APA News Digest

June 2, 2023

Editor’s note: Some links in this message will work best if you log in to AlliedPilots.org before clicking them.

In This Edition ...

New Version of Hotel Survey Added to APA Mobile

This is a new message from the APA Hotel Committee.

Coinciding with the launch of Web 2.0, we have worked with APA IT to develop and release a new version of the Hotel Survey within the APA Mobile app. You will find this survey in your mobile inbox after your layover.

The previous survey based on green, yellow, and red ratings worked for six years, but we have outgrown the limited amount of data it provided. Restrictions from the previous survey allowed pilots to report only one problem with a hotel. The new survey is robust, with a sliding scale for multiple categories. To keep the new survey simple, we collect feedback without using any drop-down menus nor endless question looping. Everything is at your fingertips to quickly critique your layover.

The new survey is a quick five pages.

Pages 1 and 2 give a quick overview of your layover with a sliding scale. Slide left if you had issues in a specific category; slide right if your experience was better than average in a category.

Page 3 allows you select any issues in categories such as Room Wait, Safety/Security, Housekeeping, Insect, or Fatigue. This page also has a feedback option so you can provide food or activity suggestions for the Hotel Webpages.

Pages 4 and 5 ask you to select one answer for your transportation TO the hotel and one answer for your transportation FROM the hotel.

If you have any questions or problems with the new Hotel Survey, please email hotel.chair@alliedpilots.org.

A sincere “thank you” to all pilots who participate, so we can continue to improve your layovers.

APA Board of Directors Adjourns Special Meeting

The APA Board of Directors reconvened its meeting at 0900 today and spent the morning in closed session. Before adjourning at 1240, the Board voted to approve the following:

  • A motion to convene a Governance and Reform Caucus at APA headquarters on Aug. 22-24 to create resolutions for consideration during the Board’s regularly scheduled fall meeting.
  • A motion to cancel the June and July special Board meetings. This motion acknowledges that the Board will convene following the Negotiating Committee’s delivery of a proposed Tentative Agreement. (By policy, the Board meets during the second week of each month during Section 6 bargaining.)
  • A motion to waive policy and schedule the August special Board meeting for Aug. 1-3.

The Board also applauded Accounting Department staffer Lori Harwell, after APA President CA Ed Sicher announced she had been promoted to the position of Senior Pilot Leave Administrator.

Lori Harwell and CA Ed Sicher

In accordance with R2016-11, we are providing a synopsis reflecting all main motions and resolutions that the Board addressed today.

In accordance with R2017-37 Rev 1, video footage of the open portions of the Board meeting will soon be posted here.

“Mother Nature Has Not Even Come Up to Bat Yet”

APA Communications Committee Chair CA Dennis Tajer appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box on Tuesday morning to debrief how American and the airline industry fared over the Memorial Day weekend: “We did not see any of these cancellations under clear skies, like we used to, but we can’t get cocky, because we won but one series – using a baseball metaphor – but see, Mother Nature has not even come up to bat yet.”

CA Tajer reiterated those sentiments in a subsequent Airline Weekly article about a good week for American and CEO Robert Isom. That article says a new pilot contract, while costly, should benefit the airline. “The contract will allow him to utilize the airplanes he has and the airplanes he wants to get,” CA Tajer said. “The combine for harvesting new revenue in the airline industry is airplanes.”

Join Us for YOUnion 101 on June 14

This is a new message from the APA Compass Project.

APA Vice President CA Chris Torres and the Compass Project’s Member Engagement Team will host a “YOUnion 101” meeting via Zoom at 1100 Central on Wednesday, June 14. This meeting focuses on all aspects of APA membership. While it is geared toward our newest pilots, all are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Click here to register.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

The APA Compass Project is an industry-leading pilot mentoring and support program. Compass offers one-on-one support from experienced line-pilot sponsors, as well as tutorial videos and an extensive database of stage-based documents covering a number of helpful topics that are beneficial to all pilots. Click here for more information.

Announcing New Family Navigation Leadership

This is a new message from the APA Compass Project

The Compass Project’s Family Navigation Team is excited to welcome new leadership this June. FO Kailey Gonzalez will be taking over the Family Navigation Team Lead position. She is the mom of an almost 2-year-old boy and is married to FO Ryan Currie, a fellow AA pilot. She is passionate about helping our pilot parents succeed in this season of family growth and improving the lives of our pilot families. She recently joined American in May of 2022 and has a great understanding of the needs of our future pilots.

FO Gonzalez is joined by our new FMLA Baby Bonding Lead, CA Marc Needham, who is equally passionate about helping our pilot parents and has a special calling for our pilots going through the adoption process. He has twins, a boy and girl, and lives in the New York area. He is well-versed in New York State’s Paid Family Leave policy and is looking forward to supporting our pilot parents and helping them get the most out of their baby bonding leave.

