APA and American Airlines Management Reach Agreement in Principle

APA leadership sent the following message to all members today.

The APA Negotiating Committee and its American Airlines management counterparts have reached an agreement in principle (AIP) on a new collective bargaining agreement.

As required by the APA Policy Manual Section 9.06, we will move forward with completing contractual language for all sections and related letters and for the implementation schedule. Once that requirement is fulfilled, the Negotiating Committee will present the AIP to the APA Board of Directors for consideration as a proposed tentative agreement (TA) at least seven days prior to any meeting convened to consider the TA.

Details of the AIP will be released by the Negotiating Committee in the days ahead.

Fellow pilots, thank you for your steadfast support throughout this lengthy process. As always, we will proceed with the best interests of the pilot group foremost in our minds.

In Unity,

CA Ed Sicher, APA President
CA Chris Torres, APA Vice President
FO Patrick Clark, APA Secretary-Treasurer

CA Paul McFarland, BOS Domicile Chair
CA Gemma Meehan, BOS Domicile Vice Chair

CA Doug Hancock, CLT Domicile Chair
FO Erik DeWinne, CLT Domicile Vice Chair

CA Joe Collins, DCA Domicile Chair
CA Tim Doreen Jr., DCA Domicile Vice Chair

CA Jon Sherrell, DFW Domicile Chair
FO Jason Gustin, DFW Domicile Vice Chair

CA Bill Evans, LAX Domicile Chair
CA Tim Dick, LAX Domicile Vice Chair

CA Lawrence Cutler, LGA Domicile Chair
CA Jim Scanlan, LGA Domicile Vice Chair

CA Thomas Copeland, MIA Domicile Chair
CA Anne Witcher, MIA Domicile Vice Chair

CA Wes Smith, ORD Domicile Chair
FO Paul Meyers, ORD Domicile Vice Chair

FO Paul DiOrio, PHL Domicile Chair
CA Kevin Wilkes, PHL Domicile Vice Chair

CA David Duncan, PHX Domicile Chair
FO Brian Ellis, PHX Domicile Vice Chair

CA John Owens, Negotiating Committee Chair
FO Chris Wachter, Negotiating Committee Deputy Chair
FO Adam Rutherford, Negotiating Committee Member
FO Matt Stanley, Negotiating Committee Member
CA BJ West, Negotiating Committee Member
Mr. Mark Myers, Director of Pilot Negotiations and Contract Administration

APA Board of Directors Adjourns Spring Meeting

The APA Board of Directors reconvened its spring meeting at 0900 Central today and spent most of the morning in closed session before adjourning at 1230.

While in open session, the Board voted to approve the following:

  • A motion directing APA Legal to pursue a commitment that the company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, and all associated accommodations, will be formally rescinded. This mandate recission should apply to all new hires as well.
  • Pursuant to the APA Constitution and Bylaws Article XI B., a motion to affirm FO Cherileigh Dawson to the Compass Project Committee.
  • Pursuant to the APA Constitution and Bylaws Article XI B., a motion to affirm FO Tom Rempfer to the Dropped Reinstatement Ad Hoc Committee.
  • A motion to schedule an APA Board of Directors Special Meeting on May 25 at 1000 Central, per the APA Constitution and Bylaws Article V Section 3.A.2.b., via Zoom.

In accordance with R2016-11, we are providing a synopsis reflecting all main motions and resolutions that the Board addressed today.

In accordance with R2017-37 Rev 1, video footage of the open portions of the Board meeting will soon be posted to AlliedPilots.org/BODMeetingRecordings.

This week’s editions of the APA Information Hotline, which summarized the first four days of the meeting, have been updated with links to committees’ slide presentations:

Join Us for YOUnion 101 on May 24

This is a new message from the APA Compass Project.

APA Vice President CA Chris Torres and the Compass Project’s Member Engagement team will host a “YOUnion 101” Zoom meeting at 1100 Central next Wednesday, May 24. This meeting focuses on all aspects of APA membership. While it is geared toward our newest pilots, all are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Click here to register.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

The APA Compass Project is an industry-leading pilot mentoring and support program. Compass offers one-on-one support from experienced line-pilot sponsors, as well as tutorial videos and an extensive database of stage-based documents covering a number of helpful topics that are beneficial to all pilots. Click here for more information.

