APA News Digest
Oct. 13, 2023 – View in your browser
Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to AlliedPilots.org before clicking them.
In This Edition ...
- APA Board of Directors’ Fall Meeting Slated for Nov. 6-10
- APA Board of Directors’ Caucus and Special Meeting on Oct. 17-19
- Contract Compliance Committee: Join Our *NEW* Contract Compliance Training in DFW and PHX
- “Positive Rate” Episode 16: APA Benefits at Your Service
- Annual International Conference of Pilot Unions: “Future of Aviation”
- “Workers Mean Business”
- Civil Aviation Medical Association Recognizes APA’s Marsha Reekie
- Aeromedical Committee: Our Recommended Reading List
- Information Technology Steering Committee: Tech Tip – What APA Applications should I have on my device?
- Maintenance and Technical Analysis Committee: Pigs of the Week
- Membership Committee: APA Welcomes New Pilots
- Membership Committee: APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class
- Domicile Events
- Domicile Elections
- Week in Review
- Are You Willing to Serve?
- Professional Standards FAQ
- If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles
- Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars
APA Board of Directors’ Fall Meeting Slated for Nov. 6-10
The APA Board of Directors’ regularly scheduled fall meeting is scheduled for Nov. 6-10 at union headquarters in Fort Worth.
In accordance with APA policy, a 60-minute “Membership and Guest Hour” will take place on the first day of the meeting immediately following the President’s Report. Policy stipulates that “Any APA member(s) in good standing or, with the consent of the Board, a guest of a member shall be allowed to address the board. Allocation of time will be 60 minutes divided by the number of members/guests desiring to speak; however, no individual will be afforded more than 10 minutes, including any questions/ answers by the Board. Members and guests must advise the meeting Chair of their desire to address the Board.” Please email asmith@alliedpilots.org if you wish to address the Board.
APA policy also stipulates that the following committee elections are to be conducted during the fall meeting:
- APA Internal Compensation & Expenses Committee
- Financial Audit Committee
- Economic & Financial Analysis Committee Chair
- Benefits Review and Appeals Board
- Government Affairs Committee Chair
- Communications Committee Chair
- Family Awareness Committee Chair
- Strike and Tactical Operations Planning (STOP) Committee Chair
- Negotiating Committee
- Scope Committee
- Flight Time/Duty Time Chair
- R&B Pilot Defined Contribution Plan Advisory Subcommittee Deputy Chair
Please email your domicile representatives if you are interested in volunteering to serve on one of these APA national committees or subcommittees.
APA Board of Directors Caucus and Special Meeting on Oct. 17-19
The APA Board of Directors will convene at APA headquarters on Tuesday, Oct. 17, beginning at 0900 Central for a governance and reform caucus and special meeting. You may view the agenda here.
The Board may address the following open resolutions during the meeting. Resolutions can be accessed here.
- R2022-45 Rev 2 DDR Access to APA Resources
- R2022-55 Rev 1 Recall Process of National and Domicile Officers
- R2023-22 Deviations to the Policy Manual
- R2023-32 Domicile Fund Adjustment
- R2023-33 Staff Group Term Life Insurance - AD&D Private Aviation Exclusion
- R2023-34 Elimination of The Line Forums
- R2023-35 Rev 1 Facilities Subcommittee
- R2023-36 SMP Rate Adjustment and Lifetime Maximum Removal
- R2023-37 Electronic Balloting
- R2023-38 APA Staff Supervision and Executive Personnel
- R2023-39 APA Staff 401k Adoption of Optional SECURE 2.0 Provisions
- R2023-40 Revision to The Line Forums
- R2023-41 Creation of Administration Manual (AdMan)
- R2023-42 Reorganization of C&B and Policy Manual
- R2023-43 PM Section 4 (Committee) Revisions
Join Our *NEW* Contract Compliance Training in DFW and PHX
Everything you wanted to know about the 2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement but were too afraid to ask!
