar maximum is defined as an increase in sunspots (caused by magnetic changing fields) and a magnetic pole shift. This typically occurs approximately every 11 years. For more information, please refer to the Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee’s webpage . If you have questions, please send to . Our Recommended Reading List This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee. In an effort to improve our members’ health, we have created a recommended reading list. Each month, we will highlight a book that has helped in the prevention of, treatment of, or recovery from an injury or illness, or has elevated a member’s education. Feel free to send your book recommendations to . Traume: The Invisible Epidemic In Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic , Dr. Paul Conti examines the most recent research, clinical best practices, and dozens of real-life stories to present a deeper and more urgent view of trauma. Not only does Dr. Conti explain how trauma affects the body and mind, he also demonstrates that trauma is transmissible among close family and friends, as well as across generations and within vast demographic groups. With all this in mind, Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic proposes a course of treatment for the seemingly untreatable. Here, Dr. Conti traces a step-by-step series of concrete changes that we can make both as individuals and as a society to alleviate trauma’s effects and prevent further traumatization in the future. Disclaimer: This recommendation is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other professional health care services. Always consult with your medical provider when making health care decisions. Contract Training Offered in MIA on July 11 This is a repeated message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. The Contract Compliance Committee wants to do everything we can to ensure that all APA members are well acquainted with the 2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Join us on July 11 in MIA for a full day of training on the new CBA. This session will include a preview of the Electronic Communication System and the Reserve Assignment System, which are both scheduled to go live on Aug. 31. This training will be conducted in hybrid fashion, with members welcome to participate in person at Dave margin-bottom: 1rem; box-sizing: border-box;"> Contract training on July 11: Click here to RSVP for in-person attendance . Contract training on July 11 via Zoom: Click here to register . Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Electronic Document Index before attending training. You must be logged in to for the links to be accessible. This index connects you to a vast array of APA documents that we will reference. It is equally useful in the daily operation as a line pilot, so we recommend you bookmark the index for future reference. During training, it may be helpful to have two screens—one to run Zoom, and one to reference these documents. Help us help you! The Contract Compliance Committee’s goal is for you—the membership—to be informed, educated, and knowledgeable. Every single pilot should strive to be a contract expert or, at the very least, strive for continued learning and engagement. Knowledge is power, and it will assist you in employing and being a watchdog of your negotiated work rules. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since April 30, the left engine FADEC on A319 aircraft 752 has been written up nine times, has been on MEL four times, and has been out of service five times. At the time of this writing, it remained on MEL. B737 aircraft 3AT returned to service from a MBV (main base visit) at a contract MRO (maintenance, repair, and overhaul) station on June 18. Since then, the L1 door has been written up and out of service five times. It was most recently signed off on June 27 and is restricted to Class 1 and 2 maintenance stations. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On June 26, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Allen Aoun, Aran Bar-Or, Ciro Capasso, Eric Darwin, William De Groh, Ismael Del Rosario, Maximillian Ferreira, Jonathan German, Ryan Guthrie, Samuel Heda, Zachary Henry, Christopher Hickok, Andre Leyakatalie, Danut Metehau, Antoine Morrison, Paul Murdock, Gael O’Kelly-Farrell, Robert Stack, and Christopher Tredemeyer. Special Open Enrollment for APA Benefits Aug. 1-15 will be a special open enrollment period for two of APA’s benefits plans, Pilot Mutual Aid and the Supplemental Medical Plan. Pilot Mutual Aid: Pilots with fewer than five years of cumulative service may enroll at any time. This special open enrollment is for pilots with more than five years of cumulative service. You must enroll at the $1,980 monthly benefit level. You must also pay one year’s worth of contributions at the lowest level plus the current monthly contribution, for a total of $585. Supplemental Medical Plan: Pilots younger than 55 may enroll at any time. This special open enrollment is for pilots who are at least 55 years old or in the five-year waiting period after canceling. You must pay back contributions to age 55, calculated at the time of enrollment. FAQs are coming soon, and Zoom meetings will take place in July. If you have questions in the meantime, please contact the APA Benefits Department at or 817-302-2140. APA Holiday Schedule APA headquarters, including Contract Administration, will be closed on July 4 and 5 in observance of Independence Day. Contract Administration will be open from 0700 to 1900 Central on July 6 and 7. As always, your APA support team remains available 24/7. When Contract Administration is closed, calls will be forwarded to a phone service operated by Contract Compliance Committee and Flight Time/Duty Time Committee volunteers. Please note that call-back times may be longer than normal due to limited staffing. If your call is not urgent, we encourage you to wait until normal business hours resume. You may also want to consult the pilot volunteers on your domicile’s Contract Compliance Committee. Almost every domicile has one, and some of them have larger rosters than the national committee. Contact your local committee by visiting your domicile’s page on and clicking the “Domicile Committee List” link. To reach a contract administrator, call APA HQ at 1-800-323-1470 and press Option 3. If you prefer to e-mail your question to the contract administrators, click here . For specific FAR 117/fatigue issues requiring immediate attention, you can also call the Emergency Help Line at 682-738-6670 manned 24/7 by Flight Time/Duty Time Committee volunteers. Domicile Events Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: BOS: Town Hall Meeting with LGA and PHL on July 23 ; Boston Red Sox game on Aug. 23 CLT: Retirement Party on Sept. 21 DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 ; Retirement Party on Nov. 9 LAX: San Diego Lunch on July 9 ; Thousand Oaks Lunch on July 10 (new location); Dana Point Lunch on July 11 ; LAX ARFF Tour on July 16 ; Temecula Lunch on July 17 LGA: Town Hall Meeting with BOS and PHL on July 23 ; New York Mets game on Sept. 2 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 26 MIA: Contract Compliance Training on July 11 ; IMAX Training on Aug. 29 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 14 PHL: Town Hall Meeting with BOS and LGA on July 23 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 19 Domicile Elections Pilots based at CLT, LGA, and MIA will elect a Chair and Vice Chair to represent each domicile for three-year terms that will begin on Nov. 1. When the electronic submission for nomination process closed at 0001 Central today, these pilots’ names had been submitted: CLT Chair CA Heather Boulanger CA Erik DeWinne CA Casey Granger FO Hickory Ham CA Vincent Milazzo CA Christopher Redden CA John Owens FO Tammy Smart CA Kevin Wilkes CLT Vice Chair CA Heather Boulanger CA Erik DeWinne CA Casey Granger FO Hickory Ham FO Cara Leuschel CA Vincent Milazzo CA Michael Pfeifer FO Tammy Smart CA Shane Vaughn CA Kevin Wilkes LGA Chair CA Lawrence Cutler CA David Hines CA Jeffrey Kerr CA Mark Lokey CA James Talbott LGA Vice Chair CA David Hines CA Jeffrey Kerr CA Michael Phelan CA Sam Pool CA James Scanlan CA Robert D. White MIA Chair CA Thomas Copeland FO James Funderburk CA Andrew Weingram CA Jay Wilhelm MIA Vice Chair CA Scott Craig FO James Funderburk FO Steven Mann CA Ken Wells CA Anne Witcher These pilots have until 0001 Central on July 5 to complete the Willingness to Serve and Conflict of Interest Disclosure forms. The list of candidates will be certified at 1000 Central on July 8. For more information, visit the Elections page on Week in Review Here are some recent messages you may have missed. President: Aer Lingus Pilots: You Have Our Steadfast Support  Aeromedical Committee: Need a Wingman? Make APA Project Wingman Your First Call Captain’s Authority Committee: The Buck Stops With the Captain Military Affairs and Professional Standards Committees: Veterans’ Benefits are for Veterans Only Safety Committee: APA Strongly Recommends Pilots Decline Special Flight Permit Ferry Flights Scheduling Committee: Non-Pilot Personnel to Staff PBS Help Desk Beginning in July Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (1) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (3) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (4) Training Committee (4) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs What is the process for handling issues that occur repeatedly? As human beings, it is expected that behavior changes slowly and, as such, some pilots will always behave as their personality dictates. The Professional Standards process should not be expected to “change” a personality, but more thought of as an opportunity to share how a certain behavior affects peers and colleagues. There will also be the possibility of an employee exhibiting the same behavior because they have yet to be informed there is a different expectation. If an issue has been referred to a committee member, and an employee exhibits the same issue, please be patient and give the committee the opportunity to re-address the issue. As a submitter, if you are concerned, you have the option of updating the committee volunteer on observed progress. If at any time you are concerned with the time needed to process any submission, contact any National Deputy or your elected Domicile Officers for resolution. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

Aer Lingus Pilots: You Have Our Steadfast Support

Open Letter to the Pilots of Aer Lingus from the Allied Pilots Association: You Have Our Steadfast Support On behalf of the 16,000 American Airlines pilots the Allied Pilots Association (APA) represents, I am proud to pledge our steadfast support for the Irish Air Line Pilots’ Association’s efforts to conclude CLA negotiations with Aer Lingus management. APA has a longstanding history of standing shoulder to shoulder with our Irish brother and sister pilots. Like professional pilots across the globe, you sacrificed to help your airline navigate the challenges of the global pandemic. With the surge in air travel demand, you have watched as the airline’s profits have increased dramatically. Now, in response to the union’s calls to normalize pilot salaries to account for the increased cost of living, Aer Lingus management has instead chosen to employ whipsaw tactics and threaten legal proceedings. Management’s use of traditional strong-arm tactics such as pressuring pilots to fly when they have declared themselves not fit to do so poses a safety threat. APA has a great deal of experience in dealing with a management team that refuses to recognize the value its pilot group provides. We stand ready to share our knowledge and experience with you and provide whatever assistance we can to support your efforts to successfully conclude your negotiations. It is in the best interests of all professional pilots, and the passengers we carry, to work cooperatively to elevate our profession and enhance the margin of safety whenever possible. We are here for you. In Unity, Captain Ed Sicher President, Allied Pilots Association
President Public News

APA News Digest: June 21, 2024

APA News Digest June 21, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... APA President Hosts National Town Hall APFA Tells Members to “Prepare for an Upcoming Strike” “Professional and Moral Obligation to Protect You” APA Medical Minute – FAA Form 8500-8 Safety Committee: Broken Tow Bars are Dangerous and Costly Contract Compliance Committee: Contract Training Offered in MIA on July 11 Hotel Committee: How to Look Up an Open Time Hotel Assignment Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class APA and Staff Union Ink New Contract Domicile Events Domicile Elections Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars APA President Hosts National Town Hall On June 19, APA President CA Ed Sicher hosted a national telephone town hall meeting, with the bulk of the town hall devoted to a question-and-answer session with participating pilots. APA Vice President CA Chris Torres, Safety Committee Chair CA Todd Wissing, Strategic Planning Committee Chair FO Scott Yancy, and Director of Benefits Marcy Scott were also on hand. Among the topics they addressed: The status of The Line forums, with CA Sicher detailing the reasons for the suspension and expressing support for restoring the fleet forums. The APA Strategic Plan, with FO Yancy providing an update on plan implementation. The state of American Airlines, with CA Sicher enumerating management’s shortfalls — including its continued focus on short-haul domestic flying while outsourcing more and more long-haul international flying — and reiterating calls for a timely course correction. APA’s safety-related concerns, with CA Wissing detailing management’s handling of ferry flights of non-airworthy aircraft. The ALPA card drive, with CA Sicher and Ms. Scott addressing some of the risks of a decertification vote, including the eventual cessation of APA’s supplemental benefits plans if APA is decertified as the bargaining agent for American Airlines’ pilots. You may listen to a recording of the entire town hall here . Also, in response to reports from some pilots that they weren’t contacted before the town hall began, we have followed up with Telephone Town Hall Meeting, the vendor that assists APA with these events. The vendor is taking steps to ensure that our town hall caller ID, 817-302-2171, is not tagged as spam to ensure pilots receive the call to connect. (Keep in mind you always have the option of connecting to town halls via the toll-free number we provide beforehand, as well as through the link we post to the member home page.) Thanks to the more than 3,000 pilots who participated in the town hall. APFA Tells Members to “Prepare for an Upcoming Strike” On June 20, the Association of Professional Flight Attendants’ negotiating committee announced that “weeks of intensive negotiation ended without an agreement” and advised APFA members “to prepare for an upcoming strike.” The announcement also indicated that “we do not believe further negotiations will be scheduled prior to the National Mediation Board determining to release the parties into a thirty-day cooling-off period.” APA President CA Ed Sicher will meet with APFA President Julie Hedrick next week to discuss how best to deploy APA’s resources in support of the flight attendants, and we will remain in close contact with APFA leadership throughout this crucial period to ensure effective, ongoing support. Based on our own protracted Section 6 negotiations, management intransigence is the obvious culprit for the predicament American Airlines now finds itself in just as the peak summer travel period gets underway. We look forward to seeing how management chooses to respond. If the NMB declares a 30-day cooling-off period, it would have an adverse impact on the airline’s bottom line as passengers take their business elsewhere to avoid the risk of any disruption in their travel plans, while a strike by the flight attendants would be tremendously costly for American Airlines. A negotiated solution is always the preferred outcome in Section 6, and we therefore urge management to rethink its approach to bargaining with the APFA before it’s too late. “Professional and Moral Obligation to Protect You” When Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun testified before a Senate subcommittee on Tuesday, APA spokesman CA Dennis Tajer was in the room, as were APA Government Affairs Committee members CA Tim Knutson and CA Jan Paladino. The hearing was also attended by relatives of many of the people who died in the MAX crashes in Ethiopia and Indonesia. Here is a sampling of articles published after the hearing: Associated Press: “ Relatives of people killed in 2 Boeing MAX crashes ask the U.S. to fine the company $24.8 billion ” CNN: “ Boeing chief admits the company has retaliated against whistleblowers ” The Hill: “ Senators grill Boeing CEO on whistleblower retaliation, ‘broken’ safety culture ” Reuters: “ Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun blasted in U.S. Senate hearing while apologizing for safety woes ” In advance of Mr. Calhoun’s testimony, CA Tajer spoke to NewsNation on Tuesday: “Frankly, I’ve got to just say it: Boeing, shut up, build a safe, reliable airplane, and we’ll fly it, and people will feel safe being on it. But today, that’s just not the case.” On Wednesday, CA Tajer appeared on the Morning on Merit Street program. He assured that show’s hosts and viewers that professional pilots will make up for Boeing’s failings: “We’ve got this, and we have a professional and moral obligation to protect you from all adversaries when it comes to safety. We will do that, no matter what, so you’re going to be safe out there.” APA Medical Minute – FAA Form 8500-8 In the latest edition of the APA Medical Minute , APA Medical Advisor Cassie Bien reviews what pilots need to keep in mind when filling out FAA Form 8500-8 – Application for Airman Medical Certificate or Airman Medical height: 0.5px; background-color: darkgray; overflow: visible; border-width: 1px 0px 0px; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: initial; border-left-style: initial; border-right-color: initial; border-bottom-color: initial; border-left-color: initial; border-image: initial; border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); box-sizing: border-box;" fr-original-style="margin: 20px 0 30px 0;height: 0.5px;background-color: darkgray;"> Broken Tow Bars are Dangerous and Costly This is a new message from the APA Safety Committee. American Airlines has experienced a rash of broken tow bars over the past 24 months, so the APA Safety Committee is collaborating with the Transport Workers Union to reduce these occurrences. CA Gavin Tade of APA Safety Operations has participated in “ramp rides” with our Fleet Service colleagues as part of the Ground Operation Safety Improvement (GOSI) program. Broken tow bars cause millions of dollars’ worth of damage to aircraft and other equipment. They also delay flights and endanger our teammates on the ramp. Please comply with all standard operating procedures on the ground, and be cognizant of the ground safety briefing before aircraft pushback. Contract Training Offered in MIA on July 11 This is a new message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. The Contract Compliance Committee wants to do everything we can to ensure that all APA members are well acquainted with the 2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Join us on July 11 in MIA for a full day of training on the new CBA. This session will include a preview of the Electronic Communication System and the Reserve Assignment System, which are both scheduled to go live on Aug. 31. This training will be conducted in hybrid fashion, with members welcome to participate in person at Dave margin-bottom: 1rem; box-sizing: border-box;"> Contract training on July 11: Click here to RSVP for in-person attendance . Contract training on July 11 via Zoom: Click here to register . Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Electronic Document Index before attending training. You must be logged in to for the links to be accessible. This index connects you to a vast array of APA documents that we will reference. It is equally useful in the daily operation as a line pilot, so we recommend you bookmark the index for future reference. During training, it may be helpful to have two screens—one to run Zoom, and one to reference these documents. Help us help you! The Contract Compliance Committee’s goal is for you—the membership—to be informed, educated, and knowledgeable. Every single pilot should strive to be a contract expert or, at the very least, strive for continued learning and engagement. Knowledge is power, and it will assist you in employing and being a watchdog of your negotiated work rules. How to Look Up an Open Time Hotel Assignment This is a repeated message from the APA Hotel Committee. Have you ever thought about picking up a trip in open time but wanted to confirm the hotel assignment first? This is easy to do in the new mobileCCI app. Open mobileCCI and click on the “Search” function at the bottom right corner (1). Select the “Input Required” command (2). Select “CREW HOTEL LIMO INFO” (3). You will be prompted for the flight number, date, departure station, and arrival station of the layover you are looking up. Once you input this information, click “View” at the top right corner to display the Crew Hotel Limo information (4). For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since June 3, the cabin interphone on A319 aircraft 801 has been written up 12 times, been on MEL three times, and been out of service eight times. It was most recently signed off on June 16. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On June 19, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Adam Belt, Wayne Bushmaker, Jeffrey Caouette, Taylor Carlisle, Steven Cates, Scott Elrod, Harold Johny, Timothy Larson, Emmanuel Lindsay, Robert Marsh, Jacob Muraski, Thomas Pappas, Samuel Schoolfield, and Andy Yin. APA and Staff Union Ink New Contract On Thursday, APA President CA Ed Sicher and Allied Pilots Staff Employees Association President Kathy Lazenby signed a new four-year contract, which the members of the bargaining unit recently voted to approve. The new contract includes pay rate increases and other enhancements for APA’s non-exempt staff employees. Domicile Events Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: BOS: Town Hall Meeting with LGA and PHL on July 23 ; Boston Red Sox game on Aug. 23 CLT: Retirement Party on Sept. 21 DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 ; Retirement Party on Nov. 9 LAX: San Diego Lunch on July 9 ; Thousand Oaks Lunch on July 10 ; Dana Point Lunch on July 11 ; Temecula Lunch on July 17 LGA: Town Hall Meeting with BOS and PHL on July 23 ; New York Mets game on Sept. 2 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 26 MIA: Contract Compliance Training on July 11 ; IMAX Training on Aug. 29 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 14 PHL: Town Hall Meeting with BOS and LGA on July 23 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 19 Domicile Elections Pilots based at CLT, LGA, and MIA will elect a Chair and Vice Chair to represent each domicile for terms that will begin on Nov. 1. As of 1500 Central today, these pilots were officially seeking nomination: CLT Chair: CA Heather Boulanger, CA Erik DeWinne, CA Casey Granger CLT Vice Chair: CA Heather Boulanger, CA Casey Granger LGA Chair: CA Lawrence Cutler LGA Vice Chair: CA Jim Scanlan MIA Chair: none MIA Vice Chair: CA Ken Wells The electronic submission for nomination process will close at 0001 Central on June 28. For more information, visit the Elections page on Week in Review Here are some recent messages you may have missed. Communications Committee: A Message From Former APA President CA Lloyd Hill Information Technology Steering Committee: APA Calendar Sync Available for Testing Membership Committee: Potential APA Members Secretary-Treasurer: Membership Approves Amendments to APA Constitution and Bylaws  Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (1) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (3) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (4) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs How do we add and who selects committee members? The Domicile Officers are responsible for determining the number of and selecting the candidates for the domicile Professional Standards Committees. Typical volunteers possess qualities such as maturity, empathy, peer respect, tact, and strict adherence to standard operating procedures and protocols. The APA President selects the National Committee members from an approved list of recommended candidates. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

APA News Digest: June 14, 2024

APA News Digest June 14, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... National Town Hall Meeting on June 19 Membership Referendum Closes on June 19 “Let Me Check What You Just Checked” APA Medical Minute – Testosterone Replacement Therapy Contract Compliance Committee: APA Contract Minute – Expense Reimbursement for Reserves Hotel Committee: Watch Your Bags! Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class Membership Committee: Congratulations to Newly Upgraded Captains Membership Committee: Gone West We Remember TWA Flight 847 Domicile Events Domicile Elections Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars National Town Hall Meeting on June 19 APA President CA Ed Sicher will host a national town hall on Wednesday, June 19, beginning at 1600 Central. The meeting agenda will include discussion of the following: The status of The Line forums APA’s strategic plan The state of American Airlines The ALPA card drive The bulk of the agenda will be dedicated to a question-and-answer session with participating members. A few minutes before the town hall begins, all members in good standing will receive a call from Telephone Town Hall Meeting, the vendor that assists APA with its town halls. The phone number that will appear in your caller ID is 817-302-2171. We recommend adding this number to your contacts. For members unable to answer the outbound call, we will provide a toll-free call-back number and a web link. We look forward to updating you and providing answers to your questions. Membership Referendum Closes on June 19 The APA Board of Directors recently approved  R2024-12 Rev 1 , “BOD Term Length and Limits,” which calls for modifying the term length and limits for Domicile Officers in Article VI, Section 4 of the APA Constitution and Bylaws. Per Article XIV of the C box-sizing: border-box;">Under the existing provisions, Domicile Officers serve two-year terms, and are permitted a maximum of four terms totaling eight cumulative years. R2024-12 Rev 1 proposes increasing term length to three years to provide greater continuity of representation, while in turn prospectively decreasing term limits to two consecutive terms for a total of six consecutive years (aligned with term limits for National Officers and National Committee Chairs). With the increase in term length, all term cycles would eventually begin in November of the respective election category year to reduce turnover on the Board of Directors. A  YES vote will increase Domicile Officer term length from two to three years effective with the November 2024 elections and reduce term limits prospectively from four to two consecutive terms, with all terms eventually beginning in November of the respective election category year. A  NO vote will maintain the current term lengths, limits, and term start months. The voting window will close at 1200 Central on June 19. You may access the voting tool via . “Let Me Check What You Just Checked” APA spokesman CA Dennis Tajer talked to Wisconsin Public Radio this week about what turbulence looks like from a pilot’s perspective. “The aircraft are designed in a way to endure turbulence that is beyond your wildest imagination,” he said. “We’ve got a lot more going for us nowadays with technology, but the most critical piece of technology is that seat belt connected to you. If the airplane can handle it, and you’re attached to the airplane, it’s going to be unnerving, but you’re going to come out of it unharmed and maybe just have a story to tell versus a hospital visit.” When the host asked him about wear and tear on older planes, CA Tajer seized the opportunity to highlight APA’s concerns about foreign maintenance stations. “You can’t just fly an airplane for several decades and do a quick check. They do have heavier checks. Those checks are often done offshore,” he said. “It’s another thing we’re fighting for, to bring that back home, do the detailed checks with good oversight – not just delegated review by the Federal Aviation Administration, but the FAA actually being there and saying, ‘Now, let me check what you just checked.’” APA Medical Minute – Testosterone Replacement Therapy In the latest edition of the APA Medical Minute , Medical Advisor Christopher Ryan discusses what to keep in mind if you’re considering testosterone replacement therapy. APA Contract Minute – Expense Reimbursement for Reserves This is a new message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. CA Jason Saxer is back with a new edition of the APA Contract Minute . This time around, CA Saxer discusses provisions governing expense reimbursements for reserve pilots. Watch Your Bags! This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee. Recently, a pilot staying at a hotel in Europe walked several feet away from his bags as he approached the check-in desk. He was at the desk for only a minute or two, but that was enough time for someone to grab his bags and run out of the hotel. He lost his personal belongings, his company iPad, and his passport. Please maintain positive control of your bags until you are in your hotel room, as this is not the first time this has happened. We also recommend that you do not leave your bags on a shuttle. Another pilot recently put his bag on a shuttle and then went back inside the hotel to grab a coffee. When he returned to the shuttle, the bag was gone. We hope that you never find yourself in this situation; however, if you do, please file a Hotel Security Debrief so AA can follow up with the hotel or the transportation company. We can ask the hotel to pull the security tapes; however, they are typically not able to identify the person who stole the belongings. Please stay close to your bags, and don’t let your guard down. For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since April 24, A321 aircraft 920 has been written up seven times and been out of service six times for a right engine stall message. It was most recently signed off on June 11. Since April 27, A319 aircraft 752 ’s left engine FADEC has been written nine up nine times and been on MEL and out of service four times. At the time of this writing, it remained on MEL. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On June 12, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Craig Augustino, George Bean Jr., Christopher Boylan, Jeffrey Copeland, Richard Goodlett, Edmund Guerrero Jr., Theodore Hasse, Michael Lackovic, James Mackey, Kevin McCunney, Nancy McMath, Beau Nicewanner, James O’Connell, Sean O’Rourke, Paul Rades, Christopher Robb, Erich Roeder, Andrew Taylor, Ian Toogood, Timothy Wadsworth, Joshua Williams, Brandon Witzel, and Joshua Yoder. Congratulations to Newly Upgraded Captains This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. We would like to recognize and congratulate the following pilots who upgraded to captain in May. They are listed by their post-upgrade base and equipment. BOS 737: Charles Coppa and Janelle Setta CLT 737: Robert Banks, Erik Breault, Ciro Capasso, Matthew Costa, Eric Darwin, Richard Goodlett, Samuel Heda, David Hegedus Jr., Brandon McIntire, Jacob Muraski, Nathaniel Terry, and Tim Wadsworth CLT 320: Rudy Foskuhl and Robert Martin DCA 737: Nicholas Osburn and Andrea Themely DFW 777: Alex Durr, Michael Galante, Kim Grummitt, and Arno Knapen DFW 787: Jennifer Palmer and Robert Stack DFW 737: Kenneth Bach, Richard Blagg Jr., Jeffrey Copeland, Christopher DeLong, Michael Doyle, Jeffrey Fitzgerald, Colin Hendershot, Denver Hill, Andre Leyakatalie, Michael O’Dea, Kareem Omar, Mircea Pamfil, Casey Ronayne, Adam Shepherd, James Spencer, Shad Vinson, and Elisha Walker IV DFW 320: Steven Cates, Korry Hamman, Emmanuel Lindsay, Robert Marsh, Joseph McBrearty, Chad Nedved, Christopher Tredemeyer, Miriam Williams, and Brandon Witzel LAX 737: Jeffrey Caouette, Taylor De Ley, Edmund Guerrero Jr., Brian Horeczko, Vincent Jordan, Antoine Morrison, and Victor Stoeckmann LGA 737: Zachary Balas, Matthew Creed, Michael Redmon Jr., and Natalia Tiunova MIA 777: Christine Rupert MIA 737: Todd Eysenbach, Edward Kelley, Juan Melendez, and Paul Murdock MIA 320: Thomas Pappas ORD 737: Keith Allison, Wayne Bushmaker, Stephen Farlow, Geoffrey Haw, Joseph Lanera, Brian Lietzke, Joseph Miklasz, and Kyle Morris PHL 737: Christopher Humphries PHX 320: Brett Cavitt Gone West This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. We extend our deepest sympathies to the loved ones of these pilots, whose deaths we learned of in April and May: Michael Taylor, 68, on Nov. 11; Roger Price, 86, on Dec. 11; Ralph Soderburg, 82, on Jan. 23; Jim Myrick, 100, on Jan. 25; Al Andersen, 90, on Feb. 13; Bob Block, 87, on Feb. 25; Ron Anders, 87, on March 4; Don Fletcher, 88, on March 7; Harvey Vance, 79, on March 8; Vern Brown, 86, on March 15; Dick Walker, 75, on March 21; George Gaughran, 86, on March 27; Albert “Spike” Nunn, 85, on March 28; Steve Stevenson, 92, on March 28; Don Kreppein, 87, on April 1; Steve Bristow, 75, on April 1; Sidney “King” Graham, 86, on April 4; Jim Michaels, 93, on April 6; Jack Mihalo, 91, on April 12; James Frawley, 67, on April 13; Victor O’Bryan, 88, on April 15; Jim Rizor, 90, on April 16; Gary Hagstrom, 79, on April 17; Bill Randle, 87, on April 17; Mark Mata, 67, on April 18; Roger Misgen, 92, on April 19; Bill Piper, 91, on April 19; Roy Johnson, 74, on April 22; Al Robinson, 92, on April 22; Terry Martin, 86, on April 26; Burke Schlott, 83, on April 26; Bob Cook, 79, on May 2; Bob Harris, 87, on May 2; Darrell “DB” Chandler, 85, on May 4; Mike Pifer, 69, on May 8; Tom Boyd, 80, on May 10; Herb Engh, 91, on May 11; and Bob Fullerton, 79, on May 11. We Remember TWA Flight 847 On June 14, 1985, Hezbollah terrorists hijacked Trans World Airlines Flight 847 after takeoff from Athens, Greece with 139 passengers and eight crewmembers on board. The ensuing hostage crisis lasted for 17 days, with the plane landing twice in Algiers and three times in Beruit. The hijackers tortured and murdered U.S. Navy SEAL Robert Stethem, who was a passenger on Flight 847. We mourn the death of Mr. Stethem and honor TWA Captain John Testrake, First Officer Philip Maresca, Flight Engineer Benjamin Zimmerman, Purser Uli Derickson, and Flight Attendants Judy Cox, Hazel Hesp, Elizabeth Howes, and Helen Sheahan, who put themselves in harm’s way to prevent the hijackers from killing more passengers. Domicile Events Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: BOS: Town Hall Meeting with LGA and PHL on July 23 CLT: Retirement Party on Sept. 21 DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Domicile Meeting on June 18 ; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 ; Retirement Party on Nov. 9 LAX: Temecula Lunch on June 19 ; San Diego Lunch on July 9 ; Thousand Oaks Lunch on July 10 ; Dana Point Lunch on July 11 ; Temecula Lunch on July 17 LGA: Town Hall Meeting with BOS and PHL on July 23 ; New York Mets game on Sept. 2 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 26 MIA: Domicile Meeting on June 18 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 14 PHL: Philadelphia Phillies game on June 18 ; Town Hall Meeting with BOS and LGA on July 23 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 19 Also, save the date for these upcoming commuter events: AUS: Gathering at Easy Tiger on June 21 BNA: Nashville Soccer Club game on June 22 ATL: Gathering at Atlanta Golf text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank">June 23 Domicile Elections Pilots based at CLT, LGA, and MIA will elect a Chair and Vice Chair to represent each domicile for terms that will begin on Nov. 1. As of 1500 Central today, these pilots were officially seeking nomination: CLT Chair: CA Casey Granger CLT Vice Chair: CA Casey Granger LGA Chair: none LGA Vice Chair: none MIA Chair: none MIA Vice Chair: CA Ken Wells The electronic submission for nomination process will close at 0001 Central on June 28. For more information, visit the Elections page on Week in Review Here are some recent messages you may have missed. Communications Committee: APA Board of Directors’ Summer Meeting to Begin on July 22 Scheduling Committee: December 2024 Vacancy Bid Scheduling Committee: Attention, August MBE Bidders Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (1) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (3) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (4) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs How long are terms for committee members? There is no set term. Due to the length of time it takes to train and release a volunteer to handle cases individually, we encourage a minimum one-year commitment. The current volunteer longevity average is seven years; some have been volunteering for more than 25 years. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