We at the Compass Project are looking forward to seeing their fresh ideas unfold that will greatly benefit the next generation of pilots coming through the doors of American Airlines.

Can I be Reassigned Above VMAX or IMAX?

This is the latest in a series of Q&As from the APA Contract Compliance Committee.

Q: Can I be reassigned above VMAX or IMAX?

A: Yes. The contractual language in Section 15.N provides both the ability for the assignment to occur and the subsequent required steps for the exceedance.

A reassignment above one of the contractual limitations entitles a pilot to premium for the value of the exceedance and requires a paid, no credit removal from future flying (15.N.4). This removal must be from flying at the beginning or end of a future sequence (15.N.5.b). For current month flying, the removal must be accomplished within 24 hours of the offending sequence’s conclusion (15.N.5.d). If a pilot has no other scheduled flying in the current month, Section 15.N.5.e contains additional provisions.

Section 15.N
4. A pilot reassigned above the pilot’s Individual Monthly Maximum (IMAX) or the Company Limit on Voluntary Flying, if applicable, shall be paid at a rate of 1.5 times the pilot’s hourly base pay rate for time above the IMAX, or the Company Limit on Voluntary Flying, if applicable (which shall not be cumulative with the payment in Section 15.N.3).

5. A pilot who was reassigned above his IMAX or the Company Limit on Voluntary Flying, if applicable, will have his credited projection (PROJ) reduced to or below his IMAX or the Company Limit on Voluntary Flying, if applicable, in accordance with the following:

a.Remove the pilot with pay, but no credit, from one or more whole sequences.
b. Remove the pilot with pay, but no credit, from a portion of a sequence, provided that the removal must be from the beginning or end of the sequence, (i.e., no mid-sequence removals.)
c. Following the completion of the reassignment, if the pilot has no other scheduled flying remaining in the current month, reduce the pilot’s PROJ in the following contractual month by following step 5.a. and/or 5.b. above.
d. When reducing the pilot’s PROJ in the current month, such reduction shall occur within 24-hours of the conclusion (debrief) of the reassignment sequence.
e. When reducing the pilot’s PROJ in the next month, such reduction shall occur within 24-hours of the conclusion (debrief) of the reassignment sequence or the 25th of the current month, whichever is later.

Our Recommended Reading List

This is a new message from the APA Aeromedical Committee.

In an effort to improve our members’ health, we have created a recommended reading list. Each month, we will highlight a book that has helped in the prevention of, treatment of, or recovery from an injury or illness, or has elevated a member’s education. Feel free to send your book recommendations to aeromed-committee@alliedpilots.org.

Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don’t Have To

It’s a seemingly undeniable truth that aging is inevitable. But what if everything we’ve been taught to believe about aging is wrong? What if we could choose our lifespan? In this book, Dr. David Sinclair, a leading authority on genetics and longevity, reveals a bold new theory for why we age. As he writes: “Aging is a disease, and that disease is treatable.”

This eye-opening and provocative work takes us to the frontlines of research that is pushing the boundaries on our perceived scientific limitations, revealing incredible breakthroughs – many from Dr. Sinclair’s own lab at Harvard Medical School – that demonstrate how we can slow down, or even reverse, aging. The key is activating newly discovered vitality genes, the descendants of an ancient genetic survival circuit that is both the cause of aging and the key to reversing it. Recent experiments in genetic reprogramming suggest that we soon may not just be able to feel younger, but actually become younger.

Disclaimer: This recommendation is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other professional health care services. Always consult with your medical provider when making health care decisions.

VA Disability Opportunity for Disclosure

This is a repeated message from the APA Medical Advisors.

VA Disability Ratings have been a recent subject of concern for many pilots. Disability benefits and/or related medical conditions must be disclosed to the FAA. The FAA is seeking to reconcile any inaccuracy or failure to report on past medical applications by providing an opportunity for disclosure.

All First-Class Airman Medical Certificate holders with unreported VA benefits must submit a new medical application and schedule an appointment with an AME when their current medical expires, or no later than July 31, 2023, whichever is earlier.

Any questions regarding this should be directed to the APA Medical Advisors. Failure to submit an expedited reapplication and reexamination in accordance with the FAA’s timeline or failure to disclose all reasonably known information may result in legal enforcement action.

Pigs of the Week

APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations.

  • In the last three weeks, B737 aircraft 3AE has been written up 10 times and has been out of service seven times for cabin air temperature. It was most recently signed off on June 1 and is restricted to Class 1 and 2 maintenance stations.
  • In the last month, B737 aircraft 3DH’s antiskid has been written up seven times and has been out of service four times. At the time of this writing, one antiskid system channel remained on MEL.
  • UPDATE: In the last month, A319 aircraft 746 has been written up seven times and been out of service eight times for airframe vibrations. It returned to service on June 2 after operating under a Special Flight Permit for a second time to a maintenance base for repairs.