Do You Back the PAC?

This is an updated message from the APA Government Affairs Committee.

During this week’s Board of Directors meeting, Government Affairs Committee Chair CA Harvey Meek emphasized that we strive for an even balance between both major political parties regarding contributions from the APA Political Action Committee. He noted that our PAC’s funding, which is derived solely from members’ voluntary contributions, has grown by more than $180,000 since last August, with membership participation increasing from 30 percent to more than 35 percent during that period.

Last month, 5,447 pilots contributed to the APA PAC. That number represented 36.2 percent of APA’s active members. Click the image below for a closer look at each domicile’s PAC contribution rates in February, March, and April.

Our Political Action Committee would be extremely well-funded if every APA member contributed as if his or her career depended on it – because it does.

Click here to back the PAC.

Where Did My Pay and Credit Go?

This is the latest in a series of Q&As from the APA Contract Compliance Committee.

Q: I had a two-day, 10.30 sequence that just canceled. The credit (PROJ) and pay (PPROJ) disappeared from my HI1. I thought we had Sequence Protection. Where did it go?

A: In conjunction with Sequence Protection and Recovery Obligation (Section 4.C), a Lineholder – or a Reserve pilot flying on days off (OG/PR) – is pay protected for the scheduled value of a sequence at the time of award or assignment. Pay protection is based on a comparison of that original sequence value and any flying actually performed, with the pilot being paid the greater value.

If you encounter a Misconnect, Illegality, or Cancellation (MIC) that results in a shortened sequence, the values listed on your HI1 may temporarily change and fluctuate, but the comparison to the originally scheduled value still exists. This comparison is accomplished by PayComp after the original sequence was to conclude. If necessary, a “SPROT PC” (Sequence Protection, pay and credit) line item will be added to your HI1 to pay protect you for the original sequence value. Because premium pay sequences are pay only and no credit, Sequence Protection entries for these sequences utilize “SPROT P” (Sequence Protection, pay only).

Reassignments (Section 15.N) within a sequence may also result in fluctuating HI1 values. However, a reassignment is distinctly different and is a contractually separate pathway. Our negotiated agreement also provides pay protection in the event of a reassignment, based on the original sequence value. A reassignment does not subject a pilot to Recovery Obligation. If necessary, an “RA PC” (Reassignment, pay and credit) line item will be added to your HI1 to pay protect you for the original sequence value. Reassignments do not change the original sequence’s pay protection value, but if the flying actually performed exceeds the original sequence, you are entitled to the additional value.

If you are reassigned (AF) to a shorter sequence and subsequently encounter a MIC, current programming utilizes the original Sequence Footprint to calculate the Replacement Flying Window (RFW).

Section 4.C.1.a
a. A lineholder pilot or reserve pilot flying on days off whose sequence is cancelled for any reason shall be pay protected for the scheduled value of the sequence at the time of the award or assignment.

Section 15.N.2
2. A pilot reassigned shall be paid and credited the greater of;
a. the value of the original sequence, or
b. the value of the reassignment sequence.

Have more questions? Make plans to join one of our Contract Compliance Town Halls on May 23 or May 25. Click here for the details.

Pigs of the Week

APA commends American Airlines’ hardworking aircraft maintenance technicians for their outstanding work. We believe they are the best in the business. When repetitive problems do arise, they’re often due to managerial decisions that fail to properly prioritize tasks and to management’s decision to outsource a significant portion of the airline’s maintenance to offshore, third-party repair stations.

  • In the last three weeks, the left air-conditioning pack on A321 aircraft 199 has been written up 11 times for poor cabin cooling and has been out of service seven times. It was most recently signed off on May 15.
  • In the last month, the right engine bleed air on A321 aircraft 586 has been written up nine times for abnormal pressure and has been out of service six times. It was most recently signed off on May 18.

APA Welcomes New Pilots

This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee.

Click the image for a closer look.