APA News Digest: June 7, 2024

APA News Digest June 7, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... APA Board of Directors: June 3-4 Special Meeting Highlights, Summer Meeting Set for July APA’s Focus on Professional Development Positive Rate Episode 25: Family Navigation APA Medical Minute – Benefits of a Primary Care Physician Contract Compliance Committee: APA Contract Minute – Deadhead Clarification Flight Time/Duty Time Committee: Be Mindful of Your FDP Limits Family Awareness Committee: Pilot Ensured He Didn’t Miss His Own Party Compass Project Committee: YOUnion 101 on June 12 Hotel Committee: July Bidding Reminders STOP Committee: Flight Attendants to Picket on June 13 Medical Certification Working Group Ad Hoc Committee: Expediting Our Pilots’ Return to Work: How You Can Help Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes New Pilots Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class Domicile Events Domicile Elections Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars APA Board of Directors: June 3-4 Special Meeting Highlights, Summer Meeting Set for July The APA Board of Directors met at union headquarters on June 3-4. Among the actions the Board took during this special meeting: APA’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2025: During discussion of the proposed budget for fiscal year 2025, Secretary-Treasurer FO Pat Clark recounted the motion the Board approved during its spring meeting to allocate funds from the union’s general reserves to the budget. He noted that with the allocation factored in, APA’s reserve balance would remain around the midpoint between the minimum and maximum levels required by policy. Four-Month Member Dues Holiday: The Board approved a motion directing the Secretary-Treasurer to grant the membership a four-month dues holiday “at the soonest possible time in 2024.” DCA Domicile Chair CA Chris Wachter, sponsor of the motion, said that “as fiduciaries, our duty is to use dues money wisely.” He noted the union’s general reserves have grown to a sufficient level to justify returning funds to members, with the dues holiday projected to return at least $15 million. Board Steering Committee Chair FO Jason Gustin characterized it as an example of “doing the members’ work.” Proposed Changes to Domicile Officer Term Length and Limits: The Board approved R2024-12 Rev 1 , “BOD Term Length and Limits,” which calls for modifying the term length and limits for Domicile Officers in Article VI, Section 4 of the APA Constitution and Bylaws. Per Article XIV of the C text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more details and to cast your vote. Preparations for Contract 2027: The Board approved a motion directing the Executive Director, in consultation with the President and Senior Director of Legal Affairs, to begin preparing to supplement existing staff in the Negotiating Department in preparation for Contract 2027. The Negotiating Department expansion is slated to include two additional attorneys, a negotiating coordinator/admin, and an economic and financial analyst. The Line Forums: The Board, National Officers, and APA Legal reviewed the status of The Line and discussed the concerns that resulted in the forum’s recent suspension. The President’s decision to suspend The Line remains in effect, with the Board planning to continue discussing the topic during its summer meeting. The Board will convene its regularly scheduled summer meeting on July 22. The meeting agenda will include a 60-minute Membership however, no individual will be afforded more than 10 minutes, including any questions/ answers by the Board. Members and guests must advise the meeting Chair of their desire to address the Board.” Please email if you wish to address the Board. APA’s Focus on Professional Development CA Clint Early, FO Shay Marchetti, CA Andrea Hoover, and FO Howard Kwon represented APA this week at the Professional Asian Pilots Association Expo in Las Vegas. Ongoing professional development represents a vital element of the APA Strategic Plan and a high priority for your union. APA invests a significant amount of time and effort to ensure the pilots working on the membership’s behalf have the tools they need to be effective. Numerous national committees conduct recurrent training to ensure their members are well versed in current best practices. In particular, the committees and subcommittees charged with handling highly consequential, sensitive situations — including the Professional Standards Committee, the Project Wingman Subcommittee, the Critical Incident Response Program Subcommittee, and the Safety Committee Go Team — undergo regular, rigorous training to ensure their skills stay sharp. The entire APA negotiating team, including the Negotiating Committee and Negotiating Department, receives periodic, in-depth training at Harvard University. Whether a committee focuses on issues with professional or personal implications, or both, we want those volunteers to have what they need to serve you effectively. We’re experiencing a generational shift in our ranks, with a high rate of pilot retirements and a steady influx of new-hire pilots. APA has responded by sharpening its focus on recruiting and mentoring the next generation of pilot leaders, and by expanding its member services. We want to continue fostering great First Officers and Captains! We’re all familiar with the adage about unionism not being a spectator sport. With that in mind, we urge all APA members to consider serving in some capacity during your career as an American Airlines pilot. Each week, the APA News Digest features a link to the Member Engagement Portal and lists all vacancies on national committees and subcommittees. Please review these vacancies to see if there is an opportunity that matches your skills and interests. You may also contact your domicile representatives to explore opportunities to serve at the domicile level. The amount of talent and drive that resides in our pilot group is remarkable. Let’s make the most of it for the good of all concerned with APA and American Airlines. Positive Rate Episode 25: Family Navigation In the latest episode of our “ Positive Rate ” podcast, Communications Committee Deputy Chair FO Melissa Monahan talks with FO Kailey Gonzalez and CA Marc Needham about how the Compass Project Committee’s Family Navigation team helps pilots and their families navigate issues that arise when expecting or adopting and taking family leave. Family Navigation pairs each pilot with a sponsor whose family experience and geographic location align with theirs to help ensure the best match. Each episode of “Positive Rate” features various APA leaders and the subject-matter experts working on the membership’s behalf. The podcast is available through popular streaming services, including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Spotify – you can search for “Positive Rate” or “Allied Pilots Association” on your platform of choice to subscribe and download. Your first opportunity to listen will be via . We welcome your feedback on this format. If you have a question or a comment, please send it to Communications Director Gregg Overman via . APA Medical Minute – Benefits of a Primary Care Physician In the latest edition of the APA Medical Minute , APA Medical Advisors Manager Marsha Reekie addresses the benefits of having a primary care physician, including referrals to specialists as needed and the ability to identify and address family history-related risks such as diabetes and hypertension. APA Contract Minute – Deadhead Clarification This is a new message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. CA Jason Saxer is back with a new edition of the APA Contract Minute . This time around, CA Saxer discusses the deadhead clarification, which requires the company to build all deadheads within the applicable Table B, Table C, or maximum reserve duty period. Be Mindful of Your FDP Limits This is a new message from the APA Flight Time/Duty Time Committee. With the airline operating at a highly strained capacity, the opportunity for Part 117 regulatory issues is increased. While FOS does an excellent job calculating 117 legalities, like any other system, it is only as good as the information it receives for calculation. One area where there is room for error is when the first segment of an FDP is delayed or amended. Once the 10-hour 117.25(e) rest period has commenced (the 10 hours immediately preceding sign-in), this time cannot be changed. TThe FDP must start as planned – even if for only one minute of duty, to indicate a break in the rest period – while having contact with the certificate holder for the purpose of revising the FDP. This will require a manual entry by Crew Scheduling/Crew Tracking indicating a “S/I” time that may be well before the 30 or 60 minutes prior to your revised first segment. This data entry is important because it will cause FOS to “start the clock” on your Table B/C calculation, thus reflecting the proper limits on your FDP. Failure to do so will cause FOS to begin those calculations at 30/60 minutes prior to the first segment rather than at the original start time, likely resulting in an incorrect reference point when calculating FDP limits. We’d also like to use this opportunity to remind our pilots of our responsibilities regarding the REMAIN column of the HI117 document. The HI117 is your best reference for all 117 legalities and can be a useful tool if being “pushed” by the station to try and make your MOT. Remember that FOM 4f.3.1 prohibits departing the gate if any row of the REMAIN column has a negative value. If approaching your MOT, it is helpful to consult your HI117 to ensure you remain FOM-compliant by not establishing an OUT time once any negative REMAIN value is indicated. Please contact your APA Flight Time/Duty Time Committee at if we can be of further assistance. Pilot Ensured He Didn’t Miss His Own Party This is a new message from the APA Family Awareness Committee. CA Kent Krizman and his family Fini Flight is an APA program designed to honor our retiring members. If a pilot chooses to participate, we meet them at the gate after (or sometimes before) their final flight as an American Airlines pilot. We include friends and family, play some music, bring a cake, and make their last flight memorable! CA Kent Krizman was honored on May 3 before Flight 285 left LAX for LIH. He was accompanied by his wife, Marisa, and their sons, Ashton and Raphael. But things didn’t go exactly as planned. The Krizmans were supposed to commute from SFO to LAX on an AA flight that was delayed. To ensure that he didn’t miss his final trip, CA Krizman borrowed a friend’s Cessna Citation and flew his family to LAX in that aircraft. You can see more photos from Fini Flight celebrations in May on APA’s Facebook page . For more information on how to get involved, as an honoree or as a volunteer, email . YOUnion 101 on June 12 This is a repeat message from the APA Compass Project Committee. The Compass Project and APA Vice President CA Chris Torres will host a “YOUnion 101” meeting via Zoom at 1100 Central on June 12. YOUnion 101 is intended to be a “top off” for new hires, to explain the many services APA offers as well as opportunities to become involved in the union. It is designed for new pilots, but it includes information that benefits all members. 1100 Central on Wednesday, June 12 What you and your family should expect from the APA How you can engage and volunteer with the APA Click here to register for the June 12 meeting . July Bidding Reminders This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee. As a reminder, all CDG layovers will be at the airport from July 7 through Sept. 8. Please bid appropriately.  Hotels in the bid packages are not necessarily accurate, as the bid packages are published ahead of the hotel allocations. Your Hotel Committee recommends not bidding solely based on a hotel in the package.  If you were awarded or assigned a TDY for the month of July, you have until 1200 Central on June 13 to tell the company whether you would like a long or short company-assigned hotel room or if you would like to choose the “TDY Hotel Waiver,” which will pay you $2,000 in lieu of a hotel room. You should have received a CCI message today with a link to make your selection. For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. Flight Attendants to Picket on June 13 This is a repeat message from the APA Strike and Tactical Operations Planning Committee. Members of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants will participate in a Worldwide Flight Attendant Day of Action on June 13 at more than 30 airports. If your schedule allows, please stand with our flight attendants on that day. Expediting Our Pilots’ Return to Work: How You Can Help The APA Medical Certification Working Group Ad Hoc Committee sent the following message to all members on Thursday. APA President CA Ed Sicher established the Medical Certification Working Group (MCWG) Ad Hoc Committee in November 2023. CA Greg Price is the committee’s chair, and CA Bill Evans, CA Andre Haith, and CA Michael Phelan are the other members. The committee’s primary mission is to advise and assist the APA Government Affairs Committee with the following: Identifying the issues within the FAA’s Office of Aerospace Medicine (AAM) that cause unnecessary delay and uncertainty for our pilots who have been denied or deferred their First-Class Medical Certificate. Developing, sponsoring, and supporting the passage of legislation and appropriate regulations to facilitate change at AAM and expedite the return-to-work process. The primary issues are a lack of timeliness and transparency within the AAM’s medical certification deferral and denial process. All too often, APA pilots wait six months or longer to receive a decision, and some have waited decades. Obviously, this represents a tremendous financial and emotional burden for affected pilots, and it also creates a reluctance among active pilots to seek medical care, given the difficulties involved in regaining a First-Class Medical Certificate. During the past year, we have seen progress in raising awareness of these issues, and the 2024 FAA Reauthorization Bill includes two sections (sec 411 and 413) that address some of the problems within the medical certification process. That noted, meaningful change will take time. MCWG is committed to ensuring our pilots can be confident they will receive fair treatment when they encounter a medical condition impacting their First-Class Medical Certificate. In support of these efforts, MCWG is asking pilots to provide a summary of the issues they have experienced with the FAA while seeking to regain their First-Class Medical Certificate. Please send your testimonials, or any questions you may have, to . Thank you for supporting our efforts to expedite our pilots’ return to work. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since May 13, A321 aircraft 542 has been written up five times and been out of service four times for nose landing gear not up and locked. Under a special flight permit, a line crew recently flew it with gear down to a maintenance base for repairs. It was most recently signed off on June 7. APA Welcomes New Pilots This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. The APA Membership Committee welcomed the following pilots during a casual dinner on June 4: Ioannis Adamis, Donald Apelo, Alexander Baker, Derrick Block, Andrew Boyd, Sean Claggett, Lucas Coston, Andrew Crispin, Gregory Curtis, George Davis III, Daniel De Souza, Logan Dibiasio, Adam Ediger, Mark Ellis, Benjamin Ernst, Garrison Erwin, Ariel Gonzalez, Justin Grieve, David Gross, Victor Javaux, Patrick Lussier, Jesse McAninch, Kelly McGowan, Michael Milas, Anthony Monaro, Bryan Newbold, Luis Nino, John Nygard, Jacob O’Donnell, Ryan Olish, Justin Paige, Kyle Parker, Lajos Pelikan Jr., Mark Ramos, John Reichert IV, Erik Rheinhart, Kyle Schneider, Hashim Shawa, Jeremy Simmons, Ellis Taylor, Christopher Vander Zanden, Joshua Vincent, Daniel Volk, Gerald Weaver, and Michael Wiedl. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On June 5, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Jon Bepko, Carlos Castro, Rebecca Conger, Taylor De Ley, Christopher DeLong, Michael Galante, Edgar Galvis, Kim Grummitt, Paul Herriott, Denver Hill, Harold Johny, Christopher Liddle, Robert Martin, Jay Coleman O’Donnell, Michael Pauken, Christopher Ramirez, James Spencer, Paul Van Rosmalen, Steven Webb, Kevin Wehrer, and Adam Welch. Domicile Events Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: CLT: Retirement Party on Sept. 21 DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Domicile Meeting on June 18 ; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 ; Retirement Party on Nov. 9 LAX: San Diego lunch on June 11 ; Thousand Oaks lunch on June 12 ; Dana Point lunch on June 13 ; Temecula Lunch on June 19 LGA: New York Mets game on Sept. 2 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 26 MIA: Domicile Meeting on June 18 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 14 PHL: Philadelphia Phillies game on June 18 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 19 Also, save the date for these upcoming commuter events: AUS: Gathering at Easy Tiger on June 21 BNA: Nashville Soccer Club game on June 22 ATL: Gathering at Atlanta Golf text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank">June 23 Domicile Elections Pilots based at CLT, LGA, and MIA will elect a Chair and Vice Chair to represent each domicile for terms that will begin on Nov. 1. The electronic submission for nomination process opened at 0001 Central today, and it will close at 0001 Central on June 28. For more information, visit the Elections page on Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (1) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (3) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (4) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs Can a previous, resolved submission to Professional Standards be referenced in a future action? No. A resolved issue cannot be used to support other disciplinary actions. An agreement exists with management that Professional Standards referrals are never part of an employee’s permanent record. Professional Standards volunteers will never be asked to relate any case information in the employee discipline process. Confidentiality rules apply to management also. Once an issue is released to the Professional Standards program, it is as if management “forgets” the issue ever occurred. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