Join us at 0900 Central on Oct. 25 for a full day of training on the new CBA. This training will be conducted in hybrid fashion, with members welcome to participate in person at APA headquarters or virtually via Zoom.
Please take a few moments before the training to familiarize yourself with the Electronic Document Index. You must be logged in to AlliedPilots.org for the links to be accessible. This Index connects you to a vast array of APA documents that we will reference. It is equally useful in the daily operation as a line pilot, so we recommend you retain the Index for future reference. During the training, it may be helpful to have two screens; one to run Zoom and one to reference these documents.
A Zoom account (it’s free!) is required to attend the training course. For those who are not familiar with Zoom, APA IT has created a Zoom Quick Reference Guide. (We plan to offer in-person training sessions soon.)
Click here to register for the Oct. 25 training course.
We will also be hosting in person only training in PHX on Nov. 16, so be sure to save the date.
Help us help you! The Contract Compliance Committee’s goal is for you – the membership – to be informed, educated, and knowledgeable. Every single pilot should strive to be a contract expert or, at the very least, strive for continued learning and engagement. Knowledge is power, and it will assist you in employing and being a watchdog of your negotiated work rules.
“Positive Rate” Episode 16: APA Benefits at Your Service
In the latest episode of our “Positive Rate” podcast, you’ll hear from APA Director of Benefits Marcy Scott, who explains how her department helps ensure that our pilots understand the benefits provided to them through the Collective Bargaining Agreement, as well as the supplemental benefits available to all APA members. You’ll also hear from FO Matt Stanley, Joint Implementation Action Committee Chair and Negotiating Committee member, who addresses the topic of imputed income and the decision that pilots need to make during the current open enrollment period for AA benefits. Imputed income is also the topic of a Negotiating Committee update this week.
Each episode of “Positive Rate” features various APA leaders and the subject-matter experts working on the membership’s behalf. The podcast is available through popular streaming services, including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Spotify – you can search for “Positive Rate” or “Allied Pilots Association” on your platform of choice to subscribe and download. Your first opportunity to listen will be via AlliedPilots.org/Podcasts.
We welcome your feedback on this format. If you have a question or a comment, please send it to Communications Director Gregg Overman via goverman@alliedpilots.org.
Annual International Conference of Pilot Unions: “Future of Aviation”
During this week’s 5th Annual International Conference of Pilot Unions in Arlington, Texas, several APA officials provided their perspective during a series of panel discussions focusing on the future of aviation:
- APA President CA Ed Sicher participated in the President’s Roundtable: “Paving the path for a better tomorrow.”
- APA Communications Committee Chair CA Dennis Tajer participated in the industry analyst panel.
- APA Government Affairs Committee Chair CA Harvey Meek participated in a discussion of issues that could affect aviation’s future.
- APA Training Committee Chair CA Ann Marie Tazzar participated in a discussion on safety and training as the next generation of aviators joins the ranks.
- APA Operational Analysis Committee Chair CA John Wickham participated in a discussion of scheduling data and how it can help keep operational performance at its peak.
- APA Jumpseat Committee Deputy Chair CA Carrie Smith participated in a discussion on the future of CASS and other jumpseat-related issues.
CA Sicher delivering remarks during the President’s Roundtable.
The conference was hosted by the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association and featured participants from a cross section of the industry, including officials from several different pilot unions, journalists who cover airlines and aviation, and Wall Street analysts who analyze and report on airline stocks.
“Workers Mean Business”
USA Today travel reporter Zach Wichter recently reported on ongoing negotiations — and accompanying strike authorization votes — at various U.S. airlines, with APA’s perspective on the industry front and center. “When employees say ‘I am willing to strike,’ you’ve got a problem because the day-to-day functioning of the airline now has this cloud hanging over it because you’re not happy,” CA Dennis Tajer, APA Communications Committee Chair, told the writer. “It puts uncertainty where it shouldn’t be and where it can be removed.”