The APA Membership Committee welcomed the following pilots during a casual dinner on May 16: Grant Abreo, Luis Acosta, David Barandon Jr., Rodrigo Behr Vargas, Matthew Blue, Mark Browning, David Burdick, John Bush, David Champaigne, Kenneth Crutcher III, Nigel Dawson, Gregory DiBenedetto, Benjamin Doane, Leandro Esteves Costa, William Farley, Taylor Fenske, Juesley Fraga, Kevin Garner, Scott Gordon, Joel Gorham, Martin Gostich, Jeremy Holcomb, Joshua Hollin, Dalton Hopson, Bess Necy Kelly, Marcio Kowalski Vianna, Kuljeet Mahil, Michael Maier, Dwight Major, Timothy Manning, Cristiaan Mestler, Kent Moody, Robert Moschella, Joshua Newman, Andres Perez, John Perkins, Joseph Petry, Carlos Pinto, Anderson Polanco Santana, Daniel Powers, Noel Rivero, Levi Ruppert, Leonardo Santos, Justin Schiller, Ronald Schoch, Barron Schulthess, David Segrest, Chace Sparks, Jeffrey Sparrow, Cristian Taborda, Stephen Tesauro, Kelly Van Gundy, Michael Vasta, and Jonathan Woolley.

APA Welcomes Captains’ Leadership Class

This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee.

Click the image for a closer look.

On May 17, the APA Membership Committee hosted a casual dinner for the following pilots who were in Fort Worth for American Airlines’ Professionalism, Leadership, and Mentoring class: William Antonius, Jeremy Benavidez, Michael Bermensolo, Victor Bird, James Bouck, Aaron Crossland, Robert Dejesus, Mark Dozier, David Elliott, Joseph Framptom, Travis Franz, Daniel Galvez, Christian Garber, Tracy Gary, William Gillette, Shannon Jackson, Ian Laughrey, Benjamin Lyndaker, Michael Lysko, Roger Madison, Charles Meagher Jr., Jason Morgan, John Morrone, Keith Pankhurst, Johnny Parsons, Kenneth Pierce, Mitchel Platt, Marshall Pulliam, Steven Shields, Jacob Tucker, Ripley Woodard, and Wade Workman.

Congratulations to Newly Upgraded Captains

This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee.

We would like to recognize and congratulate these pilots who upgraded to captain last month. They are listed by their post-upgrade base and equipment.

CLT 320: William Antonius, Matthew Grantham, Michael Lauer, Jeffrey Manley, and Paul Williams

DCA 737: Christopher Donohoe, Joseph Framptom, and Douglas Ross

DCA 320: David Barbee, Jayson Cannon, Tom Nave II, Aaron Webb, and Wade Workman

DFW 777: John Therwhanger

DFW 787: Paul Bageman and Steve Hall

DFW 737: James Bouck Jr., Don Burch, Lesley Chiu, Thomas Hegman, Frank Hinckley, Paul Meyer, and Cliff Webb

DFW 320: Phillip Banks, Stephen Campbell, Tammy Caudill, Robert DeJesus, Andrei Doroftei, Arthur Dunn, Jon Egenberger, John Hitchcock, Shannon Jackson, Chad Kettering, Roger Long, Gary Lynch, Roger Madison, James Magee, Daniel McRae, John Morrone, Jeffrey Papin, Ryan Purdy, Jon Reutter, Alan Sharp, Bryan Spence, Brian Williams, and William Wilson

LAX 737: Melvin White Jr.

LGA 737: Justin Brantley, Ryan Marcuzzo, David McCarthy, Albert Policano, Brent Sloan, and David Streit

LGA 320: Paul Brennan, Mark Dozier, Jonah Endsley, Vladimir Gurevich, Kenneth Marchesseault, Adam Sanders, and William Umhoefer

MIA 737: Jose Borrero Acevedo, Jody Brandt, Christopher Catello, Brandon Cowley, Preston Fiorletta, Michael Hartmann, Neil Kliebert, Jason Kolin, Patrick Kraus, Ian Laughrey, Jason Loriz, Michael Lovell, Luis Machuca, Jonathan Neri, John Pitchford, Mathieu Richon, Juan Rodriguez, Benny Santiago, Luke Trower, and Kenneth Wells