APA News Digest: May 31, 2024

APA News Digest May 31, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... AA Cuts Profit Forecast, Announces Executive Departure APA Medical Minute – Cardiac Calcium Score Testing Contract Compliance Committee: APA Contract Minute – Overrides Compass Project Committee: Use Papyrus as You Navigate Summer Chaos Compass Project Committee: YOUnion 101 on June 12 Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee: Accident/Incident Hotline Enhanced Via Texts Family Awareness Committee: Make Plans to Join Us at Oshkosh Hotel Committee: TDY Hotel Accommodations STOP Committee: Flight Attendants to Picket on June 13 Government Affairs Committee: Do You Back the PAC? Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes New Pilots Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class Membership Committee: Retirements in March and April Former APA Vice President Retires APA Board of Directors to Convene for Special Meeting on June 3-4 APA Board of Directors’ Summer Meeting to Begin on July 22 Domicile Events Domicile Elections Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars AA Cuts Profit Forecast, Announces Executive Departure On Tuesday, American Airlines cut its second-quarter profit forecast and also announced that Chief Commercial Officer Vasu Raja will leave the company in June. Stephen Johnson, vice chair and chief strategy officer, will assume Mr. Raja’s responsibilities and assist with the search for a new chief commercial officer. The airline’s revised revenue guidance contrasted with projections of record summer travel demand, with the TSA screening 2.95 million airline passengers on May 24 – the highest number ever for a single day. “American’s trailing results are more than just a failed strategy to sell corporate tickets,” Communications Committee member CA Dennis Tajer said in a Forbes interview. “United and Delta have better long-haul international strategies. Vasu wanted a domestic and short-haul international airline and said our partners can take you long-haul. That’s not working.” Wall Street responded by driving the stock down 13.5% by the close of trading on Wednesday, while analysts weighed in on the news: J.P. Morgan: “Whatever reason lies behind the departure of American’s corporate architect, we’re increasingly interested as to whether any accompany[ing] strategic pivots may be forthcoming.” Deutsche Bank: “Over the past several years, American has made some changes to its commercial strategy that many have viewed as aggressive (e.g., removing a sizeable portion of inventory from legacy distribution channels, making significant cuts to its corporate salesforce, and eliminating several corporate and agency programs/perks, among other actions) with the intent of achieving a higher percentage of direct bookings (lowest cost of distribution) and enhancing its direct relationships with its travelers.” Jefferies: “It is clearer now (and in short order) that the strategy has not gone as planned.” Bank of America: “The guidance cut seems to be a combination of both higher domestic competition (competitor fare sales and higher capacity) as well as a loss of corporate share given a de-emphasis post-pandemic.” United Airlines quickly responded to American’s announcement by reaffirming its second-quarter earnings forecast. APA Medical Minute – Cardiac Calcium Score Testing In the second edition of our new APA Medical Minute video series, APA Medical Advisor Kathy Parr addresses the benefits of cardiac calcium score testing, characterizing the procedure as “ a quick, inexpensive way to detect coronary artery disease.” APA Contract Minute – Overrides This is a new message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. CA Jason Saxer is back with a new edition of the APA Contract Minute . This time around, CA Saxer details the changes and additions to overrides in our contract. Use Papyrus as You Navigate Summer Chaos This is a new message from the APA Compass Project Committee. The summer season has already brought inclement weather, delays, and cancellations, and a plethora of other challenges are likely on the horizon. We need to be ready to face these challenges. There is a very useful tool that can be used to find all the information you need to navigate irregular operations, schedule changes, hotel issues, reassignments, and RO, among many other things. This tool is Papyrus. From your mobile device, access Papyrus through the APA Pilot app. Type a few keywords into the search box, and documents containing those keywords will be at your fingertips. With the integrated auto-synchronization, Papyrus ensures that you always have the most up-to-date documents. Best of all, all Papyrus content is available offline! We encourage you to take advantage of this great asset. If you would like to learn more about the different resources available to you, visit the Compass Project page on Please contact our volunteers via email or call 817-302-2401 with any questions you may have. The APA Compass Project is an industry-leading pilot mentoring and support program. Compass offers one-on-one support from experienced line-pilot sponsors, as well as tutorial videos and an extensive database of stage-based documents covering a number of helpful topics that are beneficial to all pilots.  Click here for more information . YOUnion 101 on June 12 This is a new message from the APA Compass Project Committee. The Compass Project and APA Vice President CA Chris Torres will host a “YOUnion 101” meeting via Zoom at 1100 Central on June 12. YOUnion 101 is intended to be a “top off” for new hires, to explain the many services APA offers as well as opportunities to become involved in the union. It is designed for new pilots, but it includes information that benefits all members. 1100 Central on Wednesday, June 12 What you and your family should expect from the APA How you can engage and volunteer with the APA Click here to register for the June 12 meeting . Accident/Incident Hotline Enhanced Via Texts This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee’s Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee. The smoke/odor/fumes extension for APA’s Accident/Incident Hotline has been updated with an automated text reply. The hotline is staffed by volunteers from the Aeromedical Committee, its Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee, and the Safety Committee. These pilots will help guide you through multiple steps for your health and well-being, your crew and passengers’ well-being, the airline’s reporting requirements, and other potential actions relevant to your specific smoke/odor/fumes event. Meanwhile, the automated text reply will send multiple messages to the calling number. These messages include hyperlinks for relevant checklists such as the smoke/odor/fumes medical protocols and the engine run checklist. The volunteer who answered your hotline call is listed, as are relevant union programs such as ASAP and CERS. This will provide quick access to resources you may need while working through a smoke/odor/fumes event. APA’s Accident/Incident Hotline can be reached at 817-302-2154 or 800-323-1470; you should select Option 2 during a smoke/odor/fumes event. For more detailed information on smoke/odor/fumes, please visit the Pilot Occupational Health page on Make Plans to Join Us at Oshkosh This is a new message from the APA Family Awareness Committee. CA Gail Jones was honored with a Fini Flight celebration on May 24. One of our signature annual events, EAA AirVenture Oshkosh , is coming up on July 22-28. Please keep those dates in mind as you bid for your July schedule. Our hospitality area will offer multiple opportunities to enjoy a meal with your fellow pilots, including union leadership. One of the most familiar faces at Oshkosh over the years has been longtime APA volunteer CA Gail Jones, who operated her last flight as an American Airlines pilot last week. FO Shay Marchetti of the Communications Committee authored a tribute to the pilot affectionately known as “Mama G.” Click here to read about CA Jones’ service to APA . TDY Hotel Accommodations This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee. TDY bidding will open next week. All pilots who are awarded or assigned a TDY will receive a CCI message on the 7th of the month to notify them of the TDY for the following month. This CCI message will include a link to the “Pilot Hotel Preference and Waiver Page” where pilots can preference their hotel option. Pilots can select “Airport/Short,” “Downtown/Long,” or “TDY Hotel Waiver,” which pays the TDY pilot $2,000 in lieu of a company-provided hotel room. This selection needs to be completed by 1200 Central on the 13th of the month prior to the TDY. AA is not able to wait until after PBS awards are published to make hotel assignments because allocations need to be accomplished prior to that point. If a pilot is awarded a TDY in a co-terminal location (i.e., JFK, LGA, EWR) the Flight Admin team will attempt to reach out to the pilot after the 18th to determine the most suitable option. APA’s PBS 3XP is a great tool to determine what kind of line or reserve schedule your seniority can hold in a particular bid status and can help you determine which hotel option is the best choice for you. If you bid for a TDY or are junior in a bid status with TDYs being offered, watch for a TDY assignment notification message in CCI on the 7th so you can properly preference for a hotel. For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. Flight Attendants to Picket on June 13 This is a new message from the APA Strike and Tactical Operations Planning Committee. The members of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants will participate in a Worldwide Flight Attendant Day of Action on June 13 at more than 30 airports. If your schedule allows, please stand with our flight attendants on that day. Do You Back the PAC? This is an updated message from the APA Government Affairs Committee. Your Government Affairs Committee maintains a constant presence in Washington, D.C., so we can talk to members of Congress about our legislative priorities . We are able to have direct access to members of Congress thanks to your voluntary contributions to the APA Political Action Committee. Last month, 6,140 pilots contributed to the APA PAC . That number represented 38.5 percent of APA’s active members. Click the image below for a closer look at each domicile’s PAC contribution rates in February, March, and April. Our Political Action Committee would be extremely well-funded if every APA member contributed as if his or her career depended on it – because it does. Click here to back the PAC . Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since April 17, B737 aircraft 3BK has been written up seven times for the right engine thrust reverser and has been out of service three times. At the time of this writing, it remained on MEL. Since May 3, B737 aircraft 3FB has been written up six times for anti-skid, has been on MEL twice, and has been out of service four times. It was most recently signed off on May 26. Since May 5, B737 aircraft 3AL has been written up seven times for an airspeed disagree and has been out of service five times. It was most recently signed off on May 26. Since May 16, A321 aircraft 903 has been written up seven times for right engine bleed air and has been out of service five times. It was most recently signed off on May 26. APA Welcomes New Pilots This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. The APA Membership Committee welcomed the following pilots during a casual dinner on May 28: Jeremy Ackerman, Marco Antolini, Preston Bolan, Brad Boudreaux, William Burns, Aneesh Chegudi John, Marina Chesnokova, Jacob Coffey, Kevin Cronau, Luke Cvancara, Guilherme Dannemann, Joel De Gainza, Nicholas Emery, David Fechtel Jr., Lionel Fernandez Rodriguez, Bradley Field, Carlos Gallo, Patrick Geiger, Kyle Gentry, James Hunt, Javier Idarraga Zuluaga, Ian Johansen, Ryan Johnson, Andrew Johnson, David Kee Jr., Wesley Krahn, Taras Kuleba, Zachary McDowell, John Moran, Felipe Morejon, Matthew Naegele, Phillip Oppenheim, Oscar Patin, Curtis Patterson, Christopher Puckett, Martin Rechberger, Andrew Reuther, Jay Ryan Robinson, Dereck Rogers, Clive Rudd Fernandez, Duncan Sanders, Karl Savacool, Michael Schreiner, Justin Spears, Juan Tamariz, Tanner Thomas, and Daniel Yates. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On May 29, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Bobby Bayani, Michael Catherman, Jonathan Coker, Jose Davila Jr., Ricardo De Magalhaes Valmorbida, Arsh Dhillon, Edgar Galvis, Steven Hatcher, Kristoffer Heimberger, Ryan Kassik, Matthew Laakso, Shawn Lewis, Alfred Maldonado, Kevin Marshall, Eric Metcalf, Brandon Mongan, Marcos Nicolaidis, Tyler Olson, Pablo Paucar, Alfonso Restrepo, Oscar Roque, Austin Van Hise, Nitin Verma, and Austin Wood. Retirements in March and April This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. We would like to recognize and congratulate these pilots who retired in March and April. BOS: CA Robert Blake, CA Theodore Cutler, CA Michael Kastrinelis, FO James Myers, CA James O’Loughlin, and CA James Pavlik CLT: CA Dennis Anderson, FO Kenneth Bonnell, FO Mark Brown, CA Bryan Cranford, CA Garry Foster, CA Stephen Gallant, CA Bryan Ison, CA Glenn Lebby, CA Mike Loy, CA Thomas McGuirk, CA Paul Myers, CA Raymond Myles, CA Robert Reifschneider, CA Jeffrey Reisenfeld, CA Eric Rodin, CA Hans Scott, and CA Janet Zweber DCA: CA Peter Bouck, CA John Fox, CA Kenneth Pollock, and CA Timothy Robbins DFW: CA Patricia Andrews, CA Dana Avery, CA Matthew Baker, FO William Binger, CA Thomas Blake, FO Marc Borkowski, FO Brian Brown, CA Kevin Buckrucker, FO Philip Chesworth, CA John Coleman, CA Mark Cook, CA Mark Curtiss, CA Jay Darling, CA Andrew Engelke, CA Steve George, CA William Harris, CA John Johnson, CA Jon Kelk, CA Kevin Little, FO Martin Mack, CA John Middleton, FO Mark Nasworthy, FO Robert Paulson, FO Mark Pugnale, FO Marc Russick, CA Kevin Sawchuk, FO Raymond Scott, CA Richard Thompson, and CA Susan Twitchell LAX: CA Mark Clark, CA Curtis Fairchild, CA Steven Johnson, CA David Kelsberg, CA Keith Kunert, CA Erik Nielsen, CA Richard Norris, FO Lee Olivas, CA Robert Saylor, and CA Gary Taylor LGA: CA Gerard Biasi, FO Steven Bort, CA Dana Darby, CA Andy Doyle, CA John Gorton, FO Peter Griffin, CA Ed Jasiewicz, CA Robert Johnson, FO Richard Joslyn, CA Dale Lind, CA Henry Riess, CA Tor Salbu, CA John Shegda, CA Karl Tower, CA Jonathan Towner, and CA Derek Williamson MIA: CA Jose Blanco, CA Kevin Burns, CA Jay Cary, CA Norbert Cedler, FO Craig Czajka, CA Dennis Dobkin, CA Larry Edwards, FO Alexander Escola, CA George Gillespie, FO Andre Guillemot, CA Terence Higdon, CA Nicolas Jones, CA Kimberly Kenny, CA Bruce Leiseth, CA Rick Mattson, CA Brian Mueller, FO Timothy Popiel, FO David Purtle, CA Leonard Robinson, CA Brian Teigen, CA Glen Thompson, and CA Edward Youngling ORD: CA William Abbey, FO Dale Banghart, FO Raymond Blust, CA John Fitzgerald, FO David Gilbert, FO Peter Kent, CA Frederick Krupp, FO Brent McGregor, CA Marlyn Moen, CA Greg O’Brien, CA Mark Orbell, CA John Roser, CA James Sisson, FO Paul Strickland, and CA Frank Treece PHL: CA Don Day, FO Daniel Holmes, CA David Kinney, CA Lavern Meyer, CA Philip Reinford, and FO Paul Schneider PHX: CA Steven Doss, FO Neil Gundelach, CA Anthony Holden, CA Merle Ledbetter, and CA Steven Stienstra Former APA Vice President Retires Former APA Vice President CA Patrick “Herman” O’Rourke flew as an American Airlines pilot for the final time this week. His family gathered at DFW on Sunday for a Fini Flight celebration after Flight 1521 arrived from STS. Before serving as vice president from 2019 to 2022, CA O’Rourke was a two-time member of the Negotiating Committee. He also served on the Communications Committee between his two stints as a negotiator. APA Board of Directors to Convene for Special Meeting on June 3-4 The APA Board of Directors will convene at union headquarters for a special meeting on June 3-4. You may view the meeting agenda here . APA Board of Directors’ Summer Meeting to Begin on July 22 The APA Board of Directors will convene at union headquarters in Fort Worth for its regularly scheduled summer meeting on July 22. The meeting agenda will include a 60-minute Membership however, no individual will be afforded more than 10 minutes, including any questions/ answers by the Board. Members and guests must advise the meeting Chair of their desire to address the Board.” Please email if you wish to address the Board. Domicile Events ORD-based American and United pilots and their families gathered at Galt Airport in Illinois last Saturday for an annual pancake breakfast. Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: CLT: Retirement Party on Sept. 21 DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Domicile Meeting on June 18 ; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 ; Retirement Party on Nov. 9 LAX: San Diego lunch on June 11 ; Thousand Oaks lunch on June 12 ; Dana Point lunch on June 13 LGA: New York Mets game on Sept. 2 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 26 MIA: Domicile Meeting on June 18 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 14 PHL: Philadelphia Phillies game on June 18 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 19 Also, save the date for these upcoming commuter events, details to follow soon: AUS: June 21 at 1800 Central BNA: June 22 at 1930 Central ATL: June 23 at 1400 Eastern Domicile Elections Pilots based at CLT, LGA, and MIA will elect a Chair and Vice Chair to represent each domicile for two-year terms that will begin on Nov. 1. The electronic submission for nomination process will open at 0001 Central on June 7, and it will close at 0001 Central on June 28. For more information, visit the Elections page on Week in Review Here are some recent messages you may have missed. Communications Committee: Extended Wait Times for APA Contract Administration Joint Implementation Action Committee: Market Based Cash Balance Plan Update – Plan Design President: Resumption of Service to Port-au-Prince, Haiti (PAP) on May 30 President: Memorial Day 2024 Secretary-Treasurer: APA Agency Fee Policy for Fiscal 2025 Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (1) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (3) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (4) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs Since the program is voluntary, can a person choose not to participate? The Professional Standards program is completely voluntary. If you are approached by a committee volunteer, it is your choice whether to participate. However, please remember the choice to not participate may lead to the company resolving the issue at their sole discretion. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

Resumption of Service to Port-au-Prince, Haiti (PAP) on May 30

Resumption of Service to Port-au-Prince, Haiti (PAP) on May 30 APA Pilots, I chose to fly the first flight (AA819) back to Port-au-Prince, Haiti (PAP) today after a long hiatus due to civil unrest. My objectives were to observe firsthand what our crews can expect to encounter, verify that the security protocols and precautions in place are sufficient, and gauge whether it is reasonably safe. I would never condone flying to a location unless I’m personally comfortable doing so. PAP reopened to commercial air traffic on May 17, with Haitian national carrier Sunrise Airways operating since May 20 without incident. U.S. authorities have also operated more than 50 charter and cargo flights into and out of PAP during the past three weeks, also without incident. Still, I didn’t consider those facts alone to be adequate assurance that a U.S. flag-carrying airline can operate safely there. American Airlines Corporate Security – in concert with the U.S. State Department and the U.S. military – has enacted a series of security measures in preparation for the resumption of service. Crews flying to Haiti will likely notice a heightened security presence at the airport, including new guard towers along the northern perimeter wall, the presence of the U.S. military on the eastern side of the field (which continues operating several C-17 flights daily in and out of PAP), and the destruction of many squatter houses along the northern perimeter where gangs had taken up residence. U.S. security forces are aiding the Haitian National Police to secure the perimeter and ensure the roads between Port-au-Prince and the airport are safe. Meanwhile, the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince has a Regional Security Office located near the airport and has expedited the deployment of the United Nations-authorized Multinational Security Support mission, which is located on the east side of the airfield. Many of the personnel are former U.S. Special Operations Forces members. I personally worked with some of these same individuals when I served in the military and participated in counter-narcotics operations in the Caribbean and consider them much more trustworthy than the Haitian National Police. I have emphasized that we must collectively do everything in our power to avoid stranding crews in Haiti. American Airlines has established contingency plans addressing maintenance issues, OAL transport, rescue flights, and as a last resort, secure transportation in armored vehicles to secure lodging where the U.S. military and UN forces stay. American Airlines Corporate Security has involved APA in the decision to resume PAP service and has taken what I consider to be responsible precautions to safeguard our crews. However, please remember that the situation in Haiti remains volatile and can change rapidly. I cannot overstate the need for constant vigilance. For those of you who will be operating MIA-PAP-MIA in the coming days and weeks – and I plan to return there soon – stay focused and alert. If it doesn’t appear safe, it probably isn’t! APA will continue to monitor the situation daily and inform you if conditions deteriorate. Your union always places your safety first . As your APA National Officers and Board of Directors have demonstrated many times in the past, when we deem a destination to be unsuitable for safe and secure operations, we won’t hesitate to recommend halting operations. We have demonstrated this in locations such as China, Venezuela, and most recently Israel, when we directed our pilots to decline the assignment due to my concerns with regional security. Please continue to fly safe and thank you for your continued professionalism and feedback. In Unity, CA Ed Sicher President Allied Pilots Association
President Public News

APA News Digest: May 24, 2024

APA News Digest May 24, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... APA Responds to Management’s Violation of 19.C.1 Positive Rate Episode 24: Professional Standards Committee APA Medical Minute – VA Disability Benefits Meet Dr. Ed Miles, APA Pilot Assistance Manager Wolfe Research Hosts APA President at Conference Project Wingman Subcommittee: Project Wingman – Here For You Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee: Jumpseat/Deadhead/Non-Revenue Travel Debrief: One Form, Three Purposes Contract Compliance Committee: APA Contract Minute – Sit Time Hotel Committee: Relocations for CDG Olympic Games Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes New Pilots Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class APA Holiday Schedule Domicile Events Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars APA Responds to Management’s Violation of 19.C.1 On Wednesday, American Airlines management issued new guidance for weight-restricted flights allowing a Captain to coordinate with dispatch to consider taxi fuel burn in order to accommodate cabin jumpseat occupants as well as flight deck jumpseat occupants. In a membership update issued shortly thereafter, your APA leadership emphasized that this guidance is not compliant with Section 19.C.1 of our Collective Bargaining Agreement, advising Captains to continue to follow the language in Section 19.C.1 to accommodate a flight deck jumnpseat occupant on a weight-restricted flight. In its follow-up message , the APA Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee providing this new checklist for Captains with a weight-restricted TPS: Upon initial check-in, advise  gate agent to ensure all jumpseat eligible pilots are listed and checked in for the flight. Advise  dispatch , “I am able to accommodate Flight Deck Jumpseat occupant(s).” Advise  gate agent , either in person or using jetbridge phone, how many jumpseaters may be accommodated as soon as possible during the boarding process, and to board them at 15 minutes prior to departure. Inform gate agents that you cannot arrange to burn taxi fuel to accommodate any cabin jumpseat occupants.  In no case should a cabin jumpseat occupant be accommodated by 19.C.1 provisions or procedures . If the adjustment to the weight restriction is used to issue “X” (cabin jumpseat) instead of all “W” (flight deck jumpseat, including FDJ AA, FDJ AE and D6UJ) occupants, APA directs Captains to advise  dispatch and  gate agent , “I am not able to accommodate cabin jumpseaters using the applicable taxi fuel provisions. These contractual provisions only apply to accommodation of flight deck jumpseaters. I am able to accommodate the flight deck jumpseater(s).” As with all flights, whenever possible at D-20, “take the walk” to ensure any jumpseaters will be accommodated. Priority for flight deck jumpseat occupants will be per FOM table 3s.5, and D1W/D2W, in JRS list order, will be accommodated before FDJ AA D1/D2, FDJ AE (after all FDJ AA) and OAL CASS approved D6, who will be accommodated in priority list order. APA President CA Ed Sicher promptly filed a Presidential Grievance and in a subsequent message to the membership , he advised Captains to “remember you are in control of your jets. Wheels don’t turn until you say so, and jumpseaters don’t board unless you permit them. Don’t mission-hack or let your desire to keep the operation moving allow management to chip away at our hard-fought gains. We have a contract. We can only demand that management honor that contract if we stand firm in honoring it as well. Showing unity and resolve towards this blatant disregard for our contract will ensure it doesn’t happen again.” Positive Rate Episode 24: Professional Standards Committee In the latest episode of our “ Positive Rate ” podcast, Communications Committee Deputy Chair FO Melissa Monahan talks with CA Pat McGinn, who chairs the Professional Standards Committee. CA McGinn details how his committee promotes the highest levels of professionalism, undertakes conflict resolution with every organized work group our pilots interact with while performing their duties, and what to expect when you contact Professional Standards. Each episode of “Positive Rate” features various APA leaders and the subject-matter experts working on the membership’s behalf. The podcast is available through popular streaming services, including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Spotify – you can search for “Positive Rate” or “Allied Pilots Association” on your platform of choice to subscribe and download. Your first opportunity to listen will be via . We welcome your feedback on this format. If you have a question or a comment, please send it to Communications Director Gregg Overman via . APA Medical Minute – VA Disability Benefits In the first edition of our new APA Medical Minute video series, APA Medical Advisor Tina Smith discusses VA disability benefits. If you have any awards that raise concerns, Ms. Smith encourages you to contact the Medical Advisors so they can guide you appropriately based on your individual situation. Meet Dr. Ed Miles, APA Pilot Assistance Manager May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so it’s a good opportunity to remind APA members that we provide direct, 24/7 access to our very own on-staff mental health professional, Dr. Ed Miles . Wolfe Research Hosts APA President at Conference APA President CA Ed Sicher had another opportunity to speak to investors this week during Wolfe Research’s annual Global Transportation box-sizing: border-box;">In response to analysts’ questions regarding American’s industry-trailing margins, along with management’s latest network plan to bolster domestic and short-haul international flying while leaving long-haul international growth to Delta and United, CA Sicher had this to say: “Like investors, we’re not impressed.” Project Wingman – Here For You This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee’s Project Wingman Subcommittee. Mental Health Awareness Month is an opportune time to showcase Project Wingman and its support team of more than 50 volunteers. Click here to learn about the inner workings of Project Wingman and review answers to some of the commonly asked questions about what they do. Jumpseat/Deadhead/Non-Revenue Travel Debrief: One Form, Three Purposes This is a new message from the APA Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee. In an ongoing effort to increase efficiency, we’re consolidating the jumpseat and deadhead debriefs into a single form and incorporating a non-revenue travel option. To submit a debrief, simply select “Debrief” in the APA Pilot app or “File a Report/Debrief” on and follow the usual procedure. With our updated format, you can now attach files such as screenshots and photos to aid in issue diagnosis and resolution. Your debriefs are invaluable in our mission to enhance the jumpseat, deadhead, and non-revenue travel experience. Thank you for your continued support and feedback. APA Contract Minute – Sit Time This is a new message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. CA Jason Saxer is back with a new edition of the APA Contract Minute . This time around, CA Saxer details the sit time provision in our contract. Relocations for CDG Olympic Games This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee. Last year, American Airlines began to work on relocation plans in Paris due to this year’s Summer Olympics. The CDG station and transportation company estimated that drive times in and out of the city will be around three hours due to the sheer number of visitors, the associated traffic, and the fact that the city will reserve a lane for Olympic support vehicles. Due to the excessive drive times, the decision was made to keep crews at airport properties for much of the summer. To secure rooms, management and unions conducted site reviews in March of 2023 to determine suitable options. American contracted with three airport properties for the relocation: Marriot, Hilton, and Sheraton. Originally, the relocation time was set at two and a half months due to both the Olympic Games and the ensuing Paralympic Games. After discussion, management agreed to reduce the relocation dates to July 7 through Sept. 8. Please take this into consideration as you bid for July, August, and September. For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since April 25, B737 aircraft 3PT has been written up and out of service seven times and has been on MEL three times for cabin pressurization fluctuations. At the time of this writing, it remained out of service. APA Welcomes New Pilots This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. The APA Membership Committee welcomed the following pilots during a casual dinner on May 21: Jonathan Amundsen, Michael Campbell, Adam Chamberlin, Lucas Chowning, Justin Clement, Christopher Corbeille, Kyle DeFeo, Alberto Dias De Oliveira, Blake Dorcey, Robert Dunnavant, Ryan Foley, Diego Galan Giraldo, Michael Gilmore, David Goodhue, Ryan Hagen, Austin Hartz, Christopher Hobson, Terry Hoffman, Faisal Husein, Jeremy Kim, Christopher Kiraly, Joel Kraus, Loren LeGrand, Scott Loid, Nolan Lynn, Justin Allen Macedo, Zachary Massey, Judy Maxwell, Ryan McAvinue, James McClung, John McGarry, Matthew McKinlay, William Murphy, Zachary Niederer, Joshua Park, Andrew Quiel, Thomas Rose Jr., Corey Smith, Blake Tutewohl, Nicholas Valdiri, Steven Wilson, and Chaldon Wooge. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On May 22, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Willie Carter, Todd Christensen, Kristopher D’Erasmo, Todd Ellis, Alexis Erochenko Rey, Ryan Falconer, Derek Felton, Kevin Griffin Jr., William Hoagland, John Kehlenbeck, Benjamin Kumpf, Kevin Laster, Daniel Lovelace, Jason Lower, Aaron Martinelli, John McHugh, Zachary Moore, Jason Osgood, Shaun Permann, Casie Ross, Robert Slatton, David Srnka, James Wasef, and Matthew Wise. APA Holiday Schedule APA headquarters, including Contract Administration, will be closed on Monday in observance of Memorial Day. Contract Administration will be open from 0700 to 1900 Central on Saturday and Sunday. As always, your APA support team remains available 24/7. When Contract Administration is closed, calls will be forwarded to a phone service operated by Contract Compliance Committee and Flight Time/Duty Time Committee volunteers. Please note that call-back times may be longer than normal due to limited staffing. If your call is not urgent, we encourage you to wait until normal business hours resume. You may also want to consult the pilot volunteers on your domicile’s Contract Compliance Committee. Almost every domicile has one, and some of them have larger rosters than the national committee. Contact your local committee by visiting your domicile’s page on and clicking the “Domicile Committee List” link. To reach a contract administrator, call APA HQ at 1-800-323-1470 and press Option 3. If you prefer to e-mail your question to the contract administrators, click here . For specific FAR 117/fatigue issues requiring immediate attention, you can also call the Emergency Help Line at 682-738-6670 manned 24/7 by Flight Time/Duty Time Committee volunteers. Domicile Events LGA pilots and their guests gathered at Refinery Rooftop in Manhattan on Saturday. Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Domicile Meeting on June 18 ; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 ; Retirement Party on Nov. 9 LAX: San Diego lunch on June 11 ; Thousand Oaks lunch on June 12 ; Dana Point lunch on June 13 LGA: New York Mets game on Sept. 2 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 26 MIA: Domicile Meeting on June 18 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 14 ORD: Galt Airport Fly-In and Pancake Breakfast on May 25 PHL: Philadelphia Phillies game on June 18 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 19 Also, save the date for these upcoming commuter events, details to follow soon: AUS: June 21 at 1800 Central BNA: June 22 at 1930 Central ATL: June 23 at 1400 Eastern Week in Review Here are some recent messages you may have missed.s Captain’s Authority Committee: Reminder: Special Qualification Airports Joint Leadership: New Company Guidance Regarding Weight-Restricted Flights Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee: Recommended Guidance on Attempted Modifications to 19.C.1 President: Section 19.C.1: We Have a Contract Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (2) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (3) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Flight Time/Duty Time Committee (1) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Professional Standards Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (6) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs What issues are not appropriate for Professional Standards? Professional Standards will not normally address CBA disagreements, substance/alcohol abuse, and any immediate threat to safety of flight. The program is not designed to address issues related to security violations; legal, medical, or criminal issues; or gross negligence. Professional Standards is not able to address issues arising from “The Line” forums, nor should PS volunteers post to “The Line“ forums. However, if you are in doubt about which APA committee is best suited to handle your needs, all Professional Standards volunteers are familiar with the vast network of support offered at APA and through the company. Call Your Union First! To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