APA Welcomes New Pilots

This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee.

Click the image for a closer look.

The APA Membership Committee welcomed the following pilots during a casual dinner on May 30: Scott Ashby, Servet Atbas, Zachary Babar, Daniel Barker, Daniel Baron, Bradley Brigance, Daniel Brum, Constantin Cacoulidis, Adam Calka, Joseph Clark, Joseph D’Alessandro, Daniel Doerr, Gregory Duckworth, Ras Duhaney, Nathan Early, Anton Eloff, Mikhail Ferguson, Juan Fernandez Estrada, Luan Figueiras, Julio Cezar Filho Soares Bacelar, Samuel Finan, Jose Miguel Gayon-Gonzalez, Adam Gill, Lance Gower, Jordan Greene, Ashley Hall, Stephen Hames, Timothy Herman, James Hogge, Michael Hollenbush, Jesse Hooks, Oliver Jean, Stephen Joerger, Randolph Kinsey, Jordan Larkins, Jason Loewen, Joseph Maish, Kevin Martin, Cody Martz, Andrew Miilu, Joseph Morales, Schuyler Morales, Carlos Neira, Ignacio Perez Losada, Rube Quinones, Sean Reeves, Joseph Rivera, Ryan Blake Scheffer, Kenneth Steinhart, Steven Swan, Brandon Tesulov, Jason Thompson, Spencer Turek, Adam Turner, Jeffrey VanGuilder, Tom Vykulil, Matthew Wiggins, Timothy Williams, and John Wooten.

APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class

This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee.

Click the image for a closer look.

On May 31, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: Joel Aupperlee, David Barbee, Jayson Cannon, Brandon Cowley, Art Cross, Mark Easton, John Eveges III, Shawn Gray, Kevin Honey, Matthew Lewis, Michael Lovell, Matthew MacCarthy, David McCarthy, David Olson, Albert Policano, Mathieu Richon, James Ward, Aaron Webb, Kenneth Wells, and Todd Wilson.

Gone West

This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee.

We extend our deepest sympathies to the loved ones of these pilots, whose deaths we learned of last month: Jeff Flack, 76, on March 23; Jim Gildea, 80, on March 28; Bryce Herndon, 87, on April 7; Harry Horan, 88, on April 9; Gary Croffut, 72, on April 16; Bill Shirley, 91, on April 18; John Prator, 72, on April 25; Ernie Johnson, 89, on April 26; James Latta, 73, on April 26; Michael Hoff, 62, on April 29; Duane Warning, 79, on May 1; Bill Dodd, 86, on May 3; Bob Hurley, 87, on May 7; Donald “Fro” Froehlicher, 90, on May 9; Ron Wortham, 91, on May 14; Bob Gill, 95, on May 15; and James Hayes, 87, on May 16.

Domicile Events

Get more details about these upcoming events at AlliedPilots.org/Calendar:

  • BOS: Boston Red Sox game on June 28
  • DCA: Concourse Conversations on June 15; Baltimore Orioles game on July 17
  • DFW: Texas Rangers game on June 7
  • LAX: Retirement Dinner on June 3; Domicile Meeting on June 21
  • PHL: Philadelphia Phillies game on June 20; Domicile Meeting on June 23; Retirement Dinner on June 23
  • PHX: Concourse Conversations on July 20

Week in Review

The following messages were sent since last week’s News Digest was published.

Are You Willing to Serve?

Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies:

  • Aeromedical Committee (0)
    • Critical Incident Response Program (1)
    • Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3)
    • Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (3)
    • Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2)
    • Project Wingman Subcommittee (4)
  • Captain’s Authority Committee (4)
  • Communications Committee (0)
    • National Communications Network (6)
  • Compass Project (6)
  • Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1)
  • Hotel Committee (2)
  • Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee (1)
  • Professional Standards Committee (1)
  • Retirement & Benefits Committee (2)
  • Safety Committee (0)
    • Air Traffic and Procedures Subcommittee (3)
    • Environmental Sustainability in Aviation Subcommittee (2)
  • Scheduling Committee (8)
  • Training Committee (4)
    • Checkmate (2 on 777 and 1 on 320)
  • Uniform (1 female)

If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the National Committee Volunteer Portal.

Professional Standards FAQs

What time frame can be expected when Professional Standards is working an issue?
Professional Standards issues will normally be resolved within a few days. Due to scheduling complexities, some cases may take longer. The expectation is that committee volunteers will be as timely as possible and not delay the processing of any issue submitted to the PS committee. Most cases are resolved within two days.

To read all of the FAQs, click here.

Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181

If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles

Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee.

Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars

Future & Active Pilot Advisors’ next Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars are scheduled for June 17 at DEN followed by July 15 at ORD. Click here for more information.

Industry News

For more about what’s happening in the industry, be sure to visit the Industry News page on AlliedPilots.org.

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