MIA 320: Francisco Cubides, John De Graaf, Travis Franz, Raymond Nicchia, Jeremy Rae, John Schelke, and Stuart Short

ORD 787: William Gillette

ORD 737: Dennis Alberts, Josh Brown, Nicholas Dodds, Max Frenn, Scott Harris, Brian Keen, Geoffrey Kruglik, Christopher Lawson, Timothy Mladic, Bryce Nelson, John Portell, Adrian Radosav, David Robinson, George Scheinkoenig, Edmond Stack, and Jeanne Trigo

PHL 320: Joseph Braun, Jeffrey Colwell, Tyler Keltner, Joseph Malinchak, Todd Newton, David Olson, Daniel Reiman, Neal Snetsky, Greg Storm, Kurt Swanick, and James Ward

Retirements in March and April

This is a new message from the APA Membership Committee.

We would like to recognize and congratulate these pilots who retired in March and April.

BOS: CA Thomas Blake, FO Orlando Cavallo, and CA Robert Smith

CLT: CA John Beekman, CA Dominic Chrisos, CA Joseph Gallman, FO Michael Granger, CA Richard Kearney, CA Robert Lewandowski, CA Patricia Love, CA Kevin Malecki, CA Timothy Markarian, CA Scott Mcgregor, FO John Muesing, CA John Murphy, FO George Orthey, CA Bryan Van Hoy, and CA David Westberg

DCA: CA John Arthur, CA Jeffrey Beall, CA William Cox, CA Meredith Hall, CA Robert Jacques, CA Mark Matuszak, FO John Perleoni, and CA Ronald Toth

DFW: CA Joe Brewer, CA Richard Carlson, CA Robert Costello, CA David Duquemin, CA David Durrett, FO Robert Edwards, FO Stephen Everett, FO Andrew Follett, CA Steen Friis-Hansen, CA David Hagan, CA Joseph Hamernick, CA Charles Hartman, CA Robert Hays, CA George Hudson, CA Jeffrey Johnson, FO David Lewis, CA Susan Loeffler, CA Rebecca McKillop, FO Warren McLaen, CA Mark Megonigal, CA Patrick Mulligan, CA Michael Petersen, CA John Philpot, FO David Rossberg, CA Alan Secord, FO James Semikoski, CA Robert Vessels, FO Nikki Welch, CA Jeffrey Widyn, CA Allen Williams, CA Charles Wilson, CA James Winberg, and CA Robert Young

LAX: CA Randall Bancroft, CA Stephen Binnette, FO Amy Bond, CA Eric Boranian, CA Scott Byrne, FO Leroy Crowe, CA Ronald Duff, CA Russell Herman, CA Gerald Higginbotham, FO Ken Hoadley, CA Rick Indrebo, CA Ralph Jerome, CA Jeffrey Katz, FO Kathleen Malone, CA Anthony Maurillo, CA Clark Norske, CA Mark Reusser, CA Steven Silver, CA John Thwaits, FO John Ujihara, and CA Philip Wheeler

LGA: CA David Cenerizio, CA Randy Chapman, CA David Evans, CA Thomas Ford, CA Edward Geueke, CA Anthony Goczalk, CA Judson Hieftje, CA Robert Krell, CA Charles LaGrande III, FO Jeffrey Olden, CA Richard Pelican, CA Michael Piedt, and CA Carl Smith

MIA: CA James Brilli, CA Tim Carmichael, CA Steven Efken, CA Robert Hahn, CA Gary Hecker, CA Humberto Hernandez, FO Bent Kaaber Jr., CA Daniel Kiggins, CA Christopher Krieger, CA Todd Larson, CA Stephen Layton, CA Raymond Lista, CA Willard Monserrate, CA Steven Moore, CA James O’Kelly, FO Janet Rigsbee, CA Thomas Rodel, FO Walter Thomas, CA Barry Van Wagner, and CA Harvie Whitby