APA News Digest: May 17, 2024

APA News Digest May 17, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... Pilot Engagement and Support FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 APA President Speaks at Investors Conference Contract Compliance Committee: APA Contract Minute – Changes to Vacation Flight Time/Duty Time Committee: Help Line Flooded by Spam Calls Hotel Committee: Check for Sequence Repair Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee: Analysis of Last Week’s Solar Storm Compass Project Committee: Join Us for YOUnion 401 Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes New Pilots Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class Membership Committee: Congratulations to Newly Upgraded Captains Domicile Events Week in Review Reminders of Federal Laws Regarding Mail Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Pilot Engagement and Support Click the image to watch a short video featuring BOS Vice Chair CA Gemma Meehan and LAX Vice Chair CA Tim Dick. A key tenet of the APA Strategic Plan is boosting solidarity and unity across our pilot group. With that in mind, we’re continuing to expand the ways in which our pilots can engage with APA’s elected officers and committee members. For example, if you have participated in any recent Family Awareness events, you may well have noticed more APA officials on hand than at similar venues in the past. That’s intentional – your elected and appointed APA leadership is making an ongoing, concerted effort to be directly accessible to the membership at large. By increasing the number of contact points for our pilots, we aim to strengthen APA’s relationship with its members from day one through retirement. That same philosophy applies to the efforts of various APA committees – including Aeromedical, Compass Project, Family Awareness, and Membership – with the robust support system we now provide for all phases of our pilots’ professional lives and for dealing with challenging life events. Through ongoing initiatives like YOUnion 101, 201, 301, and 401, along with the National Communications Network’s Concourse Conversations and a steady stream of domicile and national Family Awareness events, we will continue to meet our members’ needs, ensure your voices are heard, and deliver timely, need-to-know information. If you haven’t had a chance to attend any of these virtual or in-person events, you can always provide feedback to APA leadership via a SoundOff . Your voice is our future. FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 The U.S. House of Representatives voted 388-26 to approve the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 on Wednesday after months of discussion and debate, and President Biden signed the bill into law on Friday. The five-year, $105 billion funding bill contains provisions to augment airline industry staffing, strengthen pilot training requirements, and ensure fair treatment of pilot mental health issues to encourage self-disclosure. It does not include any non-aviation-related amendments, nor does it include any language that would change the requirement for pilots to retire at age 65. “This legislation will help ensure our nation’s airlines can continue meeting unprecedented travel demand while upholding the highest standards of safety,” APA President CA Ed Sicher said in a press release on Wednesday. “The U.S. airline industry isn’t just the world’s largest – it’s also the world’s safest – and we look forward to building on our proud legacy as the global leader in aviation safety.” APA President Speaks at Investors Conference Bank of America analyst Andrew Didora and APA President CA Ed Sicher APA President CA Ed Sicher and APA Investor Relations Committee Chair CA Dennis Tajer attended Bank of America’s annual Transportation, Airlines, and Industrials Conference in New York this week. CA Sicher was invited to speak to investors on issues related to pilot efficiency and the impact of scheduling flexibility/trip trading, reserve staffing, trip length proportionality, and safety issues. Bank of America analyst Andrew Didora subsequently provided the following information to investors: “AAL maintains pilot reserves in the area of 30%, well in excess of DAL and UAL with reserves closer to 20%. Overstaffing pilot reserves comes at a meaningful cost to the airline that APA estimates at over $500M given lower utilization and the significant cost of incremental pilots.” “Lower reserves are also in the interest of pilots who broadly prefer line pilot roles for greater flying hours and scheduling predictability.” “APA sees incentivization of network-recovery flying as a suitable alternative to elevated levels of reserves.” “APA viewed the provisions of the FAA reauthorization bill positively and cited the shortage of air traffic controllers as one of the greatest challenges for the industry given significant retirements.” “While the pilot shortage challenges have subsided, any raising of the pilot retirement age above 65 presents further challenges as the utilization of a pilot’s sick time tends to increase after age 56.” APA Contract Minute – Changes to Vacation This is a new message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. CA Jason Saxer is back with a new edition of the APA Contract Minute . This time around, CA Saxer addresses the changes for the 2024-2025 vacation year, noting that each vacation day is now worth 4:35 hours of pay and 3:40 hours of credit. Help Line Flooded by Spam Calls This is a new message from the APA Flight Time/Duty Time Committee. The FTDT Emergency Help Line is being plagued by a large number of spam calls generated from the 682 area code, which is assigned to Fort Worth and its suburbs. If you call the Emergency Help Line ( 682-738-6670 ) from a phone with that area code and we do not answer, please leave a brief message with your name and employee number. We will call you back as close to immediately as possible. Check for Sequence Repair This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee. You just timed out, you know you are stuck wherever you are for the night, and you know you need a hotel room for the night. So the first thing you do is call the Hotel/Limo Desk. You wait a bit, and when they answer, they tell you they can’t help you ... yet! This is because the Hotel/Limo Desk cannot book a room for you until your sequence is repaired by Crew Tracking and you are showing a layover/ODL in that city. If you know you need a hotel room for the night, please confirm your sequence has been repaired by Crew Tracking before calling the Hotel/Limo Desk. It saves time, frustration, and reduces unnecessary calls to the Hotel/Limo Desk, which ultimately clogs the lines and slows down their team. If you are unable to reach the Hotel/Limo Desk in a timely manner AFTER sequence repair is complete, you have the option to book a hotel room on your own and expense it to the company. APA does not recommend that you book a hotel room prior to sequence repair. Additionally, if you are running into obstacles getting your sequence repaired or your room booked, the Duty Pilot is a resource available to you; they often can expedite the process to get you into rest as soon as possible. For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. Analysis of Last Week’s Solar Storm This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee’s Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee. The Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee focuses on risk mitigation, including the effects of space weather and radiation. Last week, the sun produced a series of large solar flares that led to multiple coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that sent magnetic energy toward Earth. When these CMEs connected with the Earth’s geomagnetic field, they produced an enhanced version of the Northern Lights, which could be viewed across much of the United States last weekend. CMEs also produce geomagnetic storms, which are measured on a scale of G1 to G5 . A strong (G3), severe (G4), or extreme (G5) storm can impact technology in various ways, to include anomalies within global navigation satellite systems. Last week’s event led the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center to issue a G4 watch for the first time since 2005. Since December of 2021, the WSI Pilotbrief Optima has been supplying Space Weather Prediction Center alerts to APA members via our iPads. We are working with AA, IBM, and WSI to integrate the FAA’s Maps of Ionizing Radiation in the Atmosphere (MIRA) to enable advanced decision making for our members. The FAA has not released a solar radiation alert since 2017. Solar radiation storms, which can affect human biology, are measured on a scale of S1 to S5 , and last week’s storm registered as an S2 – below the threshold for an alert. APA members can expect to see an alert message on if a storm reaches the S3 level. You will be alerted via email if a storm reaches the S4 level. Our FOM offers additional guidance on space weather, and we anticipate the Space Weather Prediction Center will release a new solar radiation product for the aviation industry soon. This product comes at a critical time as we are currently in the sun’s solar maximum cycle (January 2024-October 2024). While space weather storms can happen at any time, solar maximum is recognized as the peak of storm activity. This new aviation-based product will enable APA members to view areas of solar radiation to be avoided. Solar radiation increases with both altitude and latitude, and the FAA’s MIRA system reflects guidance to fly below certain altitudes and latitudes. Additional space weather resources can be found on the Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee’s page on and in the Q1 2023 edition of Safety Preflight (Comply 365). For additional questions, feel free to contact the subcommittee: . Join Us for YOUnion 401 This is a repeated message from the APA Compass Project Committee. The Compass Project will host a “YOUnion 401” meeting via Zoom at 1100 Central on May 22. This “APA Retirement Summary” is intended to help pilots who are within 15 years of retirement understand their APA benefits. Please note: This session will not encompass AA-specific programs. Click here to register for the May 22 meeting . Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since May 9, B737 aircraft 3ML has been written up 11 times and out of service seven times for the master caution lights illuminating. It was most recently signed off on May 16 and is restricted to Class 1 maintenance stations. On May 2, A319 aircraft 733 came out of a maintenance check at a contract MRO (maintenance, repair, and overhaul) station. Since then, it has been written up and out of service five times for an aileron servo fault. It was most recently signed off on May 14. APA Welcomes New Pilots This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. The APA Membership Committee welcomed the following pilots during a casual dinner on May 14: William Andreotta, Austin Bandemer, Dennis Banks, Marco Bouw, Cody Buras, Jeremy Current, Paul Dragnich, Justin Dudley, Joshua Elmore, Anders Fouche, Daniel Fry, Latifa Gaisi, Benjamin Garner, Brandon Garrett, Alex Grossi, Eric Guttormsen, Brad Higgins, Brad Holt, Alejandro Jaramillo, David Major, Tatsunori Makidao, Ross McClure, Michael McCormick, Michael Minner, Joshua Mohr, Daniel Mohs, Tad Murphy, Heewoong Park, Michael Pollak, Marshall Price, Kyle Reed, Stephen Sanderson, Amit Sharma, Stephen Smith, Nathan Tangeman, Dean Valbuena, Nicholas Von Geusau, Philip Wade, Justin Walker, John Weisskopf, and Marques Williams. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On May 15, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Bjorn Bonilla Lehoux, Thomas Carr, James Caylor, Jorge Chavez, Calvin Craig, Jonathan Denney, Seth Dunmyer, Eric Federspill, Jeffrey Glass, Mark Matelski, John Reece II, Anthony Romane, Timothy Schmidt, Anthony Senninger, Bernel Simon, Ray Tabassian, Joseph Tysinger, Carlos Vega, and Ryan Wilbur. Congratulations to Newly Upgraded Captains This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. We would like to recognize and congratulate the following pilots who upgraded to captain last month. They are listed by their post-upgrade base and equipment. CLT 777: Jerald Weitzel CLT 737: Jeffrey Clauser, Calvin Craig, Alexis Erochenko Rey, Robert Slatton, Joseph Tysinger, and Ryan Wilbur CLT 320: John Kehlenbeck and Daniel Lovelace DCA 737: Michael Catherman, Casie Ross, and Austin Van Hise DFW 737: Shaun Permann DFW 320: Willie Carter, Todd Christensen, Seth Dunmyer, Todd Ellis, Derek Felton, Bradley Jacobson, Benjamin Kumpf, Kevin Laster, Jason Lower, Christopher Ramirez, Alfonso Restrepo, Matthew Wise, and Austin Wood LGA 737: Zachary Moore MIA 737: James Caylor, Jose Davila, Ricardo De Magalhaes Valmorbida, Arsh Dhillon, Ryan Falconer, Marcos Nicolaidis, John Reece, and Bernel Simon MIA 320: Bobby Bayani, Jonathan Coker, Edgar Galvis, Ryan Giampietro, Steven Hatcher, Ryan Kassik, Alfred Maldonado, Kevin Marshall, Eric Metcalf, Brandon Mongan, Pablo Paucar, Oscar Roque, Ray Tabassian, and Nitin Verma ORD 787: Paul Nelson and Michael Pauken ORD 737: Matthew Laakso, Mark Matelski, and Timothy Schmidt PHL 787: Joseph Gallucci and Carlos Vega PHL 320: Kristopher D’Erasmo Domicile Events Click the image for a closer look. MIA pilots converged in Fort Lauderdale last weekend for the Air Dot Show. You can see more photos here . Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Pilots For Kids Golf Tournament on May 20 ; Domicile Meeting on June 18 ; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 ; Retirement Party on Nov. 9 LAX: San Diego lunch on June 11 ; Thousand Oaks lunch on June 12 ; Dana Point lunch on June 13 LGA: Refinery Rooftop Social on May 18 ; New York Mets game on Sept. 2 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 26 MIA: Domicile Meeting on June 18 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 14 ORD: Galt Airport Fly-In and Pancake Breakfast on May 25 PHL: Philadelphia Phillies game on June 18 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 19 Also, save the date for these upcoming commuter events, details to follow soon: AUS: June 21 at 1800 Central BNA: June 22 at 1930 Central ATL: June 23 at 1400 Eastern Week in Review Here are some recent messages you may have missed. Captain’s Authority Committee: NO (on the ground); UNABLE (in the air)  Flight Time/Duty Time Committee: Fatigue Event Manager Outages  Press Release: APA Praises Congress for Approving FAA Reauthorization Act Safety Committee: Safety Alert: GPS Jamming and Spoofing on PHL-DOH-PHL Secretary-Treasurer: Membership Approves Amendments to APA Constitution and Bylaws Reminders of Federal Laws Regarding Mail Recently, a third-party group sent unsolicited mailings to members of APA seeking replies through enclosed business reply envelopes. APA has been notified that representatives of that third-party group have since contacted the Office of the United States Postal Inspector in North Carolina to file complaints regarding some of the responses that were received. We have no reason to believe that our members have engaged in conduct warranting a complaint. However, the Postal Inspector’s office in North Carolina has asked APA to remind our members that sending fecal matter through the mail is a federal offense (18 U.S. Code § 1716 (injurious articles as nonmailable)). Additionally, fraudulently replicating business reply envelopes for use is also a federal offense (18 U.S. Code § 501 (counterfeit postage)). We trust that any member who chooses to respond to unsolicited mailings in the future will heed these reminders. Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (2) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (3) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Flight Time/Duty Time Committee (1) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Professional Standards Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (6) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs What types of issues will Professional Standards accept? Almost any issue that would benefit from the peer-to-peer method of resolution is acceptable, such as individual conflicts, ineffective operating methods/techniques, problems of a professional or ethical nature, conduct that could lead to discipline, and recognizing exceptional performance. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | X (Twitter) | Instagram | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

APA Praises Congress for Approving FAA Reauthorization Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Capt. Dennis Tajer, 847-902-8481/Gregg Overman, 817-302-2250 Allied Pilots Association Praises Congress for Approving the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 FORT WORTH, Texas (May 15, 2024) – The Allied Pilots Association (APA), representing the 16,000 pilots of American Airlines, praised Congress for approving the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024. “This legislation will help ensure our nation’s airlines can continue meeting unprecedented travel demand while upholding the highest standards of safety,” said APA President Capt. Ed Sicher. “The U.S. airline industry isn’t just the world’s largest — it’s also the world’s safest — and we look forward to building on our proud legacy as the global leader in aviation safety. “On behalf of the 16,000 American Airlines pilots the Allied Pilots Association represents, I want to express our gratitude to House and Senate leadership for their skillful handling of this landmark legislation,” Capt. Sicher said. “The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 includes provisions to augment staffing in our industry, strengthen pilot training requirements, and ensure fair treatment of pilot mental health issues to encourage self-disclosure, to cite just a few of its many beneficial aspects. “We respectfully request that President Biden promptly sign the legislation into law and look forward to seeing its many long-awaited enhancements to our National Airspace System become a reality.” Founded in 1963, the Allied Pilots Association — the largest independent pilots union in the United States — has its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. APA represents the 16,000 pilots of American Airlines, including several hundred pilots on full-time military leave of absence serving in the armed forces. The union’s website is
Press Releases

APA News Digest: May 10, 2024

APA News Digest May 10, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... Government Affairs Committee: Senate Approves FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 Jumpseat Committee: Jumpseat Reservation System: Listing Solutions Aeromedical Committee: NOAA Forecasts Severe Solar Storm Aeromedical Committee: BPA Flight Crew Hazard “Positive Rate” Episode 23: APA’s Voice in Global Aviation Policy YOUnion 301 Zoom Call for New Captains Compass Project Committee: Join Us for YOUnion 401 Project Wingman Subcommittee: May is Mental Health Awareness Month Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes New Pilots Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class Domicile Events Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ Free PGA Tour Tickets for Military Personnel If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Senate Approves FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 This is a new message from the APA Government Affairs Committee. On Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted 88-4 to authorize more than $105 billion in funding for the Federal Aviation Administration through fiscal year 2028. After days of debate regarding various amendments — including some unrelated to aviation policy — the Senate approved the bill without any additional amendments. In addition, the Senate voted to approve a one-week extension in stopgap funding for the FAA through May 17. The U.S. House of Representatives will now take up the bill for consideration. “We would like to express our appreciation for the Senate’s strong, bipartisan approval of this important legislation, and are optimistic that the House will likewise approve it promptly in its present form,” said CA Harvey Meek, APA Government Affairs Committee Chair. “Among other important provisions, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 includes pro-labor initiatives to augment staffing in our industry, and it strengthens pilot training requirements. This bill represents a clear win for airline labor, and we look forward to seeing it enacted into law.” In his Monday update on the bill, APA President CA Ed Sicher noted that the legislation includes measures to ensure fair treatment of pilot mental health issues to encourage self-disclosure. “Currently, disclosing an issue and seeking support puts our certifications at risk — an instant loss of income and the ability to practice our profession,” he said. Jumpseat Reservation System: Listing Solutions This is a new message from the APA Jumpseat Committee. The Jumpseat Reservation System (JRS) was implemented on April 16, 2024. Your APA Jumpseat Committee has confirmed the following solutions for pilots listing via the new JRS: JRS Listings: Each pilot may make one listing per calendar day, per city pair (including co-terminals) when they hold the #1 position on the JRS list. The JRS list is accessed by selecting “Priority List” in JetNet Travel Planner “tools” for any AA Mainline flight. Each pilot who holds a #2 or lower position on the original listing between city pair (including co-terminals) may make an additional listing for a different flight. The maximum number of JRS listings between a city pair (including co-terminals) on a given calendar day is two . A pilot may only check-in for one PNR at a time. Multi-leg Listings: To secure a multi-leg reservation, each pilot may list D1/D2 for all segments of a desired trip and check-in for this PNR  only . This multi-leg PNR check-in will allow a pilot to establish “T” (through) status and/or check a bag to their final destination. The pilot may also list for any eligible (AA mainline) segments via the JRS in accordance with 1-3 above. The pilot will not check in for the JRS listing(s), but the agent will be able to issue the “W” pass by their priority on the JRS list. For additional JRS question, please refer to the  Compass Project Jumpseat Guide . If you have questions or encounter difficulties with the new system, please submit a  Jumpseat Debrief . NOAA Forecasts Severe Solar Storm This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee . The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) — a division of the National Weather Service — is monitoring the sun following a series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that began on May 8. Space weather forecasters issued a Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Alert for the evening of May 10. Additional solar eruptions could cause geomagnetic storm conditions to persist through the weekend. A large sunspot cluster has produced several moderate to strong solar flares since Wednesday at 0500 Eastern. At least five flares were associated with CMEs that appear to be earth-directed. SWPC forecasters will monitor NOAA and NASA’s space assets for the onset of a geomagnetic storm. CMEs are explosions of plasma and magnetic fields from the sun’s corona. They cause geomagnetic storms when they are directed at Earth. Geomagnetic storms can impact infrastructure in near-Earth orbit and on Earth’s surface, potentially disrupting communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations. SWPC has notified the operators of these systems so they can take protective action. Geomagnetic storms can also trigger spectacular displays of aurora on Earth. A severe geomagnetic storm includes the potential for aurora to be seen as far south as Alabama. BPA Flight Crew Hazard This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee-Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee. A little-known pilot health concern involves BPA (Bisphenol-A). For the general population, BPA is commonly found in packaging materials and receipts from retailers. Most receipts are printed using thermal paper using BPA or BPS, a common alternative. BPA/BPS aid the heat-activation process of thermal paper, removing the need for toner. BPA/BPS have similar negative health impacts in high saturation. BPA influences the body’s hormonal functions. Health impacts include thyroid issues, heart disease, obesity, reproductive harm, reduced libido, and aggression. The FDA has banned use of BPA in baby products and set permissible limits of BPA in the body (2.25 milligrams per pound of body weight per day), and there are various bans on its use in different applications around the world. Exposure to BPA for pilots is increased by thermal paper usage on the flightdeck (ACARS paper). Touching thermal paper with wet hands can increase BPA absorption into the body. BPA absorption through skin contact increases 22-200 times when skin is wet, for example by hand sanitizer (also by SANI-COM wipes found on the flightdeck). There are ways to reduce exposure to BPA. Replacing BPA/BPS thermal paper with phenol-free thermal paper is the easiest (although usually the responsibility of the business and can be costly). The 737 fleet has AstroNova BPA free paper available, but not all fleets use it. One way to test if you are using BPA thermal paper is the scratch test. Using a hard surface like a coin or edge of a pen (not the writing side), scratch the printing side of the thermal paper. If the heat from friction causes a dark scratch color similar to printed text, it contains BPA. Reducing contact with thermal paper is another mitigation strategy. You can request a text/email receipt (or no receipt) at retail stores. Limiting use of ACARS/thermal paper, particularly with wet hands, can reduce exposure. Alternate methods include using electronic means for ATIS/FPR, using gloves, or keeping hands dry when handling thermal paper. You can also avoid touching the printed side of ACARS paper, as the non-printed side should not contain a BPA coating. “Positive Rate” Episode 23: APA’s Voice in Global Aviation Policy In the latest episode of our “ Positive Rate ” podcast, Communications Committee Deputy Chair FO Melissa Monahan talks with CA Shawn Gray, who chairs the International Alliance Committee. CA Gray characterizes the committee’s role as the union’s “foreign affairs” arm, identifying threats and opportunities beyond U.S. borders, and securing access to the forums where global aviation policy is crafted to ensure APA’s voice is heard. CA Shawn Gray and International Alliance Committee member CA Eric McEldowney at this week’s IFALPA conference in Mexico City. Each episode of “Positive Rate” features various APA leaders and the subject-matter experts working on the membership’s behalf. The podcast is available through popular streaming services, including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Spotify – you can search for “Positive Rate” or “Allied Pilots Association” on your platform of choice to subscribe and download. Your first opportunity to listen will be via . We welcome your feedback on this format. If you have a question or a comment, please send it to Communications Director Gregg Overman via . YOUnion 301 Zoom Call for New Captains This is a revised message from the APA Compass Project Committee. The Compass Project committee would like to thank 161 new captains who participated in the YOUnion 301 Zoom call on Wednesday. We received several requests for access to the recording — it’s now posted on the Member Engagement Portal. Please view at your convenience and thank you for completing our survey. Join Us for YOUnion 401 This is a revised message from the APA Compass Project Committee. The Compass Project will host a “YOUnion 401” meeting via Zoom at 1100 Central on May 22. This “APA Retirement Summary” is intended to help pilots who are within 15 years of retirement understand their APA benefits. Please note: This session will not encompass AA-specific programs. Click here to register for the May 22 meeting . May is Mental Health Awareness Month This is a revised message from the APA Project Wingman Subcommittee. The month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and Project Wingman volunteers are hard at work attending recurrent training workshops throughout this year. Volunteers have been reviewing how best to provide support when fellow pilots call our Wingman hotline (848-APA-CREW #1, or 817-823-7965). If you or a member of your family are in a life crisis, never hesitate to give us a call and talk to a fellow pilot. Likewise, if you see a fellow pilot wearing a Project Wingman lanyard, don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation. We are here 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to listen and support you through the many challenges that life throws at us. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since April 4, A319 aircraft 769 has been written up seven times and out of service six times for excessive Nose Landing Gear (NLG) vibration/shimmy. It was last signed off on May 8 and is currently restricted to AA maintenance stations only. Previous Alaska  A321 aircraft 959 entered AA revenue service on April 21. In 65 flight hours, it has been written up eight times and on MEL twice, and has been out of service seven times for high left engine nacelle temperature indication. It remains out of service and is restricted to Class 1 or 2 maintenance stations only. Since April 1, A321 aircraft 180  — either the APU generator, External Power or Transformer Rectifier 2, or a combination of the three   — has been written up 15 times. Four related MELs have been issued and it has been out of service six times. It remains out of service and is restricted to AA maintenance stations only. APA Welcomes New Pilots This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. The APA Membership Committee welcomed the following pilots during a casual dinner on May 7: Joel Barker Jr., Hugo Beltran Manrique, Javier Bernal Mondragon, Robert Bussmann, Alfredo Caraveo, Brian Coley, Aaron Craig, Jeremy Criddle, Austin Decker, Christopher Dingman, James Ellerbe, Daniel FitzPatrick, Mathias Franceries Rodriguez, Clara Gandarilla, Nicholas Garren, Pedro Gonzalez Jr., Zachary Haney, Brent Hoffman, Torrance Hollins, Russell Kenny, Ramy Khalil, Devin Lew, Sebastian Matysiak, Thomas Maxfield, Jack Miller, Kirk Morrow, William Nash, Evangelos Natsis, Kara Pollinger, Jason Powell, Joel Ramos-Falcon, Stuart Redman, Taylor Roberts, David Rousseau, Alex Sanso, Jacob Santangelo, Aaron Smith, Trevor Smith, Patrick Toon, David Vanderford Jr., Brian Weeks, Anthony West, Dylan Willis, Seth Woodhull, and Robert Youmans. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On May 8, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Robert Beeks, Tyler Carter, Joseph Gallucci, Ryan Giampietro, Matthew Grondin, Christopher Haddy, John Hough, Roman Kosovan, Rein Lewis, Vincent Milazzo, Paul Nelson, Matthew Rhodes, Aaron Schafer, Timothy Smith, and Jerald Weitzel. Domicile Events Do you know how to check APA’s master calendar for upcoming events and confirm your attendance? This short video provides a tutorial. Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Pilots For Kids Golf Tournament on May 20 ; Domicile Meeting on June 18 ; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 ; Retirement Party on Nov. 9 LAX: Family Awareness lunch in San Diego on May 14 ; Family Awareness lunch in Temecula on May 15 ; San Diego lunch on June 11 ; Thousand Oaks lunch on June 12 ; Dana Point lunch on June 13 LGA: Refinery Rooftop Social on May 18 ; New York Mets game on Sept. 2 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 26 MIA: Air Dot Show at FLL on May 11 and 12 ; Domicile Meeting on June 18 ; Retirement Party on Sept. 14 ORD: Galt Airport Fly-In and Pancake Breakfast on May 25 PHL: Philadelphia Phillies game on June 18 ; Retirement Party on Oct. 19 Also, save the date for these upcoming commuter events, details to follow soon: AUS: June 21 at 1800 Central BNA: June 22 at 1930 Central ATL: June 23 at 1400 Eastern Week in Review Here are some recent messages you may have missed. Family Awareness Committee: Critical Pilot Response – North Carolina Tornadoes Membership Committee: Potential APA Members President: The Price of Self-Disclosure at American Airlines Government Affairs Committee: Call to Action: Contact Your U.S. Senators About the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (2) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (3) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Flight Time/Duty Time Committee (1) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (6) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs What if I have a challenge with a Check Airman? Professional Standards is a natural necessity for the Check Airman community, just as it is for the line pilot. Make your union the first call in an attempt to assist in a solution with human interaction issues that arise on a daily basis. We have established a specialized “domicile” for the Check Airman community. When you call the phone tree (817-402-2181), simply input “CKA” or say “Check Airman” to be routed to the appropriate volunteer for handling your case. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 Free PGA Tour Tickets for Military Personnel The PGA Tour’s Charles Schwab Challenge is scheduled for May 23-26 at Colonial Country Club in Fort Worth. All active, reserve, and retired military personnel can get free tickets, a parking pass, and access to a hospitality tent for one day of the tournament. Click here for more information . If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: 0.2s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

