Allied Pilots Association

Headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, near Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, the Allied Pilots Association (APA) serves as the certified collective bargaining agent for the 16,000 professional pilots who fly for American Airlines. APA was founded in 1963 and is the largest independent pilots’ union in the world. APA provides a broad range of representation services for its members and devotes more than 20 percent of its dues income to support aviation safety.


American Airlines Pilots’ Union

Allied Pilots Association

The Allied Pilots Association serves as the certified collective bargaining agent for the 15,000 pilots of American Airlines, providing a broad range of services for its members.

The Allied Pilots Association in Washington, D.C.

The APA leadership understands that the direction of the airline pilot profession is determined in large measure by policymakers in Washington, D.C. The APA Government Affairs Committee is entrusted with serving as the voice of APA pilots in our nation's capital.

APA’s positions on important aviation safety- and security-related issues are based on the pilot's perspective as a subject-matter expert. All APA Government Affairs Committee members are current line-flying pilots for American Airlines with thousands of hours of experience in large civilian transport and high-performance military aircraft.

APA’s legislative success can be partially attributed to the strength of the union’s Political Action Committee (PAC) fund. The APA PAC is used solely for congressional campaigns and does not fund any other APA expenses or salaries.

APA is also a member of the Washington, D.C.-based Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations, which includes approximately 28,000 professional pilots who work for a variety of passenger and cargo carriers.

APA Principal Legislative Interests

  • Strengthen the profession to attract and retain the most highly experienced pilots possible.

  • Promote and support regulatory policies that enhance aviation safety and security.

  • Enhance pilot qualifications and training.

  • Minimize the impact of Chapter 11 reorganization on the career expectations of our pilots.

  • Encourage technical corrections and program improvements to the Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO) Program.

  • Promote reform of the federal aviation regulations on flight and duty time to reduce the risk of flight crew fatigue. Duty day, daily flight hours, ultra long-range flying, and international reserve rest are all of concern.

  • APA’s Legislative Priorities: APA makes its voice heard on Capitol Hill.

APA History: The First 25 Years

The Beginning

A brief history of the American Airlines pilots’ contribution to solid unionism may be helpful in understanding your roots, and why the Allied Pilots Association now represents you.

APA History: The First 25 Years

The Details and Documentation

The threat of a strike is normally the most effective weapon we have. The strike itself can be a double-edged sword, anticlimactic!

APA History: The First 25 Years

25 Years of Success

APA was set up so as to allow the American Airlines pilots to govern their own destiny in a democratic way, and to be responsive to the membership, which has the final control.

APA History: The First 25 Years

About the Author

J. R. Lyons learned to fly in 1940 while attending the University of Michigan. He taught acrobatics and instrument programs, and was a test pilot on B24s at Willow Run.