ORD: CA Edward Albers, CA Brian Clark, CA Susan Dacy, CA Joseph Duff, CA Ronald Gallat, CA Marc Gitlin, FO Ricardo Joseph, CA Phillip King, CA Roberto Mercado, CA Thomas Murray, CA Roy Paget, CA Cary Parnes, FO Jay Perry, and CA Jeff Wierenga

PHL: CA Jeff Abramovitz, CA Robert Booth, CA John Carey, CA Robert Coffman, CA Mark Jaeger, CA Ronald Lakes, CA William Morrill, FO Thomas Niquette, CA Joseph O’Connor, CA Kenneth Radosevich, CA David Rogers, FO Michael Simpson, CA John Smith, CA Warren Wagner, and CA Peter Wieken

PHX: CA Michael Brownlee, CA Thomas Considine, CA Michael Hice, CA Kenneth Holmes, CA David Orr, CA Alex Schmitt, and FO Frederick Tossberg

Domicile Events

Get more details about these upcoming events at AlliedPilots.org/Calendar:

  • BOS: Boston Red Sox game on June 28
  • DCA: Fini Flight party for CA Herb McMillan on May 21; Concourse Conversations on June 15
  • DFW: Texas Rangers game on June 7
  • LAX: Retirement Dinner on June 3; Domicile Meeting on June 21
  • MIA: Fini Flight party for CA Bill Wiebler on May 21
  • ORD: Galt Airport Pancake Breakfast on May 27
  • PHL: Philadelphia Phillies game on June 20; Domicile Meeting on June 23; Retirement Dinner on June 23
  • PHX: Concourse Conversations on July 20

Week in Review

The following messages were sent since last week’s News Digest was published.

Meanwhile, at Other Airlines …

  • Early this morning, the WestJet ALPA MEC announced that an agreement in principle had been reached with WestJet management. On Monday, the MEC had issued a 72-hour strike notice.
  • On Wednesday, the FedEx ALPA MEC announced that more than 97 percent of their members participated in a strike authorization vote, with 99 percent of those pilots authorizing union leaders to call a strike. FedEx pilots have been in contract negotiations since May 2021.
  • Also on Wednesday, ALPA’s Executive Board approved a merger with the Air Canada Pilots Association. The two sides reached a merger agreement in principle in March, and Air Canada pilots voted to ratify the deal on May 1.

Are You Willing to Serve?

Each of these national committees or subcommittees has the indicated number of vacancies:

  • Aeromedical Committee (0)
    • Critical Incident Response Program (1)
    • Disabled Pilot Awareness Subcommittee (3)
    • Human Intervention Motivation Study Subcommittee (3)
    • Pilot Occupational Health Subcommittee (2)
    • Project Wingman Subcommittee (4)
  • Captain’s Authority Committee (4)
  • Communications Committee (0)
    • National Communications Network (6)
  • Compass Project (5)
  • Grey Eagles Liaison Committee (1)
  • Hotel Committee (2)
  • Jumpseat/Non-Rev Committee (1)
  • Professional Standards Committee (1)
  • Retirement & Benefits Committee (2)
  • Safety Committee (0)
    • Air Traffic and Procedures Subcommittee (3)
    • Environmental Sustainability in Aviation Subcommittee (2)
  • Scheduling Committee (9)
  • Training Committee (3)
    • Checkmate (0 on 787, 2 on 777, and 1 on 320)
  • Uniform (1 female)

If you would like to serve on one or more of these committees, visit the National Committee Volunteer Portal.

Professional Standards FAQs

Can management continue with a traditional process after releasing a case to Professional Standards?
No. Once an issue has been released to Professional Standards, management will not pursue action against an employee for actions contained in the referral.

To read all of the FAQs, click here.

Professional Standards’ 24/7 hotline: 817-402-2181

If You’re 50, Join The Grey Eagles

Are you a pilot for American Airlines, at least age 50, active or retired? Please join The Grey Eagles for food, fun, and fellowship. We offer cruises, conventions, monthly luncheons, retirement dinners, professional mentoring, and assistance to surviving spouses – all for a one-time lifetime fee.

Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars

Future & Active Pilot Advisors’ next Pilot Job Fairs and Future Pilot Seminars are scheduled for May 27 at HNL followed by June 17 at DEN. Click here for more information.