APA News Digest: May 3, 2024

APA News Digest May 3, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... Unionism Isn’t a Spectator Sport Compass Project Committee: Join Us for YOUnion 301 or YOUnion 401 Contract Compliance Committee: APA Contract Minute – Penalties for Scheduling or Reassigning a Reserve Pilot into a Non-Golden DFP Professional Standards Committee: Baggage Policies on 737 Project Wingman Subcommittee: May is Mental Health Awareness Month Hotel Committee: Do Not Trust Hotels Listed on PBS Bid Packages STOP Committee: APFA to Conduct Systemwide Picketing on May 9 Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes New Pilots Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class Membership Committee: Retirements in January and February Domicile Events Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ Free PGA Tour Tickets for Military Personnel If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Unionism Isn’t a Spectator Sport Congratulations to CA Brian Smith and FO Jason Gustin, who prevailed in the Runoff Round of the DFW Domicile Election that concluded on Tuesday. Their respective two-year terms as DFW Domicile Chair and DFW Domicile Vice Chair began on Wednesday, as did the terms of DCA Domicile Chair CA Chris Wachter and DCA Domicile Vice Chair CA Tom Lawler. We would also like to thank the other candidates in those domicile elections – CA Drew Coleman, CA Tim Doreen Jr., FO Julio Gomez, FO Brandon Lightly, CA Steven Pacheco, and CA Jon Sherrell – for their willingness to serve the membership. APA cannot function without willing volunteers, whether those volunteers are elected or appointed. CA Lawrence Cutler, FO Ryan Babcock, CA Paul McFarland, and CA Gemma Meehan talked to pilots at BOS on Thursday. Several volunteers from APA’s National Communications Network were at BOS and ORD this week for Concourse Conversations. Those volunteers have our gratitude, as do all of the pilots who took the time to share their views on our union, our airline, and our industry. Similarly, we would like to thank all of the ORD pilots who attended their in-person domicile meeting on Wednesday, when they heard remarks from APA President CA Ed Sicher. Be sure to check regularly for similar opportunities for engagement. APA President CA Ed Sicher spoke at the ORD domicile meeting on Wednesday. Speaking of engagement, less than 24 hours after the DFW election wrapped up, another voting window opened. The APA Board of Directors approved two resolutions during its spring meeting that would amend recall procedures for National and Domicile Officers. These amendments to the APA Constitution and Bylaws are subject to membership approval via a referendum ballot. The voting window will be open until 1200 Central on May 15. Click here to vote . Join Us for YOUnion 301 or YOUnion 401 This is a new message from the APA Compass Project Committee. The Compass Project and APA Vice President CA Chris Torres will host a “YOUnion 301” meeting via Zoom at 1100 Central on May 8. This “Captains’ Development Seminar” is intended to help new captains and soon-to-be captains understand their authorities, APA support, and safety trends within our airline. Click here to register for the May 8 meeting . The Compass Project will also host a “YOUnion 401” meeting via Zoom at 1100 Central on May 22. This “APA Retirement Summary” is intended to help pilots who are within 15 years of retirement understand their APA benefits. Please note: This session will not encompass AA-specific programs. Click here to register for the May 22 meeting . APA Contract Minute – Penalties for Scheduling or Reassigning a Reserve Pilot into a Non-Golden DFP This is a new message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. CA Jason Saxer is back with another edition of the APA Contract Minute . This time around, CA Saxer details the penalties the company incurs for scheduling or reassigning a Reserve pilot into a non-golden duty-free period. Baggage Policies on 737 The APA Professional Standards Committee sent this message to all 737 pilots in December. Due to an uptick in reports, a rerun was requested. Your Professional Standards Committee has observed an uptick in disputes regarding the storage of crewmembers’ bags on the 737. Our Flight Operations Manual clearly authorizes pilots to put their bags in the front closet UNLESS a wheelchair needs to be stored there. The flight attendants’ Inflight Manual says they can stow their bags in any overhead bin as long as the bin is not above Main Class Extra seats. You may want to download those two images to your iPad so you can reference them if this issue comes up during one of your flights. If that doesn’t settle things, please give us a call: 817-402-2181. May is Mental Health Awareness Month This is a new message from the APA Project Wingman Subcommittee. Click the image for a closer look. The month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and Project Wingman volunteers are hard at work attending recurrent training workshops throughout this year. During the pictured class in April, and the next classes in ensuing months, volunteers are reviewing how best to provide support when fellow pilots call our Wingman hotline (848-APA-CREW #1, or 817-823-7965). If you or a member of your family are in a life crisis, never hesitate to give us a call and talk to a fellow pilot. Likewise, if you see a fellow pilot wearing a Project Wingman lanyard, don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation. We are here 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to listen and support you through the many challenges that life throws at us. Do Not Trust Hotels Listed on PBS Bid Packages This is an updated message from the APA Hotel Committee. PBS bid packages will be released in a couple of days for the month of June; however, the company will be working on June hotel allocations well into mid-May. Because the PBS bid packages are built and released prior to hotel allocations being complete for the upcoming month, the hotel listed on the bid package may not be the allocated hotel for that sequence. Any layover with an ODL of 17 hours or more should be placed at a long hotel in accordance with the CBA. Layovers that are 13 hours or fewer should be at a short property. There is flexibility between 13 and 17 hours, so placement can vary by market. We recommend that you do not bid for a trip based solely on the hotel listed on the bid package. For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. APFA to Conduct Systemwide Picketing on May 9 This is an updated message from the APA Strike and Tactical Operations Planning Committee. The Association of Professional Flight Attendants will conduct informational picketing at the White House and airports around the system on May 9. If your schedule permits, we encourage you to stand with our airline’s flight attendants in their ongoing efforts to secure a fair contract. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since April 20, B737 aircraft 3BF has been written up nine times for the cabin temperature being uncontrollable. It recently operated under a Special Flight Permit (SFP) to a maintenance base for repairs and remains out of service. APA Welcomes New Pilots This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. The APA Membership Committee welcomed the following pilots during a casual dinner on April 30: Christopher Anzideo, Charles Argumaniz, Quentin Ballot-Lena, Aaron Barthol, Brister Bishop, Jordan Brummett, Cameron Burnett, Brandon Coffman, Craig DeVries, Daniel Drouillard, Fernando Freire, Greir Gardner, Ian Hagen, Ryan Harris, Christopher Henson, Kyle Higginson, Michael Jones, William Kober, Forrest Lampela, Augusto Lise Puglia, Jose Lopez, Jacob Lukens, Darrick McGill, Nathan Miller, Michael Pardillo, Richard Patterson, Nickolas Periman, Leland Quinter, Joseph Schmidt, Justin Siems, Victor Sultan, Philip Taylor, Piotr Tenderenda, Steve Toosi, Jesse Toppen, Christopher Trent, Sean Trulzsch, William Turner, Daniel Valentine, Brian Webb, Joseph Wheeler, and Aaron Wolf. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On May 1, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Craig Bellanca, Bret Buchanan, Vito Culicchia III, Carlos Flores, Mark Hollandsworth, Emmanuel Karatzas, Rein Lewis, Brandon Lighty, Quincy Newman III, Dariusz Piszczek, Scott Reider, Robert Seeney, Savvas Shimitras, Annette Taylor, Matthew Wright, and George Zeigler. Retirements in January and February This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. We would like to recognize and congratulate these pilots who retired in January and February. BOS: CA Harrington Drake, CA Walter Jennings, and CA Keith Pederzani CLT: CA Perry Brown, CA Nicholas Dudley, CA Douglas English, CA Stanley Garrison, CA Craig Gillespie, CA Michael Kaye, CA DeVere Kiss, CA Michael McCormick, CA Michael Meyersohn, CA Alejandro Munevar, FO Arthur Orteneau, CA Scott Rohwedder, CA Craig Sage, FO Mark Sidlovsky, CA Jerry Slaughter, CA George Venturella, and CA Terrence Wilson DCA: CA Kevin Williamson DFW: FO David Albright, CA Julie Barry, CA Tom Battle, CA Andrea Chovanec, CA George Desautels, CA James Dinsmore, CA William Erickson, FO William Featherston, CA Donald Greer Jr., FO Jerome Hager, CA James Hamilton, CA Jeffrey Hansen, CA Mark Hopkins, CA Mark Houston, FO David Huff, CA Stephen Jester, CA Barry Johnson, CA Thomas Jumper, CA Steven Katerinos, CA James Lightfoot, CA Brian Ostrom, CA Michael Pennell, FO Erich Pfanzelt, CA J. Robertson, CA Jeffrey Roetzel, FO Bradley Smith, CA Scott Swenson, CA William Taylor, and CA Mark Watson LAX: CA David Bauer, CA Richard Brodhead, FO David Carsel, CA Thomas Fanghella, FO James Gilliland, CA George Graham, CA David Gray, CA Peter Griffith, CA Robert Ing, CA Gary Inouye, FO James Kirchhoff, CA Brian Mathews, CA John Nunes, CA Steven Paul, CA Douglas Peterson, FO Wade Robertson, and FO Brian Winfield LGA: CA Joseph Bazo, CA Jack Berkebile, FO Glenn Brandenburg, CA Thomas Casey, CA Carl Clarke, CA Ronald Fischer, CA Stuart McMillan, FO Dale Mock, CA Jeffrey Mullen, FO Wallace Preitz, CA Richard Sanderson, CA Timothy Schaefer, CA Robert Singer, CA Timmy So, CA John Urry, and FO Robert Wilkinson MIA: CA John Aldridge, CA Ronald Barnard, CA John Berryhill, FO Michael Bronson, FO J Canizares, FO Wendell Fowler, CA Christopher Gardner, CA Glenn Herron, CA Pete Karkeck, CA Robert Livingston, CA Bernard Neumann, CA Walter Nurnberger, CA Sam Pierson, CA David Ratcliff, CA Michael Rounds, FO Glen Turner, CA Ronald Willkomm, CA Stephen Woodward, CA Anthony Zent ORD: FO Daniel Akins, FO Dietmar Amelang, CA Barry Black, CA Ed Clay, FO Bradley Collins, CA Richard Hoehl, FO Elaine Meronyk, CA Brian Mourning, CA Robert Paton, CA Michael Perillo, CA John Ricciotti, and CA Edward Zelasko PHL: CA David Bonner, CA Robert Cowgill, CA Charles Daugherty, CA Patrick Dunleavy, CA Kory Hoeft, CA Kevin Judd, CA Elliotte Lands, CA William Schrock, and CA Gene Sevier PHX: FO Paul Ferrier III, CA John Fox, CA Russell Hildebrand, and CA Sean Oswald Domicile Events Do you know how to check APA’s master calendar for upcoming events and confirm your attendance? This short video provides a tutorial. Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Pilots For Kids Golf Tournament on May 20; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6; Retirement Party on Nov. 9 LAX: Family Awareness lunch in Thousand Oaks on May 8; Family Awareness lunch in Dana Point on May 9; IMAX and TTS Training at the San Diego Yacht Club on May 10; Family Awareness lunch in San Diego on May 14; Family Awareness lunch in Temecula on May 15 LGA: Refinery Rooftop Social on May 18; New York Mets game on Sept. 2; Retirement Party on Oct. 26 MIA: Air Dot Show at FLL on May 11 and 12; Retirement Party on Sept. 14 ORD: Retirement Party on May 4; Galt Airport Fly-In and Pancake Breakfast on May 25 PHL: Philadelphia Phillies game on June 18; Retirement Party on Oct. 19 Week in Review Click the image for a closer look. CA Stephen Landau, FO Stacey Banks, and FO Leslie Sanders of the APA Uniform Committee were on hand when the Uniform Service Center opened at the Flight Academy last year. The Uniform Service Center is one of many topics covered in the committee’s comprehensive All Things Uniform update. Here are some other recent messages you may have missed. Communications Committee: Membership Referendum Voting Window Now Open Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee: FDJ AA Not Appended to Priority List Government Affairs Committee: Senate and House Committee Leaders Reach Agreement on FAA Reauthorization Press Release: Allied Pilots Association Urges “Timely Approval of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024” Safety Committee: Smoke/Odor/Fumes, Engine Runs, and American Airlines Fleet Captain Brief Secretary-Treasurer: DFW Runoff Round Results Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (1) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (1) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Appeal Board (1) Captain’s Authority Committee (3) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Flight Time/Duty Time Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (6) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs How does management or an employee submit an issue to Professional Standards? Committee volunteers are identified for each domicile on and on each domicile’s APA bulletin board. Management is furnished contact information for every domicile and national deputy, and they may approach a committee volunteer with an issue. Emails, texts, and detailed phone messages are to be avoided, as the information is not confidential and may not be protected. Telephone contact and face-to-face meetings are encouraged, as confidentiality is paramount to the success of the program. You can reach your domicile’s Professional Standards Committee via our phone tree: 817-402-2181. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 Free PGA Tour Tickets for Military Personnel The PGA Tour’s Charles Schwab Challenge is scheduled for May 23-26 at Colonial Country Club in Fort Worth. All active, reserve, and retired military personnel can get free tickets, a parking pass, and access to a hospitality tent for one day of the tournament. Click here for more information . If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: 0.2s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

Allied Pilots Association Urges “Timely Approval of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Capt. Dennis Tajer, 847-902-8481/Gregg Overman, 817-302-2250 Allied Pilots Association Urges “Timely Approval of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024” FORT WORTH, Texas (May 2, 2024) – The Allied Pilots Association (APA), representing the 16,000 pilots of American Airlines, lauded Congress for its work on the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 and urged the legislation’s prompt passage. “Timely approval of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 is in the best interests of the traveling public,” said APA President Capt. Ed Sicher. “The United States leads the world in commercial aviation. The U.S. market isn’t just the world’s largest — it’s also the world’s safest — and enacting this vitally important legislation will help ensure our nation’s airlines can continue meeting unprecedented demand while upholding the highest standards of safety. “We also urge lawmakers to refrain from including any language that would raise the mandatory retirement age for pilots from 65 to 67,” he said. “Data supports maintaining mandatory retirement at age 65, consistent with International Civil Aviation Organization standards. The Department of Transportation and airline labor groups likewise support maintaining the current requirement.” Founded in 1963, the Allied Pilots Association — the largest independent pilots union in the United States — is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. APA represents the 16,000 pilots of American Airlines, including several hundred pilots on full-time military leave of absence serving in the armed forces. The union’s website is
Press Releases

APA News Digest: April 27, 2024

APA News Digest April 27, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... Making the Most of APA’s Resources “I Don’t Fly a Plane Unless It’s Safe” Professional Standards Committee: Problem on the Line? Call Us First Economic and Financial Analysis Committee: American Reports $297M Loss Despite Record Revenue Contract Compliance Committee: APA Contract Minute – Average Calendar Day Contract Compliance Committee: Register for Contract Training at ORD Hotel Committee: Hotel Sign-In Security Protocol Critical Incident Response Program: CIRP Volunteer of the Quarter STOP Committee: APFA to Conduct Systemwide Picketing on May 9 Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes New Pilots Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class Domicile Events DFW Domicile Election Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ Free PGA Tour Tickets for Military Personnel If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Making the Most of APA’s Resources Last month, every domicile had volunteers and base representatives in the terminals talking with pilots and gathering feedback. We followed up this weeklong effort with one-day Concourse Conversations at each domicile. As emphasized previously, these are not isolated events. APA volunteers will be engaging in Concourse Conversations through the end of the year. You deserve transparency and timely information and to know that union leadership hears your concerns and is acting on them. Three weeks ago, we highlighted a notable change for our union – the development of the latest version of the APA Strategic Plan. Now it’s time to time into specific elements of the plan. The first part of the plan addresses APA’s organizational structure, making it more adaptive and collaborative. Too often, our volunteers and staff have been siloed, resulting in an inefficient use of resources. Aligning efforts under an overall strategic plan – and implementing recommendations from the Governance and Reform Committee – will help integrate our committees and increase their effectiveness on your behalf. In addition to aligning committee efforts under the plan, we are exploring advanced technology to help streamline committee work. As we incorporate these solutions, APA’s focus will be bolstering information security and fostering greater collaboration. Our NCN Volunteers will have additional information on this element of the APA Strategic Plan in upcoming Concourse Conversations. Now back to feedback from the last few rounds of Concourse Conversations, with many of you voicing concerns regarding TTS: You’re frustrated the system is locked down and trades don’t occur easily or at all. Trip pairings are built to the legal limits, with long duty days. You want transparency with the Red/Green lights and an improved user interface. We shared your feedback with the Scheduling Committee as they focus on securing system enhancements. Other areas of concerns you cited: The prospect of a change in retirement age to 67. Maintenance-related issues and an increase in problems on Right Start Flights. Medical reimbursements. Hotel wait times. Jumpseat-related questions. We likewise shared this additional feedback with the appropriate subject-matter experts. In addition, you expressed overall satisfaction with the APA Pilot app, with several of you suggesting we add a link to APA updates and a calendar sync function. APA IT is now incorporating these enhancements. In the following weeks, please continue to send SoundOff messages, provide feedback to NCN Volunteers in the terminals, and engage your domicile representatives. Your feedback is vital as we concentrate our resources on addressing the issues that matter most to you. Your voice is our future. “I Don’t Fly a Plane Unless It’s Safe” On April 19, APA spokesman CA Dennis Tajer appeared on Fox Business to discuss the recent Congressional hearings focused on Boeing as well as our concerns about a spike in safety issues. You can watch his six-minute interview with Maria Bartiromo on our website, but here are a few highlights: Why does it feel like we have an increase in safety issues? “What we’re seeing right now is a pressure on the safety margin. All the things that we look for that happen – usually singularly – are now happening at the same time. … The good news is our management’s engaged with us on stopping this trend that we see happening before it leads to incidents or accidents.” What should consumers do if they’re worried? “This business is not about perfect flights; I haven’t been on one in 36 years. Always small things happen. The idea is that you trap those errors. And the problem right now is there’s an extra wave of unforced errors coming into our cockpits.” It is safe to fly right now? “Absolutely. I don’t fly a plane unless it’s safe. I may work for American Airlines, I may have a license from the FAA, but I’m morally and professionally obligated to fight every aggressor – be it a system, the airplane, an airline, management teams, you name it – when I have 170-plus people on my airplane. So know that it’s safe out there, but what we’re saying as professional pilots is there’s an immense amount of pressure, so we’ve got to change our game and bring it up to the level of where the threats are.” Problem on the Line? Call Us First This is a new message from the APA Professional Standards Committee. Professional Standards operates on confidentiality. People are willing to self-assess and change when their public image is not threatened, so if you have a problem on the line, call us at 817-402-2181. Don’t take your conflict to social media; take it to a venue for resolution. Professional Standards cannot assist you after you make a problem public because we would not be able to maintain confidentiality. You may recall a recent Distance Learning module that told you to report all workplace problems to management, even ones you felt had been resolved on the peer-to-peer level. Other workgroups are being given the same guidance. Don’t contribute to a toxic culture of “informing” on your peers. Call Professional Standards first at 817-402-2181 and build a better workplace. Tell your coworkers from other workgroups to do the same. American Reports $297M Loss Despite Record Revenue This is a new message from the APA Economic and Financial Analysis Committee. American Airlines reported its quarterly financial results on Thursday. Here are our key takeaways: American reported an adjusted pre-tax loss of $297 million, on the back of record revenue and costs that increased much more quickly. The company is touting its new distribution system, and it looks to have more transactions processed by their website/software, which should send fewer dollars out the door. Fuel prices were down, but the additional $586 million in salaries and related costs was only slightly offset by spending $438 million fewer on fuel, which drug down profitability. Interest expense of $379 million is lower than the same quarter last year but still almost double what United and Delta are paying to service their debt. With razor-thin margins, this still remains a notable headwind. Click here for more analysis . APA Contract Minute – Average Calendar Day This is a new message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. CA Jason Saxer is back with another edition of the APA Contract Minute . This time around, CA Saxer explains how the 2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement fixed the Average Calendar Day donut hole. Register for Contract Training at ORD This is a repeated message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. The Contract Compliance Committee wants to do everything we can to ensure that all APA members are well acquainted with the 2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Join us on May 2 in ORD for a full day of training on the new CBA. This training will be conducted in hybrid fashion, with members welcome to participate in person at the Doubletree Hotel in Rosemont from 0900 to 1630 or virtually via Zoom. Additionally, in-person IMAX training is scheduled for May 1 from 0900 to 1200 at the Doubletree. If you plan to attend either session, RSVP so we have an accurate headcount for the food orders. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. IMAX training on May 1: Click here to RSVP for in-person attendance Contract training on May 2: Click here to RSVP for in-person attendance . Contract training on May 2 via Zoom: Click here to register . Please take a few moments before the training to familiarize yourself with the Electronic Document Index . You must be logged in to for the links to be accessible. This Index connects you to a vast array of APA documents that we will reference. It is equally useful in the daily operation as a line pilot, so we recommend you retain the Index for future reference. During the training, it may be helpful to have two screens; one to run Zoom and one to reference these documents. Help us help you! The Contract Compliance Committee’s goal is for you – the membership – to be informed, educated, and knowledgeable. Every single pilot should strive to be a contract expert or, at the very least, strive for continued learning and engagement. Knowledge is power, and it will assist you in employing and being a watchdog of your negotiated work rules. Hotel Sign-In Security Protocol This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee. When conducting site reviews, APA and AA always ask the hotel if they can provide pre-keyed rooms and a quick method for crews to check in. For most hotels, this means they provide a binder with a sign-in sheet. Part of the beauty of this system is that we can sign in even when the front desk staff is busy with other guests. For security concerns, please always remember to close the binder and place it back across the desk, away from guests, after you sign in if the staff is not available to hand it directly back to them. The sign-in sheet typically has crew members’ room numbers along with their employee numbers, and it should not be accessible to other guests. It’s very easy for someone to walk up to the desk and inconspicuously take a quick picture if the binder is left out and open. Thank you for safeguarding this information and taking care of yourself and other crew members. For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. CIRP Volunteer of the Quarter This is a new message from the Critical Incident Response Program Subcommittee. Caring, empathetic, calm, and kind are just a few of the words that describe CA Heidi Theile, who is the inaugural recipient of our Volunteer of the Quarter Award. She is being honored for her contributions to the CIRP team, of course. Not only is she an active peer support volunteer, CA Theile also helps coordinate other volunteers as they respond to our crews. But she is also being honored for her community service. During a recent overnight in ORF, CA Theile noticed a young man who was getting ready to jump off a bridge into a river with a strong current. She alerted the hotel’s front desk and asked them to call 911. CA Theile then proceeded directly to the young man and began using her Critical Incident Stress Management skills to talk him down and move him away from the edge. She sat with him and listened to him, letting him know she cared about him. After a while, law enforcement officers arrived and made sure he would be taken care of. CA Theile then got ready to go to work via the hotel’s shuttle. Just another day of assisting someone in crisis. Some days, it’s just a listening ear; other days, it’s saving someone’s life. APFA to Conduct Systemwide Picketing on May 9 This is a repeated message from the APA Strike and Tactical Operations Planning Committee. The Association of Professional Flight Attendants will conduct systemwide picketing on May 9. We encourage you to show your solidarity with our flight attendants in their efforts to secure a suitable contract by joining them on the picket line. As we receive additional information about the picketing, we will pass it along. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. In the last two weeks, A320 aircraft 125 has been written up five times and been out of service twice for number 1 VHF static. It was most recently signed off on April 20. Since March 18, the right windshield heat on B787 aircraft 8LE has been written up seven times and been out of service four times. It was most recently signed off on April 26. UPDATE: Since March 14, B777 aircraft 7AD has been written up 13 times and been out of service seven times for an ELMS (electrical load management system) P110 fault. At the time of this writing, it remained out of service. APA Welcomes New Pilots This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. The APA Membership Committee welcomed the following pilots during a casual dinner on April 23: Corey Abrams, Naseer Ahmad, Kenneth Allen, Juliano Amaral Zandonai, Kenneth Bentley, Kris Bergemann, Maria Borde, Nathaniel Brannum, Benjamin Brittle, Keith Carlton, Carey Cooke, Ethan Coughlin, Zachariah Done, Casey Farrington, Nicholas Ferri, Agustin Flores, Robert Fox Jr., Kevin Friel, Jacob Fulton, Douglas Gilmore, Colin Gunn, Tyler Hardin, Adrian Hopson, Blake Hunter, Jason Kelsall, Adam Kieda, Bryan Liggett, Sandro Lipke, Theodore Martin, Michael Nixon, Hung Kai Peng, John Phillips, Lee Postier, Andrew Power, Thomas Randolph III, Nicholas Saxon, Kyle Stockamp, Brandon Tutewohl, Karl Wallskog, Dustin Williams, Eric Williamson, Trevor Wold, and Anthony Woodard. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On April 24, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Jeffrey Ayo, Benedict Buerke, Edward Carballosa, Lee Clifford, Paul DiOrio, Thurman Dunn II, Fernando Erazo Marquez, Joshua Gillespie, Jennifer Grywalski, Matthew Hall, Mark Hansen, Eric Hart, Scott Henry, David Isenberg, William Lane III, Thomas Lawler, Rein Lewis, John Malinowski, Charles Price, Justin Price, Richard Robichaud, Carib Sampson Miranda, Christopher Scott Jr., Brian Smith, Shaun Steinbarger, and Jason Zimmermann. Domicile Events Do you know how to check APA’s master calendar for upcoming events and confirm your attendance? This short video provides a tutorial. Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Pilots For Kids Golf Tournament on May 20; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 LAX: Retirement Party on April 27; Family Awareness lunch in Thousand Oaks on May 8; Family Awareness lunch in Dana Point on May 9; IMAX and TTS Training at the San Diego Yacht Club on May 10; Family Awareness lunch in San Diego on May 14; Family Awareness lunch in Temecula on May 15 LGA: Refinery Rooftop Social on May 18; New York Mets game on Sept. 2 MIA: Air Dot Show at FLL on May 11 and 12 ORD: Domicile Meeting on May 1; IMAX Training on May 1; Contract Compliance Training on May 2; Retirement Party on May 4; Galt Airport Fly-In and Pancake Breakfast on May 25 PHL: Philadelphia Phillies game on June 18 DFW Domicile Election Electronic voting for the Runoff Round of the DFW Domicile Election closes at 1200 Central on April 30. For more infomation, visit the Elections page on Week in Review Here are several recent messages you may have missed. Communications Committee: Membership Referendum for Proposed APA Constitution and Bylaws Amendments  Government Affairs Committee: The Power of the PAC Joint Implementation Action Committee: Update #2 on New Jumpseat Reservation System (JRS) Scheduling Committee: May 2024 PBS Awards Check Pilot Committee: “Line Rotations Not for Proficiency Flying” Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (1) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (1) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Appeal Board (1) Captain’s Authority Committee (3) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Flight Time/Duty Time Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (6) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs What time frame can be expected when Professional Standards is working an issue? Professional Standards issues will normally be resolved within a few days. Due to scheduling complexities, some cases may take longer. The expectation is that committee volunteers will be as timely as possible and not delay the processing of any issue submitted to the PS committee. Most cases are resolved within two days. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 Free PGA Tour Tickets for Military Personnel The PGA Tour’s Charles Schwab Challenge is scheduled for May 23-26 at Colonial Country Club in Fort Worth. All active, reserve, and retired military personnel can get free tickets, a parking pass, and access to a hospitality tent for one day of the tournament. Click here for more information . If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