The author’s advice to travelers: “Don’t panic if you hear about a strike authorization at your preferred airline, but know that those workers mean business.”
Civil Aviation Medical Association Recognizes APA’s Marsha Reekie
Marsha Reekie, RN, longtime manager of the Allied Pilots Association’s team of medical advisors, has been honored with a prestigious Civil Aviation Medical Association Fellowship. According to CAMA, “fellowship in the organization signifies a major accomplishment in an individual’s career in Aerospace Medicine” and that “priority will be given to those CAMA members who have made significant contributions to civil aviation medicine.”
Throughout CAMA’s history, the organization has typically conferred Fellowships on those holding the MD credential. Its selection of Marsha speaks volumes about the quality of personalized aeromedical care that she and her team provide APA’s members.
Our Recommended Reading List
This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee.
In an effort to improve our members’ health, we have created a recommended reading list. Each month, we will highlight a book that has helped in the prevention of, treatment of, or recovery from an injury or illness, or has elevated a member’s education. Feel free to send your book recommendations to aeromed-committee@alliedpilots.org.
Radical Remission: The Nine Key Factors That Can Make a Real Difference
In her New York Times bestseller, Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds, Dr. Kelly A. Turner, founder of the Radical Remission Project, uncovers nine factors that can lead to a spontaneous remission from cancer — even after conventional medicine has failed. While getting her Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkley, Dr. Turner, a researcher, lecturer, and counselor in integrative oncology, was shocked to discover that no one was studying episodes of radical (or unexpected) remission — when people recover against all odds without the help of conventional medicine, or after conventional medicine has failed. She was so fascinated by this kind of remission that she embarked on a ten-month trip around the world, traveling to ten different countries to interview fifty holistic healers and twenty radical remission cancer survivors about their healing practices and techniques.
Disclaimer: This recommendation is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other professional health care services. Always consult with your medical provider when making health care decisions.
Tech Tip – What APA Applications Should I Have on My Device?
This is a new message from the APA Information Technology Steering Committee.
During this period of transition, and testing, you could have up to three (3) APA Application icons, please follow the recommendations below to provide the best user experience:
- APA Pilot (black icon) is our latest and greatest APA Mobile Application. It offers support for our new suite of tools, the ability to customize the dashboard, the option to add custom sounds to designated notifications, and numerous other features. For more details, please refer to the FAQs located in the left-hand menu of APA Pilot.
- APA Mobile 1.0 (white icon), you can continue to use the original APA Mobile Application, we do plan to sunset this application in the future and will send additional communications as this date approaches.
- APA Mobile 2.0 (navy icon), this was the BETA application for testing only, this has been deprecated and is no longer usable. Please uninstall this application.
If you see the message “update required” you are selecting the APA Mobile 2.0 application vs. APA Pilot, please uninstall.
As always, please use the feedback link in the side menu for the quickest assistance!
Pigs of the Week
APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations.
- Since the beginning of October, A319 aircraft 837 has been written up 13 times and been out of service four times for flight deck poor cooling. It was last signed off on Oct. 12.
- Since Sept. 9, A320 aircraft 107 has been written up 15 times for a right engine fuel leak. It was last signed off on Oct. 12.
APA Welcomes New Pilots
This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee.
Click the image for a closer look.
The APA Membership Committee welcomed the following pilots during a casual dinner on Oct. 10: Christopher Anderson, Jason Barnes, Jose Berrios, Mark Burgess, Steven Campbell, Christopher Carmody, Robert Castrillo, Richard Denham, Joshua Dorr, Nathan Eckenberg, Matthew Gauff, Cameron Grant, Mark Haddorf, Donald Hale III, John Hart, Thomas Hood, Christian Iyassu, James Kappes, Joseph Krota IV, Robert Lankford, Joshua Malpass, Andrew Marcelis, Pietro Marsala, Kevin Montes, Brendan O’Brien, Brian Osias, Alexander Petrikas, Albert Prislac, Anthony Robino, Kenneth Rodgers, Eros Saccagno, Patricia Serrano, Connor Shaughnessy, Bryan Schultz, Gracion Smith, Louis Smith III, James Snead Jr., Jorge Sosa, Michael Stell, Jeffrey Tramontano, Stephanie Tsim, Robert Vazquez Gore, Chavian Wright, Matthew Wriker, Pedro Yi-Perez, and Neal Young.
APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class
This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee.
Click the image for a closer look.
On Oct. 11, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Erik Bielik, Clinton Bryant, Luis Busquets, Earl Carter II, Casey Coleman, Giovanni Escobar, Milton Gandhi, Sean George, Edward Hall Jr., James Hanford, Cody Hinton, Lazar Kamcev, Fredrik Karlsson, Brandon Mahoney, Joffre Marquez, Raymond Mason, Derek Mattila, Matthew McCune, Gregory Meyung, David Michael, Robert Mondou Jr., David Morris, Bryan Murchison, Colin Newbold, Kyle Patterson, Todd Platt, Joshua Showalter, Steven Spencer, Ryan Stewart, Samuel Strausser, Gregory Thurman, Luis Urbina Anaya, Sean Vaughan, Gregory Wetzel, Marc Whitehorn, and Anselm Wishing.
Domicile Events
Get more details about these upcoming events at AlliedPilots.org/Calendar:
- DFW: Telephone Town Hall Meeting on Oct. 17; Contract Compliance training on Oct. 25; Family Awareness event at Chicken N Pickle on Oct. 25; Retirement Party on Nov. 11
- LAX: San Diego Yacht Club party on Nov. 2; Dave & Buster’s event at LAS on Dec. 5
- LGA: Retirement Party on Oct. 28
- ORD: Telephone Town Hall Meeting on Oct. 17
- PHX: IMAX training via Zoom on Oct. 24
Domicile Elections
CLT pilots will elect an interim domicile chair who will serve through Oct. 31, 2024. Submissions for nomination will accepted on the APA Elections webpage from 0001 Central on Oct. 9 until 0001 Central on Oct. 30.
If you have any questions, contact the APA Elections Department via 817-302-2175 or elections@alliedpilots.org.
Week in Review
The following messages were sent since last week’s News Digest was published.
- Joint Leadership: All Working Crewmembers in Israel Safely Evacuated
- Joint Leadership: Update: Two United Flights Slated to Depart from Tel Aviv
- President: Israel: Do Not Fly
- Secretary-Treasurer: CLT Interim Chair Election
- Check Airman Committee: Check Airman Update
- Safety Committee: FOQA Enhanced Airport Familiarization Videos
- Negotiating Committee: Imputed Income Explained
- Communications Committee: APA Benefits: At Your Service
- Check Airman Committee: Meeting With Leads
Are You Willing to Serve?
Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies:
- Aeromedical Committee (1)
- Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3)
- Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (2)
- Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (1)
- Project Wingman Subcommittee (3)
- Captain’s Authority Committee (2)
- Communications Committee (0)
- National Communications Network (7)
- Compass Project (4)
- Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1)
- Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee (1)
- Retirement & Benefits Committee (2)
- Safety (0)
- Environmental Sustainability in Aviation (2)
- Scheduling Committee (6)
- Training Committee (3)
- Checkmate (1 on 777 and 1 on 320)
If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the Member Engagement Portal.
Professional Standards FAQs
Will the other person know it’s me who made the call?
Our cornerstones are: confidentiality, neutrality and transparency. We make every effort to protect the identity of the reporting party and, in most cases, anonymity is preserved. In a direct conflict between two parties there is little need for remaining anonymous. In a case involving observed behavior, maintaining anonymity is easier.
To read all of the FAQs, click here.
Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181
If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles
Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee.
Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars
Future & Active Pilot Advisors’ next Pilot Job Fair and Future Pilot Seminar are scheduled for Oct. 14 at DFW followed by Nov. 18 at FLL. Click here for more information.