APA News Digest: April 19, 2024

APA News Digest April 19, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... Expedited Presidential Grievance: Enforcement of PBS MOU “Please Listen to the Pilots” Contract Compliance Committee: APA Contract Minute – Reserve Pilots Moving Days Off Contract Compliance Committee: Register for Contract Training at ORD Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee: Two Issues to Keep on Your Radar Joint Implementation Action Committee:  New Jumpseat Reservation System (JRS) Hotel Committee: Calling for Your Transportation STOP Committee: APFA to Conduct Systemwide Picketing on May 9 Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes New Pilots Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class Membership Committee: Gone West Presidential Constitutional Interpretation Domicile Events DFW Domicile Election Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ Longtime APA Employee Gets Surprise Sendoff Free PGA Tour Tickets for Military Personnel If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Expedited Presidential Grievance: Enforcement of PBS MOU In response to management’s mishandling of the May PBS awards, APA President CA Ed Sicher filed Expedited Presidential Grievance 24-083 today seeking enforcement of the PBS Memorandum of Understanding, financial compensation for pilots who are monetarily impacted, and penalties for not complying with the MOU timelines. APA is also seeking enhanced penalties to deter any future noncompliance with the timelines. Expedited Presidential Grievances are filed at the arbitration level and determined by a five-member System Board. APA has proposed three options for scheduling the arbitration. As CA Sicher acknowledged in his Wednesday update to the membership, management has previously failed to comply with the MOU timelines, but “this is far and away the most egregious instance.” CA Sicher likewise affirmed that APA “will not permit management to reinterpret binding contract language at will simply because it’s easier for them to do so. Instead, we will aggressively insist on full compliance.” “Please Listen to the Pilots” Last Saturday, the APA Safety Committee published a message called “ The Strongest Link in the Safety Chain ” that highlighted a significant spike in safety- and maintenance-related problems in our operation. Among the problematic trends we’re seeing: Tools left in wheel wells. An increasing number of collisions between aircraft being tugged or towed. Improperly closed out maintenance actions with repeat writeups (sometimes 20 or more in a row). That message warned pilots not to feel rushed or pressured into doing something that doesn’t pass the “smell test.” Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it safe. In a follow-up message on Monday, APA President CA Ed Sicher affirmed “we now have management’s full attention” regarding our safety concerns. “APA is squarely focused on finding solutions – which will require collaboration between the union and management – and management’s initial response to our concerns was encouraging.” The Safety Committee message also got the attention of the news media. Thanks to articles by Bloomberg News and the Associated Press , APA’s concerns received worldwide coverage. On Tuesday, CBS Mornings aired a story featuring APA spokesman CA Dennis Tajer: “We’re telling our pilots slow down, take your time, and watch for these potential errors, because they’re starting to increase across the system.” Before moving on to an unrelated story, CBS anchor Gayle King said this: “Please listen to the pilots.” CA Tajer had another opportunity to share our concerns during a Thursday interview with WGN-AM in Chicago. Host Lisa Dent punctuated that interview with this: “It’s people like him that I want flying my planes when I board.” APA Contract Minute – Reserve Pilots Moving Days Off This is a new message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. CA Jason Saxer is back with another edition of the APA Contract Minute . This time around, CA Saxer discusses the two options Reserve pilots have for moving their days off within their schedules. Register for Contract Training at ORD This is a repeated message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. The Contract Compliance Committee wants to do everything we can to ensure that all APA members are well acquainted with the 2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Join us on May 2 in ORD for a full day of training on the new CBA. This training will be conducted in hybrid fashion, with members welcome to participate in person at the Doubletree Hotel in Rosemont from 0900 to 1630 or virtually via Zoom. Additionally, in-person IMAX training is scheduled for May 1 from 0900 to 1200 at the Doubletree. If you plan to attend either session, RSVP so we have an accurate headcount for the food orders. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. IMAX training on May 1: Click here to RSVP for in-person attendance Contract training on May 2: Click here to RSVP for in-person attendance . Contract training on May 2 via Zoom: Click here to register . Please take a few moments before the training to familiarize yourself with the Electronic Document Index . You must be logged in to for the links to be accessible. This Index connects you to a vast array of APA documents that we will reference. It is equally useful in the daily operation as a line pilot, so we recommend you retain the Index for future reference. During the training, it may be helpful to have two screens; one to run Zoom and one to reference these documents. Help us help you! The Contract Compliance Committee’s goal is for you – the membership – to be informed, educated, and knowledgeable. Every single pilot should strive to be a contract expert or, at the very least, strive for continued learning and engagement. Knowledge is power, and it will assist you in employing and being a watchdog of your negotiated work rules. Two Issues to Keep on Your Radar This is a new message from the APA Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee. We have become aware of two issues affecting pilots: 1. Last night, we received several reports of pilots unable to secure a jumpseat reservation at 2000 Central, eight days prior to departure. The new Jumpseat Reservation System (JRS) responded with a “could not be confirmed for this pass type” alert. Pilots reported being able to make a listing about 15 minutes later in several cases. We have forwarded this information to be investigated. Please provide a Jumpseat Debrief if you encounter this or any other issues with the new JRS. 2. Several pilots have reported their non-revenue travel listings do not include the FDJ AA designation in the remarks section. Agents have been trained to never issue a 1W/2W, etc., if FDJ AA is not in the remarks. The company is investigating the source of this issue and working on a resolution. If this happens to you, please ask the agent to look at your travel profile to confirm eligibility to occupy the FDJ. If they are unable, then kindly ask the agent to contact the SSC desk to get the FDJ AA added back in. Finally, the JRS is a new system for pilots and agents, and there have been changes to the system since implementation this week. If an agent is unfamiliar with how to find the “FDJ list,” please advise the list appears in CTRL F3 Option 3, as described in the “Sunset of pilot IVR system” Airport Excellence Advisory. New Jumpseat Reservation System (JRS) The following is excerpted from a Joint Implementation Action Committee message published on April 10. The new Jumpseat Reservation System went live on Tuesday in the Jetnet Travel Planner. Please take time to review the three-page User Guide on AAPilots > Resources > Forms/User Guides and in Comply365 > Pilot User Guides. The new JRS: Automatically creates a PNR in the Jetnet Travel Planner that simultaneously reserves your spot on the jumpseat list (by time of reservation), while also creating the accompanying non-rev listing. Allows an unlimited number of pilots to list for the flight deck jumpseat. If a pilot ahead of you on the jumpseat list deletes his or her listing, you automatically move up on the list. Fixes the “time of check in” issue that pilots currently face when a “Primary” cancels a listing within 24 hours. Provides visibility of mainline jumpseat availability and listings, including full names of listed pilots directly in the Travel Planner. Name visibility and jumpseat availability are restricted to mainline pilots only. Introduces the functionality to reserve the jumpseat using a D1 to improve your position on the non-rev list. If accommodated in the cabin, normal D1 pass deduction rules will apply. If accommodated in the jumpseat, no D1 pass will be deducted. Your position on the jumpseat list will continue to be by “time of reservation”; D1 status does not have an impact on your position on the jumpseat list. Allows for a “PNR rollover” during a cancellation scenario that preserves your time of check in, maintains your pass status (D1/D2), and retains the “FDJ AA” note in your listing (so that you are automatically considered for the jumpseat). The pre-existing jumpseat reservation(s) are retained for the pilot(s) on the flight to which you are being rolled over; this ensures predictability and assurance when a pilot makes a jumpseat listing. Calling for Your Transportation This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee. We are seeing an increasing number of airports that are not allowing hotel shuttles and third-party transportation to idle curbside while waiting for aircrew. Unfortunately, this is driving a higher number of debriefs because crews are understandably frustrated that they are having to wait for their pickup. Often, the response to the debrief is that the van did a “drive-by” when they thought the crew would be in place for pickup, and the crew was not there yet, so they had to circle back around. At large airports during peak hours, this can take a long time. We recommend that you call for pickup when all crew members taking the transportation to the hotel are off the aircraft and walking toward the exit. Tell the dispatcher you are on your way and try to give an accurate time for pickup if asked. If you are uncertain how long it will take, let them know that. While it’s tempting to try and arrange for the driver to beat you to the curb, giving them accurate information is often the quickest way to get to the hotel. Remember to check the APA Hotel Webpages for detailed information on transportation pickup for each airport. Please provide feedback on the webpage if you have details to add that could help fellow pilots. For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. APFA to Conduct Systemwide Picketing on May 9 This is a repeated message from the APA Strike and Tactical Operations Planning Committee. The Association of Professional Flight Attendants will conduct systemwide picketing on May 9. We encourage you to show your solidarity with our flight attendants in their efforts to secure a suitable contract by joining them on the picket line. As we receive additional information about the picketing, we will pass it along. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since March 14, B777 aircraft 7AD has been written up 10 times and out of service four times for an ELMS (electrical load management system) P110 fault. It was most recently signed off on April 14. Since March 9, B737 aircraft 3FJ has been written up 10 times and been out of service nine times for a fuel imbalance. It was most recently signed off on April 18 and is restricted to Class 1 or 2 maintenance stations. UPDATE: Between Jan. 30 and Feb. 6, B737 aircraft 3RF  had been written up and out of service three times for speed trim fail. On Feb. 6, it entered an MBV (main base visit) at an MRO (maintenance, repair, and overhaul). It returned to service on March 6, but an FCF (functional check flight) was not accomplished. It has since been written up another 14 times and been out of service 11 times. After an FCF with an NRFO2 management crew, it was signed off for this issue on April 17 and is restricted to Class 1 maintenance stations. APA Welcomes New Pilots This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. The APA Membership Committee welcomed the following pilots during a casual dinner on April 16: Aldo Alvarez Jr., Randall Atkinson Jr., Ruben Azambuja Filho, Ryan Bachman, Jordan Benedict, Robert Benton, Aaron Bruns, Chelsea Carlin, Nathan Cave, Ryan Crum, Joshua Dolan, Gregory Evans, James Fraser, Nelson Gaker, Jordan Goodman, Nore Habib, Charles Hildebrant, Joseph Jasiel Jr., Brantley Johansen, Myles Kleinfelter, Kyle KonKolics, Tavis Lipp, Joel Locke, Julius Mc Pherson, Aaron Miller, James Morris, Fabian Pallares, Callan Phillott, Javier Quintero Ruiz, Joshua Reborchick, William Rice, Juan Rivas, Jesus Rojas, Kenneth Sause, Juan Schick, Jesus Shafer, April Smail, Andrew Stetler, Christopher Stewart, Anna Timberlake, William Wilhite, and Edward Wolfe. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On April 17, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Matthew Baxley, Jonathan Bourne, Michael Chrzanowski, Michael Conrad, Jack Cronan, Roy Frazel III, David Gallas Jr., Christine Hamilton, Trevor Johnson, David Johnson, Kyle Lanthier, Anand Lulay, Robert Macdonald, Christopher Patrick, Matthew Schwartz, Robert Stadick, Robert Thompson, Bradley Toussaint, Binto Zacharias, and Jeffrey Ziemann. Gone West This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. We extend our deepest sympathies to the loved ones of these pilots, whose deaths we learned of in March: John Nequist, 86, on Oct. 31; Steve Telepman, 83, on Dec. 2; Louis “Buck” Blake, 91, on Dec. 3; Robert Kozlowski, 75, on Jan. 25; George Vrla, 93, on Feb. 4; Charlie Kloac, 91, on Feb. 7; Rich Stofer, 75, on Feb. 7; Dan McLendon, 66, on Feb. 10; Harry Burchard, 85, on Feb. 11; Carl Huebner, 91, on Feb. 16; Ted Ramsey, 76, on Feb. 20; Bill Lynott, 95, on Feb. 23; Frank Lasota, 91, on Feb. 26; Ronald Oberhelman, 73, on March 1; Frank Ricketts, 75, on March 2; Ricky “TKO” Pierce, 58, on March 4; Gary “Inspector Clewseau” Clews, 71, on March 5; Kirk McFarland, 69, on March 6; Dave Harris, 89, on March 8; and Bill Spencer, 90, on March 17. Presidential Constitutional Interpretation Today, APA President CA Ed Sicher issued a constitutional interpretation as to the meaning of Article VII, Section 1.B.3 of the APA Constitution text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> here . Domicile Events Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: BOS: Domicile Meeting on April 23 DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Pilots For Kids Golf Tournament on May 20; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 LAX: Family Awareness event at Camas Airport on April 23; Family Awareness event at Boeing Museum of Flight on April 24; Family Awareness event at Rowland Freedom Center on April 25; Retirement Party on April 27; Family Awareness lunch in Thousand Oaks on May 8; Family Awareness lunch in Dana Point on May 9; IMAX and TTS Training at the San Diego Yacht Club on May 10; Family Awareness lunch in San Diego on May 14; Family Awareness lunch in Temecula on May 15 LGA: Refinery Rooftop Social on May 18; New York Mets game on Sept. 2 MIA: Air Dot Show at FLL on May 11 and 12 ORD: Domicile Meeting on May 1; IMAX Training on May 1; Contract Compliance Training on May 2; Galt Airport Fly-In and Pancake Breakfast on May 25 PHL: Philadelphia Phillies game on June 18 DFW Domicile Election Electronic voting for the Runoff Round of the DFW Domicile Election closes at 1200 Central on April 30. For more infomation, visit the Elections page on Week in Review Here are several recent messages you may have missed. Safety Committee: PBS Awards Error President: Presidential Grievance: PBS Awards Error Safety Committee: The Strongest Link in the Safety Chain President: Safety First. Safety Always. APA Information Hotline: APA Board of Directors Convenes Spring Meeting APA Information Hotline: APA Board of Directors Reconvenes Spring Meeting APA Information Hotline: APA Board of Directors Continues Spring Meeting APA Information Hotline: APA Board of Directors Resumes Spring Meeting APA Information Hotline: APA Board of Directors Concludes Spring Meeting Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (2) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (3) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Appeal Board (1) Captain’s Authority Committee (2) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Flight Time/Duty Time Committee (1) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (5) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs What happens with a management referral? When a Professional Standards volunteer and management member are both working the same issue, it is the responsibility of the volunteer to determine whether management intends to stay involved or is willing to hand the case over to Professional Standards. The volunteer and management will work together to determine if the issue could be completed through the Professional Standards process. If an agreeable resolution is not made, the parties are encouraged to elevate the issue to the national committee for resolution or guidance. In all cases, Professional Standards will not accept an issue if management remains involved. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 Longtime APA Employee Gets Surprise Sendoff After 10 years at APA, Administration Manager Natti Hogan will retire in May. During this week’s Board of Directors meeting, the National Officers, Domicile Officers, pilot volunteers, and staff lined the hallways of APA headquarters with long-stemmed roses to give her a surprise sendoff. Free PGA Tour Tickets for Military Personnel The PGA Tour’s Charles Schwab Challenge is scheduled for May 23-26 at Colonial Country Club in Fort Worth. All active, reserve, and retired military personnel can get free tickets, a parking pass, and access to a hospitality tent for one day of the tournament. Click here for more information . If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

Presidential Grievance: PBS Awards Error

Presidential Grievance: PBS Awards Error As the Scheduling Committee affirmed in its membership update yesterday, we became aware that not all pilot Vacation Extension (VEX) days were respected upon publication of the PBS awards, with hundreds of trips issued in error. In related discussions with management this afternoon, the Scheduling Committee conveyed APA’s position that pilots who were affected by this error should have the option to drop the trips and be paid. Management refused, claiming they don’t have to issue PBS awards until the 18th of the month and indicated they would be rerunning and publishing the awards this evening. The Bidding Timeline in the PBS MOU clearly states that “PBS Bidding Closes” on the “13th day of month prior @ 12:00 HBT” and that "PBS Award Official Publication" is “NLT 16th day of month prior @ 12:00 HBT.” The PBS MOU also states the following: “A pilot’s final bid award shall be available for review in PBS upon award publication.” In response to management’s incorrect interpretation of the language in the PBS MOU, I am filing an Expedited Presidential Grievance seeking enforcement of the MOU, along with relief in the form of financial compensation for pilots who are monetarily impacted and penalties for not complying with the MOU timelines. We will also seek enhanced penalties to deter any future noncompliance with the timelines. While management has previously failed to comply with the MOU timelines, this is far and away the most egregious instance, and we will not permit management to reinterpret binding contract language at will simply because it’s easier for them to do so. Instead, we will aggressively insist on full compliance. CA Ed Sicher APA President
President Public News

Safety First. Safety Always.

Safety First. Safety Always. By now, I trust most of you have had an opportunity to read the membership update the APA Safety Committee issued on Saturday detailing the adverse safety trends APA has been tracking. In response to my request, we met with senior management earlier this month to discuss the operational hazards we have identified. Thanks to the diligent efforts of the APA Safety Committee and Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee, we now have management’s full attention. We secured management’s commitment to involve the union earlier in the safety risk assessment (SRA) process, and we are likewise seeking a commitment that APA will have a seat at the table for the entire quality assurance process. APA is squarely focused on finding solutions – which will require collaboration between the union and management – and management’s initial response to our concerns was encouraging. As APA presses forward with its efforts to protect and enhance the margin of safety at American Airlines, we will keep you apprised of our progress. In turn, thank you for continuing to keep us informed of safety- and maintenance-related issues by documenting them via an ASAP Report or Maintenance and Technical Analysis Debrief – your feedback is vital. The data you provide cannot be ignored or dismissed. We have a responsibility to ensure a safe operation, and it is a responsibility your union takes seriously. Thank you for you continued vigilance in protecting our passengers and crews. CA Ed Sicher APA President
President Public News

The Strongest Link in the Safety Chain

The Strongest Link in the Safety Chain APA has been tracking a significant spike in safety- and maintenance-related problems in our operation. While United Airlines is currently under public and government scrutiny, it could just as easily be American Airlines. Among the problematic trends we’re seeing: Tools left in wheel wells. An increasing number of collisions between aircraft being tugged or towed. Improperly closed out maintenance actions with repeat writeups (sometimes 20 or more in a row). The removal of overnight maintenance checks unless the aircraft is written up or due scheduled maintenance. Pressure to return aircraft to line service to maintain on-time performance due to a lack of spares. Improperly issued Engineering Authorizations for damaged aircraft repositions. The absence of proper Special Flight Permits on international maintenance ferry flights. The abbreviation of Functional Check Flights when aircraft return to service after heavy maintenance or long-term storage. Increased intervals between routine aircraft inspections. An increasing number of items left in the safe area near jet bridges. Remember: Don’t rush, don’t be intimidated, and don’t be pressured into doing something that doesn’t pass the “smell test.” Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it safe. Be mindful of the hazards while operating on the ramps and taxiways in congested airports staffed with inexperienced controllers and ground personnel. Ferry flights and maintenance repositions have become especially problematic. Notably, the Flight Operations Manual, Chapter 22 under Non-Scheduled Flights, warns that “More than one quarter of turbine aircraft accidents happen during functional check, ferry and exhibition flights” (Source: SAFO 07-006). The Flight Safety Foundation echoed that statistic in an article . The FOM is clear: Captains must comply. In instances where foreign authorities may intercede, any pilot conducting Non-Scheduled Flight Operations must be able to vouch for proper documentation, including Engineering Authorizations, the application of MELs, and the tracking of repeat write-ups/troubleshooting. In certain categories of these flights – such as those operated under a Special Flight Permit – crews must physically possess and present the required documents confirming adherence to country and ICAO procedures, including proper Overflight Authorizations. While noncompliance in the United States presents certain risk to your career, noncompliance outside the United States presents a clear and present danger to your personal freedom. Recently, one of our crews had an in-flight emergency and recovery back into a foreign country. The foreign authorities gathered all documentation and meticulously inspected the aircraft status paperwork, interrogated the crew, and demanded they explain and justify the checklist procedures they conducted. Whenever you encounter a safety- or maintenance-related problem, document it via an ASAP Report and Maintenance and Technical Analysis Debrief . We all understand that aviation accidents are the result of a chain of events – often a series of errors – and catching just one of those errors could prevent a tragedy. As the last link in the safety chain, our passengers and crew depend on us to be the strongest link in that chain.
Safety Public News

APA News Digest: April 12, 2024

APA News Digest April 12, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... Board Members to Host Town Halls During Spring Meeting Family Awareness Committee: APA Resources Highlighted at Sun ’n Fun National Communications Network: Thanks for the Conversations FAA Investigates Whistleblower’s Claims About 787 Senate Panel to Probe Boeing Next Week CEO’s Pay Package Grows to $31.4 Million Hotel Committee: Don’t Forget to Pay for Incidentals and Your Guests Contract Compliance Committee: APA Contract Minute – Reimbursements Contract Compliance Committee: Register for Contract Training at ORD STOP Committee: APFA to Conduct Systemwide Picketing on May 9 Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes New Pilots Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class Viral Eclipse Photo Includes AA Plane Domicile Events Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ Supporting Our Nation’s Veterans If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Board Members to Host Town Halls During Spring Meeting The APA Board of Directors will convene at union headquarters in Fort Worth for its regularly scheduled spring meeting from April 15 to April 19. ( Click here for more details .) The Board is comprised of 20 Domicile Officers, many of whom will participate in a pair of town hall meetings next week. The ORD, PHL, and PHX Domicile Officers will host a joint town hall at 1715 Central on April 15. The BOS, CLT, DFW, and LGA Domicile Officers will host a joint town hall at 1800 Central on April 16. A few minutes before each town hall begins, all members in good standing from the participating bases should receive a call from Telephone Town Hall Meeting, the vendor that hosts many of APA’s town hall meetings. The number that will appear in your caller ID is 817-302-2171. We recommend adding this number to your contacts if you have not already done so. If you miss the outbound call, you will still be able to participate in the town hall by clicking a link on your domicile’s page on APA Resources Highlighted at Sun ’n Fun This is a new message from the APA Family Awareness Committee. CA Ben Lyndaker of the Critical Incident Response Program Subcommittee represented APA at Sun ’n Fun, as did Benefits Department staffers Ashley Kurtz and Joanne Goldfarb. This week, we have been hosting APA pilots and their families at the Sun ’n Fun Aerospace Expo, the biggest and best airshow in the southeastern United States. The event continues through Sunday, and you still have time to join us for dinner between 1700 and 1900 on Saturday in our air-conditioned flightline chalet with private restrooms. Our presence at Sun ’n Fun is about more than food and fellowship. APA President CA Ed Sicher and APA Vice President CA Chris Torres joined us to hear directly from members in good standing, as did several volunteers from a variety of national committees. Two employees from the APA Benefits Department – Joanne Goldfarb and Ashley Kurtz – are also on hand to answer questions about the supplemental benefit programs offered to members and their families, such as Pilot Mutual Aid and Pilot Occupational Disability. Additionally, APA employs a team of Medical Advisors who provide pilots with accurate and detailed information regarding the FAA medical clearance and American Airlines sick leave processes. This information is typically conveyed over the phone, but three of these registered nurses – Marsha Reekie, Tina Smith, and Cassie Bien – are at Sun ’n Fun to meet with pilots face-to-face. APA Family Awareness Committee Chair CA Jerry Gemma and Deputy Chair FO Melissa Monahan Up next on the Family Awareness calendar: a St. Louis Cardinals game on May 5 for STL commuters. Similar events are in the works for ATL and BNA. Thanks for the Conversations This is a new message from the National Communications Network. LGA Domicile Vice Chair CA Jim Scanlan, FO Jimmy Deragisch, and FO Howard Kwon talked to pilots at LGA on Wednesday. National Communications Network volunteers and Domicile Officers engaged with more than 150 pilots this week during Concourse Conversations held at DCA, DFW, LGA, and PHL. We appreciate all of the pilots who took the time to share their views on our union, airline, and industry. The next Concourse Conversations are scheduled for April 26 at LAX and PHX and May 3 at ORD. We look forward to talking with you then. DCA Domicile Chair-elect CA Chris Wachter and FO John Fisher talked to pilots at DCA on Tuesday. FAA Investigates Whistleblower’s Claims About 787 The FAA is investigating claims made by a Boeing engineer who says that sections of the fuselage of the 787 Dreamliner are improperly fastened together and could break apart mid-flight after thousands of trips. The engineer, Sam Salehpour, detailed his allegations in interviews with The New York Times and in documents sent to the FAA. Mr. Salehpour, who has worked at Boeing for more than a decade, said the problems stemmed from changes in how the enormous sections were fitted and fastened together in the assembly line. The plane’s fuselage comes in several pieces, all from different manufacturers, and they are not exactly the same shape where they fit together, he said. Mr. Salehpour and his lawyers spoke in a virtual news conference Tuesday. The Seattle Times quoted him as saying, “I literally saw people jumping on the pieces of the airplane to get them to align.” APA spokesman CA Dennis Tajer appeared on CNBC to discuss these reports: “Airplanes are not like Ikea furniture. You can’t just press them to fit and then jam in a securing bolt.” Senate Panel to Probe Boeing Next Week A Senate subcommittee will hold an April 17 hearing into Boeing’s safety culture, Politico reported, as the aerospace giant grapples with new allegations that another one of its premier aircraft may not be safe to fly. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) is spearheading next week’s hearing of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, dubbed, “Examining Boeing’s Broken Safety Culture: Firsthand Accounts.” A witness list was not immediately made public, but Boeing engineer Sam Salehpour said he has been providing information to Blumenthal. Sen. Blumenthal, alongside Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), requested information from both the FAA and Boeing last month after receiving information from Mr. Salehpour. The subcommittee said it has also asked Boeing CEO David Calhoun for materials ahead of the hearing and requested that he testify. CEO’s Pay Package Grows to $31.4 Million American Airlines CEO Robert Isom brought in a total of $31.4 million last year, according to a regulatory filing released Thursday and highlighted by The Dallas Morning News . Mr. Isom’s pay package for 2023 was made up of three components: a $16.5 million direct salary, a one-time $11 million bonus that was reported in September, and a one-time $3.9 million annual bonus that was paid in 2023 but earned in 2022. Previous CEO Doug Parker made $7.24 million in his final full year as CEO in 2021 and $10.6 million in 2022. Don’t Forget to Pay for Incidentals and Your Guests This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee. This is a reminder to please remember to pay all incidentals you have charged to your room before you depart the hotel. Every month, the AA Hotel Contracts team spends hours chasing down crew members through their base Flight Offices to have them pay their incidentals. A good practice is to never charge to your room unless you already have a card on file and make sure you have no unpaid charges at checkout. Additionally, you can request a zeroed-out bill before you depart. If you are staying at a hotel that offers complimentary meals or services for crew members, please do not assume that these privileges extend to your guest if you are having someone join you on the layover. Check with the front desk to see whether guests must be registered with the hotel and are included in any complimentary meals or services. A hotel that offers crews a very nice complimentary breakfast has indicated they are considering a policy change because crews are not paying for their guests. Please don’t abuse this privilege and cause us to lose our complimentary breakfast! For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. APA Contract Minute – Reimbursements This is a new message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. CA Jason Saxer is back with another edition of the APA Contract Minute . This time around, CA Saxer highlights the enhanced provision covering meal reimbursements and the new contract language regarding reimbursements associated with obtaining your first-class medical. Register for Contract Training at ORD This is a new message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. The Contract Compliance Committee wants to do everything we can to ensure that all APA members are well acquainted with the 2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Join us on May 2 in ORD for a full day of training on the new CBA. This training will be conducted in hybrid fashion, with members welcome to participate in person at the Doubletree Hotel in Rosemont from 0900 to 1630 or virtually via Zoom. Additionally, in-person IMAX training is scheduled for May 1 from 0900 to 1200 at the Doubletree. If you plan to attend either session, RSVP so we have an accurate headcount for the food orders. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. IMAX training on May 1: Click here to RSVP for in-person attendance Contract training on May 2: Click here to RSVP for in-person attendance . Contract training on May 2 via Zoom: Click here to register . Please take a few moments before the training to familiarize yourself with the Electronic Document Index . You must be logged in to for the links to be accessible. This Index connects you to a vast array of APA documents that we will reference. It is equally useful in the daily operation as a line pilot, so we recommend you retain the Index for future reference. During the training, it may be helpful to have two screens; one to run Zoom and one to reference these documents. Help us help you! The Contract Compliance Committee’s goal is for you – the membership – to be informed, educated, and knowledgeable. Every single pilot should strive to be a contract expert or, at the very least, strive for continued learning and engagement. Knowledge is power, and it will assist you in employing and being a watchdog of your negotiated work rules. APFA to Conduct Systemwide Picketing on May 9 This is a new message from the APA Strike and Tactical Operations Planning Committee. This week, the Association of Professional Flight Attendants announced it will conduct systemwide picketing on May 9. We encourage you to show your solidarity with our flight attendants in their efforts to secure a suitable contract by joining them on the picket line. As we receive additional information about the picketing, we will pass it along. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since March 1, B-737 aircraft 3LU has been written up nine times and has been out of service five times for an intermittent fire warning bell/light. It most recently returned to service on April 11. In the last two weeks, B-737 aircraft 3JY has been written up 10 times and been out of service five times for a master caution light illuminating with no other associated system malfunction. It most recently returned to service April 12 and is restricted to Class 1 and 2 maintenance stations. Since March 4, A321 aircraft 189 ’s left engine fire loop “B” has been written up 13 times and has been out of service six times. At the time of this writing, it remained out of service. APA Welcomes New Pilots This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. The APA Membership Committee welcomed the following pilots during a casual dinner on April 9: Brandon Barban, Antonios Batson, James Beard, Aaron Bronson, Brandon Cespedes, Charles Cox III, James DeVore, Alexandru Firescu, Joshua Hall, Matthew Haskins, Timothy Hurley Jr., Matthew Johnston, Jonathan Kalina, Donald Lewis, John Mannone Jr., Daniel Mercado-Delgado, Yuri Miller, Vince Moore, Rupert Nuttall-Smith, Stephen Pike, John Pilong, Henry Pintz, Jesse Politis, Kyle Rassmann, Eldad Reich, Philip Riera, Andrew Riley, Justin Schultz, Kenneth Shepherd Jr., Adam Shramek, Justin Snow, Jacob Strope, Colin Swanson, Gregory Szajer, Adam Tallarita, Cyle Toney, Christopher Verrill, Maneesha Weerakkody, and Michael Wright. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On April 10, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Thad Amundson, Kent Boettcher, Oscar Carrillo Jr., Alex Evans, Andrew Fayen, Henry Foltz, David Johnson, Jason Keen, Christopher Krick, Melissa McDonald, Diego McKnight, Marc Monbouquette, Cory Naddy, Ryan Parker, Peter Penn, Matthew Ramirez, Teo Salatino, Mark Williams, and Binto Zacharias. Viral Eclipse Photo Includes AA Plane Click the image for a closer look. Kendall Rust, an amateur photographer from Memphis, took this stunning photo of Monday’s solar eclipse while in Jonesboro, Ark. The photo went viral on social media, and NBC News talked to Ms. Rust about her experience. According to Flightradar24, the aircraft in the photo is American Airlines Flight 2246 between DFW and JFK. The NS says the pilots on that flight were CA Mike Siegel and FO Josh Piper. Domicile Events Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Pilots For Kids Golf Tournament on May 20; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 LAX: Family Awareness event at Camas Airport on April 23; Family Awareness event at Boeing Museum of Flight on April 24; Family Awareness event at Rowland Freedom Center on April 25; Retirement Party on April 27; Family Awareness lunch in Thousand Oaks on May 8; Family Awareness lunch at MYF on May 14 LGA: Refinery Rooftop Social on May 18; New York Mets game on Sept. 2 MIA: Air Dot Show at FLL on May 11 and 12 ORD: Domicile Meeting on May 1; IMAX Training on May 1; Contract Compliance Training on May 2; Galt Airport Fly-In and Pancake Breakfast on May 25 PHL: Philadelphia Phillies game on June 18 Week in Review Here are several recent messages you may have missed. Joint Implementation Action Committee: New Jumpseat Reservation System (JRS) Communications Committee: APA Board of Directors to Meet Next Week Membership Committee: Potential APA Members Safety Committee: Clean Ramp “Gotchas” Information Technology Steering Committee: APA Robocall is Moving to Global Preferences Secretary-Treasurer: Vote in DFW Runoff Round Secretary-Treasurer: Did You Misplace Your Voting PIN? Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (2) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Appeal Board (1) Captain’s Authority Committee (2) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Flight Time/Duty Time Committee (1) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (5) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs Can management continue with a traditional process after releasing a case to Professional Standards? No. Once an issue has been released to Professional Standards, management will not pursue action against an employee for actions contained in the referral. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 Supporting Our Nation’s Veterans 100 Vets Who Give a Damn supports veterans by donating to numerous organizations. The group’s next meeting is Thursday, April 18, beginning at 1800 Central at the C.R. Smith Museum in Fort Worth. If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

APA News Digest: April 5, 2024

APA News Digest April 5, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... APA’s Future: Listening to YOU “A More Transparent and Responsive Union” FAA’s Mental Health Committee Recommends Changes Duckworth Calls on FAA to Investigate Boeing Sully Highlights Trust Issues with Boeing Contract Compliance Committee: APA Contract Minute: Reassignments Compass Project Committee: YOUnion 101 on April 10 Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class Domicile Events Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ Supporting Our Nation’s Veterans Golf Tournament Funds Scholarships for Female Pilots If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars APA’s Future: Listening to YOU Last month, APA volunteers and elected officials were in terminals nationwide, talking with pilots and gathering feedback. These were not isolated events. APA volunteers will continue to engage in Concourse Conversations across the system each month through the end of the year. You need timely information, you deserve transparency, and you need to be able to voice your concerns – and know that your union is listening and values your input. Now it’s time to highlight an important change for your union: The latest version of APA’s Strategic Plan is based on what we’ve heard from our members. The Strategic Plan is designed to codify APA priorities from year to year, integrate committee actions to make APA more efficient, and even help with resource allocation decisions – all to increase the value your union provides. Although the Strategic Plan has been revised, its overall goal remains the same – to establish American Airlines pilots as recognized leaders in U.S. commercial aviation. This requires aligning the union and the pilot group in a common direction with a shared sense of purpose, as well as establishing APA pilots as leaders and stewards of aviation as we shape the future of the industry. As the union representing the pilots of the world’s largest airline, APA should serve as a benchmark for best practices, guiding principles, and operational standards. Based on industry analysis and a deep dive into our own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, the plan focuses on four primary areas: Organizational Structure – Grow into an adaptive, collaborative organization. Pilot Engagement and Support – Foster unity and solidarity within the pilot group. Professional Development – Develop standard-setting leaders, volunteers, and pilots. Influence Aviation Industry – Serve as primary advocates and consensus builders. We will address each of these areas and their defined objectives in future membership updates as we walk you through the revised Strategic Plan, and our National Communications Network volunteers will have additional information on each element of the plan during Concourse Conversations. In the coming weeks, please continue to send us your SoundOffs , provide your feedback to NCN volunteers in the terminals, and engage your domicile representatives. Your voice is our future. “A More Transparent and Responsive Union” LGA Domicile Chair CA Lawrence Cutler and DFW Domicile Vice Chair FO Jason Gustin are members of the Board Steering Committee. In this short video , they talk about how your elected representatives are working to improve APA where meaningful change can be made while continuing to do what the union does well. As a reminder, the APA Board of Directors will convene at union headquarters in Fort Worth for its regularly scheduled spring meeting on April 15. The agenda will include a 60-minute Membership text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;">Click here for more details . FAA’s Mental Health Committee Recommends Changes In December, the FAA chartered the Mental Health margin-bottom: 1rem; box-sizing: border-box;"> Create a non-punitive pathway for disclosing mental health conditions and treatments. Ensure that aeromedical screening protocols and requirements are based on Safety Management System principles (i.e., proportionate, relevant, and risk-based) and appropriately communicated to applicants. Expand the use and promotion of peer support programs, such as Project Wingman. Increase mental health training and improve quality assurance for aviation medical examiners. Modernize the FAA's information management system. If you or someone you know needs help in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach a fellow pilot at Project Wingman by dialing 848-APA-CREW, option 1. Duckworth Calls on FAA to Investigate Boeing Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois wants the FAA to take a closer look at how it responds to what she says is a pattern by Boeing of failing to disclose 737 MAX features to pilots. This week, the chair of the Senate’s Aviation Safety, Operations, and Innovation Subcommittee sent a letter to FAA Administrator Michael Whitaker, calling on him to investigate why Alaska Airlines pilots were unaware that the MAX’s flight-deck door was designed to automatically open during a rapid depressurization. That’s what happened during the January flight that lost a door plug at 16,000 feet. “Boeing’s failure to disclose this feature is chilling given its history of concealing 737 MAX information from pilots,” Sen. Duckworth wrote. Her letter was the subject of a report by CBS News , which turned to APA spokesman CA Dennis Tajer for your union’s perspective. “We agree with Senator Duckworth,” he said. “As a fellow pilot, she understands the importance of informing pilots about safety-critical designs and systems. This nondisclosure of the cockpit door design just adds to Boeing’s rap sheet of withholding information from pilots. The FAA has got to stop this bad behavior before tragedy strikes again.” Sully Highlights Trust Issues with Boeing Last week, APA spokesman CA Dennis Tajer appeared on CNBC to discuss the impending departure of Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun. CA Tajer said it’s going to take more than another round of musical chairs in Boeing’s C-suite to restore pilots’ trust in the manufacturer. “What I need to see is an airplane that’s been vetted, engineered, and properly assembled, so that I don’t have to run special checklists in an emergency,” CA Tajer said. “I just do my job and run the normal error trapping.” CA Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger highlighted the interview this week on his social media channels, where he wrote this: “Pilots and professionals throughout the aviation industry are sounding the alarm about Boeing. We are all counting on Boeing to put people before profits – safety before the bottom line.” APA Contract Minute: Reassignments This is a new message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. CA Jason Saxer is back with another edition of the APA Contract Minute . This time around, CA Saxer touches on the reassignment premium that is available to all pilots, including reserves. YOUnion 101 on April 10 This is a new message from the APA Compass Project Committee. The Compass Project and APA Vice President CA Chris Torres will host a “YOUnion 101” meeting via Zoom at 1100 Central on Wednesday, April 10. YOUnion 101 is intended to be a “top off” for new hires, to explain the many services APA offers as well as opportunities to become involved in the union. 1100 Central on Wednesday, April 10 These Zoom meetings are intended for new pilots, but they include information that benefits all members. The information is presented by subject matter experts from several national committees. Click here to register for the April 10 meeting . Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since March 23, A320 aircraft 123 has been written up five times for the left engine oil pressure. It had five rejected takeoffs in one week. It most recently returned to service on April 3 and is restricted to Class 1 and 2 maintenance stations. Since March 21, the alternate brakes on A320 aircraft 030 have been written up nine times, and it has been out of service seven times. It most recently returned to service on April 4 and is restricted to Class 1 and 2 maintenance stations. UPDATE: Between Jan. 30 and Feb. 6, B737 aircraft 3RF  had been written up and out of service three times for speed trim fail. On Feb. 6, it entered an MBV (Main Base Visit) at an MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul). It returned to service on March 6, but a functional check flight was not accomplished. It has since been written up another 12 times and been out of service nine times. At the time of this writing, it remained out of service. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On April 3, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Kenneth Asbridge III, Rob Blissett, Johannes Bruce, Martin Clarke, David Egner, Roy Frazel III, Mark Giles, Cristian Guardado, Juan Guardado Reyes, Demetrius Ingram, Jaison Joy, Dimitrios Karvounis, Scott Kulifay, Dawn Martinez, Christopher Miller, David Miller, Hector Palos Jasso, Joshua Rainwater, Marco Rincon, Jeremy Ryder, Frank Scelso III, Jonathan Walthers, and Eric Weber. Domicile Events Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Pilots For Kids Golf Tournament on May 20; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 LAX: Family Awareness lunch at MYF on April 9; Family Awareness lunch in Thousand Oaks on April 10; Family Awareness lunch in Dana Point on April 11; Family Awareness event at Camas Airport on April 23; Family Awareness event at Boeing Museum of Flight on April 24; Family Awareness event at Rowland Freedom Center on April 25; Retirement Party on April 27; Family Awareness lunch in Thousand Oaks on May 8; Family Awareness lunch at MYF on May 14 LGA: Refinery Rooftop Social on May 18; New York Mets game on Sept. 2 MIA: MSY Crawfish Boil on April 6; Air Dot Show Tour at FLL on May 11 and 12 ORD: Domicile Meeting on May 1; IMAX Traing on May 1; Contract Compliance Training on May 2; Galt Airport Fly-In and Pancake Breakfast on May 25 PHL: Philadelphia Phillies game on June 18 Week in Review Here are several recent messages you may have missed. Secretary-Treasurer: DCA Election Round Results Secretary-Treasurer: DFW Election Round Results Scheduling Committee: Important TTS Updates Scheduling Committee: Training Request Form and Vacation Options  Information Technology Steering Committee: My Open Time Beta is Now Available Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (0) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (2) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Appeal Board (1) Captain’s Authority Committee (2) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Flight Time/Duty Time Committee (1) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (5) Training Committee (5) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs Is management required to use Professional Standards? No. Management is not required to use Professional Standards. However, management is encouraged to refer issues that are most appropriately addressed at the peer-to-peer level. Since 2016, management has been regularly utilizing Professional Standards to assist in resolution of cases for every appropriate opportunity. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 Supporting Our Nation’s Veterans 100 Vets Who Give a Damn supports veterans by donating to numerous organizations. The group’s next meeting is Thursday, April 18, beginning at 1800 Central at the C.R. Smith Museum in Fort Worth. Golf Tournament Funds Scholarships for Female Pilots The third annual Francesca Norris Memorial Golf Scramble is scheduled for Oct. 25 at Sky Creek Ranch Golf Club in Keller, Texas. This event benefits the Francesca Norris Memorial Scholarship, which awards advanced flight rating scholarships to women who are trying to become airline pilots. Norris, the daughter of retired APA member CA Brian Norris, died at the age of 25 in 2019, when she was serving as a flight instructor on a Piper PA-34 that tried to land at the airport in Gainesville, Texas. If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

APA News Digest: March 28, 2024

APA News Digest March 28, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... Completing the Communications Loop Contract Compliance Committee: APA Contract Minute: Enhanced Sick Bank and LTD Hotel Committee: TDY Hotel Selection Process Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class APA Holiday Schedule Government Affairs Committee: Do You Back the PAC? Domicile Elections Domicile Events Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ Supporting Our Nation’s Veterans Retirement Seminar Scheduled for April 3 If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Completing the Communications Loop This is a new message from the APA Communications Committee. APA’s strategic communications plan is designed to complete the communications loop with you, the pilots we represent. You need transparency, you need relevant information in a timely manner, and you need to know you can voice your concerns to your elected representatives and be heard. Beginning on March 18, every domicile had volunteers and base representatives in the terminals listening to pilots and gathering feedback. This was not a one-off. Your input is vital in our ability to make meaningful progress outside the framework of Section 6 bargaining, and with that in mind, we have plotted out when volunteers will be working Concourse Conversations in each domicile each month through the end of the year. The most effective form of communication is face-to-face, and your engagement is key. A common concern we heard from you time and again is TTS. You told us you are frustrated that the system is locked down and trades don’t happen easily or at all, you suggested more batch runs, and you reminded us that trips are locked down and therefore not tradable. You also reminded us the trip pairings are built to the legal limits, the days are long, and you want transparency with the Red/Green lights. You made suggestions about how to improve the user interface. We have taken everything you shared with us and passed it along to your Scheduling Committee. When the committee meets with management, having tangible data is key as we work on improvements to the system. Another recurring theme from you: how we can further improve the APA Pilot app. Several of you suggested adding a link to union updates and adding a calendar sync function. APA IT is already working on both updates. Others had questions about a possible change in the retirement age to 67, shared concerns regarding maintenance and Right Start Flights, cited issues with medical reimbursements, voiced frustrations with hotel wait times, and had questions about jumpseat procedures. In each instance, we have forwarded your questions and feedback to the relevant subject-matter experts within APA. As we go forward, please continue to send Sound Offs , provide feedback when you see National Communications Network volunteers in the terminals, and engage with your domicile representatives. Your feedback is what matters the most as we focus on continuous improvements in how we serve you and in the collective bargaining agreement that binds us all. It is your voice, our future. APA Contract Minute: Enhanced Sick Bank and LTD This is a new message from the APA Contract Compliance Committee. APA Contract Compliance Committee Chair CA Jason Saxer is back with another edition of the Contract Minute. This time around, CA Saxer touches on the Enhanced Sick Bank provisions in our new contract, along with the changes to LTD. TDY Hotel Selection Process This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee. TDY bidding will open late next week. We regularly get questions after the TDY bidding process is complete from pilots who missed their opportunity to select a long/short hotel or decline a hotel altogether. If you are considering bidding for a TDY or you are a junior pilot in your bid status who is vulnerable to a TDY assignment, please keep reading for a review of how the process works. All pilots who are awarded or assigned a TDY will receive a CCI message on the 7th of the month to notify them of the TDY for the following month. This CCI message will include a link to the ‘Pilot Hotel Preference and Waiver Page’ where pilots can preference their hotel option. Pilots can select ‘Airport/Short’, ‘Downtown/Long,’ or choose the ‘TDY Hotel Waiver,’ which pays the TDY pilot $2,000 in lieu of a company provided hotel room. This selection needs to be completed by 1200 Central on the 13th of the month prior to the TDY. AA is not able to wait until post PBS awards are published to make hotel assignments because allocations need to be accomplished prior to that point. If a pilot is awarded a TDY in a co-terminal location (i.e., JFK, LGA, EWR) the Fight Admin team will attempt to reach out to the pilot after the 18th to determine the most suitable option. APA’s PBS 3XP is a great tool to determine what kind of line or reserve schedule your seniority can hold in a particular bid status and can help you determine which hotel option is the best choice for you. If you bid for a TDY or are junior in a bid status with TDYs being offered, watch for a TDY assignment notification message in CCI on the 7th so you can properly preference for a hotel. For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. In the last month, A321 aircraft 170 right engine bleed air has been written up eight times and out of service seven times. It was last returned to service on March 26 and is currently restricted to AA maintenance stations only. Update: B737 aircraft 3AM was returned to service in mid-October from storage. Since then, it has been written up 40 times, and has been out of service 21 times for the cabin temperature being uncontrollable. It recently operated under Special Flight Permit to a maintenance base for repairs. It remains out of service and is restricted to Class 1 maintenance stations only. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On March 27, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Nathan Alcantara, Daniel Ball, Aaron Bandy, Christina Carroll, Collin Clark, Cornell Eyde, Nicolo Fatai, Juan Guardado Reyes, Wendell Gutierrez, Matthew Honek, Landon LaBruto, Caleb McCullough, Adam Milnes, Mark Nolin, John Novak, Edwin Otero, Stephen Peckyno, Shanita Polk, James Saver, Jeremy Swicegood, Juan Vallejo, Dustin Wilmoth, and Vladimir Yesayan. APA Holiday Schedule APA headquarters, including Contract Administration, will close at 1700 Central today and will be closed tomorrow in observance of Good Friday. Contract Administration will be open from 0700 to 1900 Central on Saturday and Sunday. As always, your APA support team remains available 24/7. When Contract Administration is closed, calls will be forwarded to a phone service operated by Contract Compliance Committee and Flight Time/Duty Time Committee volunteers. Please note that call-back times may be longer than normal due to limited staffing. If your call is not urgent, we encourage you to wait until normal business hours resume. You may also want to consult the pilot volunteers on your domicile’s Contract Compliance Committee. Almost every domicile has one, and some of them have larger rosters than the national committee. Contact your local committee by visiting your domicile’s page on and clicking the “Domicile Committee List” link. To reach a contract administrator, call APA HQ at 1-800-323-1470 and press Option 3. If you prefer to e-mail your question to the contract administrators, click here . For specific FAR 117/fatigue issues requiring immediate attention, you can also call the Emergency Help Line at 682-738-6670 manned 24/7 by Flight Time/Duty Time Committee volunteers. Do You Back the PAC? This is an updated message from the APA Government Affairs Committee. Your Government Affairs Committee maintains a constant presence in Washington, D.C., so we can talk to members of Congress about our legislative priorities . We are able to have direct access to members of Congress thanks to your voluntary contributions to the APA Political Action Committee. Last month, 6,128 pilots contributed to the APA PAC . That number represented 38.5 percent of APA’s active members. Click the image below for a closer look at each domicile’s PAC contribution rates in December, January, and February. Our Political Action Committee would be extremely well-funded if every APA member contributed as if his or her career depended on it – because it does. Click here to back the PAC . Domicile Elections Electronic balloting for the DCA and DFW domicile elections opened at 0000 Central on March 13. Pilots from those bases can vote for the following candidates through 1200 Central on April 2: DCA Chair FO Brandon Lightly CA Chris Wachter DCA Vice Chair CA Timothy Doreen Jr. FO Thomas Lawler DFW Chair CA Steven Pacheco CA Jon Sherrell CA Brian Smith DFW Vice Chair CA Drew Coleman FO Julio Gomez FO Jason Gustin For more details, visit the APA Elections webpage or review APA Secretary-Treasurer FO Pat Clark’s March 4 message: DCA and DFW Elections Electronic Balloting Update . Domicile Events Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Pilots For Kids Golf Tournament on May 20; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 LAX: Family Awareness lunch at MYF on April 9; Family Awareness lunch in Thousand Oaks on April 10; Family Awareness lunch in Dana Point on April 11; Family Awareness event at Camas Airport on April 23; Family Awareness event at Boeing Museum of Flight on April 24; Family Awareness event at Rowland Freedom Center on April 25; Retirement Party on April 27 LGA: New York Mets game on Sept. 2 MIA: MSY Crawfish Boil on April 6 ORD: Retirement Party on May 4 Week in Review Here are several recent messages you may have missed. Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee: Jumpseat Indicators Not Appearing Benefits Department: Retirement Seminar Scheduled for April 3 Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (2) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (1) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (2) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Flight Time/Duty Time Committee (1) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (5) Training Committee (4) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs Is Professional Standards a step in the traditional discipline process (Section 21)? No. The Professional Standards program is an APA volunteer committee that does not involve discipline. A call to domicile Professional Standards volunteers should be considered as the first step: First call? Union first! Resolved issues submitted to the Professional Standards Committee cannot be used by management to support other disciplinary actions at any time in the future. The objective is to facilitate a change at the lowest possible level to prevent the need for a traditional discipline approach. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 Supporting Our Nation’s Veterans 100 Vets Who Give a Damn supports veterans through numerous veterans’ organizations. The group’s next meeting is Thursday, April 18, beginning at 1800 CDT at the C.R. Smith Museum in Fort Worth. Retirement Seminar Scheduled for April 3 American Airlines and APA will host a retirement information session from 1000 to 1200 Central on April 3 via Microsoft Teams. Future retirees are encouraged to attend. To ensure you get the most out of this seminar, click here to submit your questions in advance. How to log into the Microsoft Teams meeting: Click here from any device with Wi-Fi or cellular service. Enter the meeting ID: 283 423 147 987 Enter the meeting passcode: hnkJKH Click “Join a meeting.” Please note the speakers will be sharing their screens, so the recommendation is to use a device where you can view the presentations. If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: 0.2s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

APA News Digest: March 22, 2024

APA News Digest March 22, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... Thank You for Sharing Your Views “Just Because It’s Legal Doesn’t Mean It’s Safe” Hotel Committee: Be Wary of Switching to a Short-Layover Property Government Affairs Committee: A Big Week in the Benton House Government Affairs Committee: Medical Certificate Backlog on Congress’ Radar Disabled Pilots Awareness Subcommittee: New Resources Can Help You Navigate LTD Professional Standards Committee: APA’s Newest Professional Standards Volunteers Flight Time/Duty Time Committee: APA Hosts Industry-Wide Fatigue Working Group Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class Membership Committee: Congratulations to Newly Upgraded Captains Domicile Elections Domicile Events Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ Retirement Seminar Scheduled for April 3 If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Thank You for Sharing Your Views BOS Chair CA Paul McFarland and BOS Vice Chair CA Gemma Meehan were among the APA leaders listening to line pilots this week. At the direction of the Board of Directors, the APA Strategic Planning and Communications committees have put together a plan to enhance transparency and be more responsive to the issues and concerns affecting our membership. APA is committed to delivering on its plan to make your union more transparent and responsive and to continue providing our members with the level of representation and services you deserve. As part of this effort, Concourse Conversations were scheduled at airports nationwide this week. Domicile Officers, members of our National Communications Network, and other APA volunteers listened to line pilots’ concerns about scheduling, contractual issues, and other aspects of their jobs. Thank you to everyone who took time to share their views this week. Similar events will be scheduled soon. CA Adrian Radosav, FO Mike Hughes, and CA Andrea Hoover participated in Concourse Conversations at ORD. “Just Because It’s Legal Doesn’t Mean It’s Safe” During an interview with NewsNation this week, APA spokesman CA Dennis Tajer emphasized the need for all airlines to take a close look at their safety cultures and maintenance practices: “We have watched airlines reduce checks and defer maintenance procedures that are all legal to do. But we have a saying in my cockpit – in all cockpits – just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s safe or smart.” Be Wary of Switching to a Short-Layover Property This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee. According to the 2023 CBA, pilots shall be placed in short-layover properties for any layovers with ODLs of less than 13 hours, while pilots on layovers over 17 hours should be placed in long-layover properties. The Company has some flexibility for those layovers between 13 and 17 hours, depending on the market, but 15 hours should be used as the cutoff between long and short layovers. Sometimes crews are scheduled for a long layover and, due to delays, their layover time is reduced to below 13 hours. While it is acceptable to call and ask the Company to move you to a short property, APA does not always recommend doing so. We recommend you use caution when making the request, and first consider the drive time to the long-layover hotel. If it is not excessive, you are probably better off staying with your assigned hotel. Having the Hotel/Limo Desk change your hotel can take time, and sometimes you can be delayed getting into a new hotel in excess of the drive time saved. Additionally, most short-layover hotels do not have dedicated crew transportation, while most long-layover properties use third-party transportation, which tends to be timelier and more reliable. Additionally, you may be opening yourself up to a non-contracted hotel if our contracted short-layover hotels do not have availability. We often see pilots have the Hotel/Limo Desk change their hotel over a potential transit savings of 15 to 30 minutes, and it costs them more in the end because there is a much higher likelihood of issues with booking last-minute hotel rooms than with a normally allocated hotel. Your Hotel Committee provides this update to help you make the best choice for you and your crew the next time your layover is shortened! For more information, check out the recently updated QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. A Big Week in the Benton House This is a new message from the APA Government Affairs Committee. This was a very busy week at the Benton House on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., with 32 members of the House of Representatives attending five events. That equates to 7.4 percent of the entire House of Representatives. The focus this week in Congress has been on passing legislation to avoid a shutdown. None of this week’s legislation includes the FAA Reauthorization Bill; the FAA’s current funding was extended through May 10. The general sentiment among legislators is there has been progress in the “conference” process and another extension for FAA will likely not be necessary. Medical Certificate Backlog on Congress’ Radar This is a new message from the APA Government Affairs Committee. Many pilots employed by U.S. airlines are ready to return to active duty from long-term disability, but their recertifications are being held up by the FAA’s Office of Aerospace Medicine. We applaud Rep. Jack Bergman of Michigan, Rep. Jake Ellzey of Texas, and Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas, who issued a joint letter to FAA Administrator Michael Whitaker this week that includes several recommendations for modernizing the Office of Aerospace Medicine. Among their recommendations: Establish fair and reasonable time limits on certification decisions of ALL classes of medical applications. Adhere to a single set of published, transparent standards for the purpose of medical application decisions. Establish a transparent and timely process for appeal of medical certificate denials. With assistance from the APA Aeromedical Committee and the APA Medical Certificate Working Group Ad Hoc Committee, your Government Affairs Committee will continue to highlight this important issue during our meetings with members of Congress and other policy makers in Washington. New Resources Can Help You Navigate LTD This is a new message from the APA Disabled Pilots Awareness Subcommittee. We have made several changes to the Navigating LTD page on, which you can locate by selecting “DPASC/Navigating LTD” on the Quick Links menu. Those changes include the introduction of a Long-Term Sick/Long-Term Disability Flowchart and a video called “LTD: A Pilot User Guide.” These new resources reflect the relevant provisions of the 2023 CBA. Check out what DPASC has made available BEFORE you need it! If you have questions, contact us at 848-APA-CREW, Option 5. APA’s Newest Professional Standards Volunteers This is a new message from the APA Professional Standards Committee. Click the image for a closer look. We trained our newest cadre of Professional Standards volunteers this week at union headquarters in Fort Worth, with committee Chair CA Pat McGinn, Deputy Chair CA Linda Wackerman, and committee members FO Zack Harris, FO Evan MacPhee, and FO Leslie Sanders conducting the training. The Professional Standards Committee would like to welcome the following volunteers and express its appreciation for their willingness to serve: DFW CA Clint Early, DFW CA Stoddard Finnie, CLT FO Chris Gatz, BOS CA David Hicks, CLT CA Jeff Higgins, DFW CA Mike Masters, PHL FO Jeremiah McBride, DCA CA Eric Overturf, CLT FO Jenna Pitcher, ORD FO Kristina Schmidt, LAX FO Drew Uhler, and BOS FO Ed Vanidestine. This week’s training also included Sky West FO Madeline Chuss, daughter of ORD CA Ed Chuss. The two are collaborating on a project with NASA and the FAA on how Professional Standards can serve as a conduit for addressing generational issues. The committee also held a one-day training session this week for volunteers from other APA committees, along with members of APFA, IAM, and SWAPA. If you ever find yourself in conflict with another pilot or another union-represented employee, and you don’t feel comfortable resolving the issue yourself, make Professional Standards your first call: 817-402-2181. APA Hosts Industry-Wide Fatigue Working Group This is a new message from the APA Flight Time/Duty Time Committee. Last year, the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) – a joint venture between the FAA, industry, and labor – convened a Pilot Fatigue Working Group to study lessons learned and current challenges for managing and mitigating fatigue in the U.S. airline industry. APA Flight Time/Duty Time Committee Chair CA David Currier is a sitting member of this working group and hosted its most recent meeting at APA headquarters on March 20 and 21. On hand were representatives from the FAA’s Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI), the NASA Ames Research Center, and fatigue risk management professionals and labor representatives from Delta, United, Southwest, JetBlue, Kalitta, Republic, USAJet, Atlas, UPS, and FedEx. The group has met on multiple occasions and is making good progress toward presenting the deliverables of the charter to CAST later this year. APA, through CA Currier’s participation, is one of the key contributors to this critical effort to refine best practices in the ever-evolving field of fatigue. We will provide further updates regarding the group’s progress as we are able. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since Jan. 27, A319 aircraft 029 has been written up 10 times for alternate brakes and has been out of service seven times. At the time of this writing, it was undergoing a maintenance check and was restricted to Class 1 and 2 maintenance stations. Between Jan. 30 and Feb. 6, B737 aircraft 3RF was written up and out of service three times for speed trim fail. It began a main base visit at a maintenance, repair, and overhaul station on Feb. 6, and it returned to service on March 6. A functional check flight was not accomplished. Since March 6, it has been written up another five times and been out of service four times. It was most recently signed off on March 21. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On March 20, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Javier Almanza Munoz, Michal Baranowski, Gregory Barrier, Larry Boodoosingh, Bryan Buckingham, Derek Chambers, Regis Collomp, Abdeljalil Douiki, Daniel Duerden, Bradley Eilertsen, Damien Gangadeen, Lloyd Hedges, Lauren Hensel, Mark Hollingsed, Michael Lovern, Sebastian McNally, Dennis Meyer, Michael Millard, David Miller, Joseph Monaco, Stephen Peckyno, Julian Ponce, Joseph Riley, Austin Robinson, Joan Saravia Ruiz, Floyd Shoemaker III, Morris Taylor, and Steven Zalewski. Congratulations to Newly Upgraded Captains This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. We would like to recognize and congratulate the following pilots who upgraded to captain last month. They are listed by their post-upgrade base and equipment. BOS 737: Robert Thompson CLT 777: David Piotrowski CLT 737: Braden McCormack CLT 320: Jeremy Swicegood and Connor Walker DFW 777: Dennis Meyer, Joe Riley, and Thomas Wilson DFW 737: Nick Allen, Aaron Bandy, Joshua Daneault, Daniel Duerden, Daniel Housley, and Dustin Wilmoth DFW 320: Mark Hollingsed LAX 777: David Bakony LAX 737: Gregory Barrier, Howard Bohl, Christina Carroll, Derek Chambers, David Egner, Thomas Hanrahan, Lauren Hensel, Matthew Honek, Adam Milnes, Joe Monaco, Jeffrey Rubens, Holden Saunders, and Vladimir Yesayan LGA 777: John Novak LGA 737: Nathan Alcantara, David Athay, Bryan Buckingham, Natalie Butler, Collin Clark, Regis Collomp, Abdeljalil Douiki, Nathanael England, Nicolo Fatai, Damien Gangadeen, Paulo Goncalves, Cristian Guardado, Juan Guardado Reyes, Matthew Hauke, Jaison Joy, Landon LaBruto, Scott Lebovitz, Justin McKay, Mark Nolin, Jon Norman, Edwin Otero, Hector Palos Jasso, Stephen Peckyno, Shanita Polk, Justin Price, Christopher Prout, Joshua Rainwater, Marco Rincon, Floyd Shoemaker, Morris Taylor, Juan Vallejo, and Eric Weber MIA 777: Robert LeBlanc MIA 737: Stephen Adams, Javier Almanza Munoz, Akil Andrade, Larry Boodoosingh, Jaime Esteban, Rohaan Khullar, Michael Lovern, Caleb McCullough, Michael McElveen, Sebastian McNally, Michael Millard, Mario Patterson, Nicholas Petro, Ken Quinlan, Paulo Ramos da Silva Filho, Joan Saravia Ruiz, Don Smith, Joshua Smith, Cameron Springstun, Stephen Stark, and Adrian Tutein MIA 320: Spencer Day ORD 787: Keith McRonald, Michael Milazzo, and Ronald White ORD 737: Walter Adams, Thomas Anderson, Michael Carroll, Conn McCarthy, Nicholas Moritz, Richard Pond Jr., Jason Schwecke, Philip Sevenz, and Collis Wagner PHL 787: Bradley Eilertsen, Neal Geeting, Daniel Hable, Julian Ponce, Eric Robbins, and Jamie Weidner PHL 320: Johannes Bruce, Richard Healey, Maggie Linn, Austin Robinson, and David Smith PHX 320: Stephanie Ericksen, Cornell Eyde, Edward Goodman, and Stephen Riggs Domicile Elections Electronic balloting for the DCA and DFW domicile elections opened at 0000 Central on March 13. Pilots from those bases can vote for the following candidates through 1200 Central on April 2: DCA Chair FO Brandon Lightly CA Chris Wachter DCA Vice Chair CA Timothy Doreen Jr. FO Thomas Lawler DFW Chair CA Steven Pacheco CA Jon Sherrell CA Brian Smith DFW Vice Chair CA Drew Coleman FO Julio Gomez FO Jason Gustin For more details, visit the APA Elections webpage or review APA Secretary-Treasurer FO Pat Clark’s March 4 message: DCA and DFW Elections Electronic Balloting Update . Domicile Events Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Pilots For Kids Golf Tournament on May 20; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 LAX: Family Awareness lunch at MYF on April 9; Family Awareness lunch in Thousand Oaks on April 10; Family Awareness event at Camas Airport on April 23; Family Awareness event at Boeing Museum of Flight on April 24; Family Awareness event at Rowland Freedom Center on April 25; Retirement Party on April 27 LGA: New York Mets game on Sept. 2 MIA: MSY Crawfish Boil on April 6 ORD: Retirement Party on May 4 Week in Review Here are several recent messages you may have missed. Secretary-Treasurer: Vote in DCA and DFW Elections Scheduling Committee: April PBS Award Review Aeromedical Committee: Dengue Fever Outbreak in Brazil Communications Committee: “Positive Rate” Episode 22: A Seat at the Aviation Rulemaking Table Communications Committee: We Remember USAir Flight 405 Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (2) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (1) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (2) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Flight Time/Duty Time Committee (1) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (5) Training Committee (4) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs Will the other person know it’s me who made the call? Our cornerstones are: confidentiality, neutrality and transparency. We make every effort to protect the identity of the reporting party and, in most cases, anonymity is preserved. In a direct conflict between two parties there is little need for remaining anonymous. In a case involving observed behavior, maintaining anonymity is easier. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 Retirement Seminar Scheduled for April 3 American Airlines and APA will host a retirement information session from 1000 to 1200 Central on April 3 via Microsoft Teams. Future retirees are encouraged to attend. To ensure you get the most out of this seminar, click here to submit your questions in advance. How to log into the Microsoft Teams meeting: Click here from any device with Wi-Fi or cellular service. Enter the meeting ID: 283 423 147 987 Enter the meeting passcode: hnkJKH Click “Join a meeting.” Please note the speakers will be sharing their screens, so the recommendation is to use a device where you can view the presentations. If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

APA News Digest: March 15, 2024

APA News Digest March 15, 2024 Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to before clicking them. In This Edition ... We Want to Hear From You Presidential Grievance Filed Over Payments to Retirees APA President Meets With Key Senators “It Feels Like the Enemy is Within” Hotel Committee: Quick Reference Hotels Document Has Been Updated Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee: Reciprocal Agreement Reached with Porter Airlines Family Awareness Committee: Make Plans to Join Us at Sun ’n Fun Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class Domicile Elections Domicile Events Week in Review Are You Willing to Serve? Professional Standards FAQ Retirement Seminar Scheduled for April 3 If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars We Want to Hear From You The following is excerpted from today’s Joint Leadership message. As we continue to experience life under our first new collectively bargained agreement in more than two decades, we are focused on improving our communications and engagement with the APA membership as we move toward Contract 2027. At the direction of the Board of Directors, our Strategic Planning and Communications committees have put together a plan to enhance transparency and be more responsive to the issues and concerns affecting our membership. We are committed to delivering on our plan to make APA more transparent and responsive and to continue providing our members with the level of representation and services you deserve. During the next several weeks, we will detail what this new approach means for APA and its members. That starts with us having face-to-face interactions and hearing directly from you. Next week, Board members and National Communications Network volunteers will be in airports nationwide to listen to YOU. We want to hear directly from as many pilots as we can. Ask questions, vent your frustrations, or just let us know what’s on your mind. Help us better understand what we are doing well and what we can do better. Click here to review next week’s Concourse Conversations schedule . Presidential Grievance Filed Over Payments to Retirees APA President CA Ed Sicher filed Presidential Grievance 24-071 on March 14. This grievance protests American’s violation of Letter of Agreement 23-001 (One-Time Supplemental Payment), which is attached to the 2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement . American has failed and refused to pay the One-Time Supplemental Payment as described in LOA 23-001 to those pilots who voluntarily opted to retire pursuant to LOA 20-007 (VOR) and LOA 21-001 (VORR2). Paragraph 6 of LOA 23-001 provides that “An eligible Pilot who has separated their employment from American Airlines (i.e., removed from the Pilot System Seniority List), regardless of reason , will receive the Supplemental One-Time Payment for any Eligible Earnings received during the Relevant Period.” Despite the clear language of LOA-23-001, American refuses to make the Supplemental One-Time Payment to those pilots who retired pursuant to VOR and VORR2 even when they meet all the conditions described to be eligible. The grievance seeks the following relief: An order directing American to immediately cease and desist refusing to pay the One-Time Supplemental Payment (per LOA 23-001) to those pilots who retired via LOA 20-007 (VOR) or LOA 21-001 (VORR2). An order directing American to immediately comply and maintain compliance with LOA 23-001, all other related sections of the Agreement, and past practices. An order directing American to pay the One-Time Supplemental Payment (per LOA 23-001) to those pilots who retired via LOA 20-007 (VOR) or LOA 21-001 (VORR2). Any other appropriate relief. The next step is to schedule the appeal hearing before the Vice President of Flight. We expect to schedule that hearing in late March or early April. APA will continue using every tool at our dispoal to fight for our members – whether they’re active or retired – to ensure that American complies with all contractual provisions and letters of agreement. APA President Meets With Key Senators APA President CA Ed Sicher and Sen. Tammy Duckworth. APA President CA Ed Sicher was in Washington, D.C., this week to meet with key members of the U.S. Senate. Along with Government Affairs Committee member CA Eric Jeppson and APA spokesman CA Dennis Tajer, CA Sicher met with Sen. Maria Cantwell of Washington, who chairs the Senate Committee on Science, Commerce, and Transportation. They discussed aviation safety issues of importance to our membership and the traveling public. A second meeting was with Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, who chairs the Aviation Safety, Operations, and Innovation Subcommittee. They were joined by Government Affairs Committee member CA Tim Knutson for a discussion about progress on the FAA reauthorization bill and related topics. “It Feels Like the Enemy is Within” Alaska Airlines said Tuesday its 2024 capacity estimates are "in flux" due to federal scrutiny of Boeing. United Airlines said it asked Boeing to stop building planes not yet certified by the FAA. Southwest Airlines said it cut its capacity forecast, citing fewer Boeing deliveries than expected. With the plane manufacturer’s numerous issues affecting the rest of the industry, CNBC’s Last Call contacted APA spokesman CA Dennis Tajer for a second interview in as many weeks. “Boeing airplanes saved my tail many times in combat. The enemy was outside the airplane,” CA Tajer said Tuesday. “Now it feels like the enemy is within.” Last Saturday, the body of Boeing whistleblower John Barnett was found in a vehicle parked outside a Holiday Inn in Charleston, S.C. Mr. Barnett, who had retired to Louisiana, was in South Carolina last week to testify in a deposition related to problems he identified at Boeing’s plant there. A coroner said he died from “what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound,” but police are investigating. His death prompted News Nation to book CA Tajer for an interview . “Every day is a new disclosure and a new shock to us,” CA Tajer said. “We’ll never cease being shocked, but we’ll also never cease to fight to protect our passengers.” Quick Reference Hotels Document Has Been Updated This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee. Version 2.0 of the QRH – Quick Reference Hotels document is live. This resource answers 99 percent of all hotel, transportation, and layover questions while providing helpful solutions. You can find the QRH link at the top of each Hotel Webpage on and within the Hotels section of the APA Pilot app. Suggestion: Download this QRH document to your AA iPad for easy access in the future. Please send any QRH feedback or questions to . Reciprocal Agreement Reached with Porter Airlines This is a new message from the APA Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee. Porter: American Airlines has reached a reciprocal jumpseat agreement with Porter Airlines, which flies to BOS, EWR, IAD, LAX, MDW, and MIA, plus other airports in the U.S. and Canada. Book a jumpseat via this page on the Porter website. For more details, see the Reciprocal Jumpseat Agreements list on our committee’s webpage . JetBlue: We have been advised that JetBlue management has had issues with accommodating jumpseaters on weight-restricted flights. If you encounter an issue, please file a Jumpseat Debrief . Make Plans to Join Us at Sun ’n Fun This is a repeated message from the APA Family Awareness Committee. CA Tim Dick, FO Natalie Anagnostou, FO Tim Jackson, CA Jerry Gemma, and FO Melissa Monahan The Sun ’n Fun Aerospace Expo , the biggest and best airshow in the southeastern United States, is coming up in April. We plan to serve two lunches and two dinners in our air-conditioned flightline chalet with private restrooms. Please bring your family! The code for discounted tickets is APA995. Besides the food and fellowship, there will be significant information passed along. You can expect to break bread with APA’s elected officials as well as volunteers from national committees. As you make plans to join us in Lakeland, Fla., please RSVP for each meal separately so we can be sure to order enough food. Dinner from 1700 to 1900 on April 10 . Tent will be open from 1000 to 2100, with water available all day. Lunch from 1200 to 1400 on April 11 . Tent will be open from 1000 to 1700, with water available all day. Lunch from 1200 to 1400 on April 12 . Tent will be open from 1000 to 1700, with water available all day. Dinner from 1700 to 1900 on April 13 . Tent will be open from 1000 to 2100, with water available all day. Pigs of the Week APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations. Since Feb. 21, A321 aircraft 170 has been written up nine times for right engine bleed air. It has been on MEL and out of service four times. It was most recently signed off on March 9. Since March 3, the flight management computer/inertial reference system on B737 aircraft 3FB has been written up 14 times for items such as “it doesn’t allow a pilot to enter aircraft position” or “it fails inflight.” Also, erroneous alert messages occur in the scratch pad, and speeds disappear during takeoff. It was most recently signed off on March 12 and is restricted to Class 1 or 2 maintenance stations. APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee. Click the image for a closer look. On March 13, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Stephen Adams, Akil Andrade, David Athay, David Bakony, Howard Bohl Jr., Johannes Bruce, Natalie Butler, Jaime Esteban, Neal Geeting, Paulo Goncalves, Zachary Green, Thomas Hanrahan, Matthew Hauke, Rohaan Khullar, Maggie Linn, Braden McCormack, Justin McKay, Mario Patterson III, Nicholas Petro, Richard Pond Jr., Christopher Prout, Paulo Ramos da Silva Filho, Stephen Riggs Jr., Eric Robbins, Jeffrey Rubens, Holden Saunders, Joshua Smith, Cameron Springstun, Stephen Stark, Adrian Tutein, and Connor Walker. Domicile Elections Electronic balloting for the DCA and DFW domicile elections opened at 0000 Central on March 13. Pilots from those bases can vote for the following candidates through 1200 Central on April 2: DCA Chair FO Brandon Lightly CA Chris Wachter DCA Vice Chair CA Timothy Doreen Jr. FO Thomas Lawler DFW Chair CA Steven Pacheco CA Jon Sherrell CA Brian Smith DFW Vice Chair CA Drew Coleman FO Julio Gomez FO Jason Gustin For more details, visit the APA Elections webpage or review APA Secretary-Treasurer FO Pat Clark’s March 4 message: DCA and DFW Elections Electronic Balloting Update . Domicile Events Visit to RSVP for any of these upcoming domicile events: DCA: Retirement Party on June 29 DFW: Pilots For Kids Golf Tournament on May 20; Texas Rangers game on Aug. 6 LAX: Family Awareness lunch at MYF on April 9; Family Awareness lunch in Thousand Oaks on April 10; Family Awareness event at Camas Airport on April 23; Family Awareness event at Boeing Museum of Flight on April 24; Family Awareness event at Rowland Freedom Center on April 25; Retirement Party on April 27 LGA: New York Mets game on Sept. 2 MIA: Domicile Meeting on March 18; MSY Crawfish Boil on April 6 ORD: Retirement Party on May 4 Week in Review Here are several recent messages you may have missed. Joint Leadership: We Want to Hear From You President: 1995 Just Called – America West Wants its Business Model Back Scheduling Committee: September 2024 Vacancy Bid Captain’s Authority Committee: New CBA, Same AA Culture – Misbehaving Agents/CSMs  Communications Committee: Gone West: Captain David E. Harris Communications Committee: “Positive Rate” Episode 21: Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations Communications Committee: APA Board of Directors Spring Meeting Scheduled for April 15-19 Are You Willing to Serve? Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies: Aeromedical Committee (2) Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3) Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (1) Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2) Project Wingman Subcommittee (3) Captain’s Authority Committee (2) Communications Committee (0) National Communications Network (7) Flight Time/Duty Time Committee (1) Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1) Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee (1) Scheduling Committee (5) Training Committee (4) Checkmate (1 on 777) If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal . Professional Standards FAQs When I make a call, am I “turning someone in” to Professional Standards? No! When you call Professional Standards, you are utilizing fellow pilots, who are trained in handling peer-to-peer conflict, to resolve an issue that you are not comfortable resolving yourself. One of the first questions a volunteer will ask you is: “Have you tried to resolve this issue yourself?“ While resolving the issue between the two parties is truly resolution at the lowest possible level, many people are not comfortable with this scenario and utilize Professional Standards. To read all of the FAQs, click here . Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181 Retirement Seminar Scheduled for April 3 American Airlines and APA will host a retirement information session from 1000 to 1200 Central on April 3 via Microsoft Teams. Future retirees are encouraged to attend. To ensure you get the most out of this seminar, click here to submit your questions in advance. How to log into the Microsoft Teams meeting: Click here from any device with Wi-Fi or cellular service. Enter the meeting ID: 283 423 147 987 Enter the meeting passcode: hnkJKH Click “Join a meeting.” Please note the speakers will be sharing their screens, so the recommendation is to use a device where you can view the presentations. If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee. Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars Future text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank"> Click here for more information . Industry News For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on . Connect with Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Contact Us: Phone - 817.302.2272 | Website -
News Digest

1995 Just Called – America West Wants its Business Model Back

1995 Just Called – America West Wants its Business Model Back American Airlines management has been busy for the past few weeks. For the first time in seven years, management hosted an “Investor Day” on March 4, using it to unveil portions of their updated business plan. The Investor Day and the J.P. Morgan Industrials Conference that followed gave us a peek into the company’s strategy and how it may affect our future flying. Unfortunately, the news isn’t good from our pilots’ perspective. Chief Executive Officer Robert Isom sees future profitability as dependent on growth opportunities in underserved domestic markets, with the crux of his business plan revolving around these marginal locations. In other words, the airline management team responsible for producing profit margins that badly lag those of Delta and United believes that opportunity beckons by taking on Southwest Airlines and the ultra low-cost carriers. Not mentioned once: defending the cornerstone cities that American Airlines’ historical business plan was built on, which produced a revenue premium. In his Investor Day remarks, Chief Commercial Officer Vasu Raja emphasized that “short haul is the foundation of value for customers and investors.” The importance of the Sun Belt, upgauging the airline (flying larger airplanes to smaller cities), and improving the domestic network were his primary focus. He mentioned “opportunities in El Paso” more than a dozen times. At least there’s good news if you happen to live in El Paso. But where are the legitimate opportunities for future growth that produce profits? Vasu remarked that long haul will be used “only when demand peaks,” signaling an intention to revert to the regional operation this America West management team cut its teeth on, albeit on a larger scale. Chief Operating Officer David Seymour followed up with an emphasis on operational reliability improvements and the airline’s ability to recover from IROPS “better than anyone else,” but he made little mention of how his original schedule construction will change to build robustness into the system from the get-go, thus avoiding the need to put the operation back together in the first place. He also didn’t address our persistently high reserves head count that far exceeds the industry average. American Airlines puts thousands of pilots on reserve who could be holding lines and flying more predictable, profitable, and efficient schedules. Our average reserve pilot flies approximately 55 hours each month, while the average lineholder flies more than 85 hours. Efficiency takes a back seat to reliability as long as David chases on-time metrics and emphasizes reliability while leaving thousands of reserve “firemen” on the schedule to put out the inevitable fires when his computer-generated schedules fall apart. Boeing recently relearned the hard way that ignoring input from its most valuable resource, its employees, is not in a company’s best interests. Yet American Airlines management seems intent on doing the same things over and over while expecting different results. Our schedules have been broken since before emerging from the pandemic. Narrowbody trips continue getting longer and more onerous. Average line values have not moved down appreciably, our trips haven’t been broken up into more manageable pieces that our pilots can pick up between large chunks of flying, and our trip trade lights have remained stubbornly red since David locked them down in September of 2022. Despite the promises, we’ve witnessed little if any actual improvement. Management’s “new” business plan doesn’t include a focus on improving operational efficiencies and instead centers on future short-haul revenue opportunities that may or may not produce profits. As we have seen from the recent foray into Austin, these well-intentioned plans are typically money-losers. The profits are almost never in line with our competition at Delta and United, which see the benefit of catering to the premium, business, and international customers that American Airlines appears to be abandoning. There is another problem with the new business plan. The increased emphasis on short-haul domestic flying also leaves the company on an inevitable collision course with our Scope clause. Section 1 of our contract is the foundation of our flying agreement, capping management’s ability to fly regional jets while also limiting their ability to fly from non-hub cities to other non-hub cities with RJs (spoke-to-spoke). This was the source of the most recent Scope violation that we arbitrated in February, with the arbitrator’s decision pending. The only ways out of this “square corner” the new business plan creates are absorbing one or more of the wholly owned operations, putting RJs on our seniority list, or attempting to renegotiate our Scope clause, and the latter will most certainly be met with virulent opposition. Investors didn’t like what management had to say, with American’s stock dropping while Delta’s touched a year-to-date high. It’s unclear why management wants to play in the ULCCs’ sandbox and try to compete for their price-conscious customers instead of fortifying and defending the strong hubs we once had in cities like New York that historically produced a revenue premium. If our paltry profit-sharing checks are any indication of the plan’s efficacy, we’re in trouble. The decisions made in the front office don’t bode well for those of us who thought we were being hired by a mainline flag-carrying airline that would provide us with widebody long-haul opportunities and remain solvent in the next inevitable downturn. America West 2.0? As your advocates, we will continue voicing our concerns to management about their stated plans. While we don’t run the airline, we possess a tremendous amount of institutional knowledge thanks to serving as the airline’s frontline leadership. We see firsthand what works and what doesn’t, and we understand what’s in our best interests as pilots. We are convinced American Airlines needs a significant course correction, and we stand ready to help make that happen by working collaboratively with management, provided management is willing to work with us. CA Ed Sicher APA President
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