Allied Pilots Association

Spouse Support Network / Family Engagement

phone 817-302-2272
email APA Email Address

Spouse Support Network / Family Engagement

In Case of Emergency

In case of serious injury or death of a member, call Aeromedical at 848-APA-CREW (848-474-2739)

APA Project Wingman / Pilot Support

phone 817-823-7965

AA Chief Pilot / IOC Duty Pilot

phone 682-315-4340

AA Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Open 24/7

phone 833-721-2322

What is Spouse Support Network / Family Engagement?

APA believes that a successful career includes a successful family life. We want to include the entire family and give them the tools they need to support their pilot. We are here to provide support, information, and the opportunity to socialize and have some fun! This is a joint effort within APA and the Family Awareness and Family Navigation committees. However, this is a Spouse/Partner lead group with APA support. This is your group and where it goes is up to you! So, if you are interested in volunteering please reach out.


A quarterly newsletter will be emailed with important information, upcoming deadlines events. Fun submissions are welcome.


An informational Facebook page will be active for the group to post about current events and activities. Posting will be restricted to Local Chapter organizers and monitor approved postings.

Local Chapters

Our goal is to build support groups in local areas where our pilots live. We will help organize meetups and events as to support your efforts. Smaller cities might have one group. Large areas like DFW will have the opportunity to have multiple. We want them close enough to be easy to join. But it is up to you.


If this interests you, please click the button and fill out the signup form.

By signing up you will receive an emailed newsletter with current information that impacts your family with regards to APA and AA, in addition to notifications of upcoming events. The signup link has a questionnaire that requires your pilot’s information as well. We will send an email to the pilot verifying the request. We will secure your email and contact information and never share it with anyone. All communications will be approved by APA and the APA legal department. This is a safe place subject to an acceptance and use policy approved by APA legal department. Please read the acceptance and use policy.

What is Family Awareness?

APA Family Awareness Program focuses on the importance of a pilot's family in his or her decision-making regarding career choices, livelihood, support for union activities, and contract negotiations.

The role of the Family Awareness Committee is to create and maintain pilot group and family unity in support of the goals of the union. This entails educating families on union issues, keeping them informed of rapidly changing events, building support structures, and creating two-way communication between leadership and pilot families.

What is Family Navigation?

APA Family Navigation is a subcommittee of The Compass Project. Its goal is to provide support and resources for new and expecting parents and their families. Below is a list of the available resources. Please ask your pilot to take you to the APA website, Compass Project menu and scroll down to the Family Navigation menu.

Care Package & Sponsor Registration Form
Maternity and Postpartum
FMLA Baby Bonding and Adoption
Maternity Checklist
Family Planning Benefits
Family and Medical Leave Act
Aviation Radiation and Prenatal Planning

What is Fini Flight?

Volunteer for Fini Flights. Send an email to: APA Public Email Address

Fini Flight is a Family Awareness program that organizes small celebrations to ensure that every retiring pilot's last flight is special.

We meet pilots right at the gate with cake, a party crew, and the pilot's loved ones to celebrate their careers, honor this milestone, and help them start a new chapter with wonderful memories of all they've achieved.

What is Critical Pilot Response (CPR)?

We are a matchmaker for people with resources and people in need when a natural disaster occurs! APA Family Awareness is here for you in times of need. The pilots of American Airlines are a family, and we believe in helping each other. If you experience a significant life event and are in need, please reach out. If you are able to help those in need, please let us know. We will do our best to connect you together to build and support our community.

Spouse Support Network / Family Engagement


Visit (login required) to RSVP for any of these upcoming events:

Spouse Support Network / Family Engagement

APA in the News

Spouse Support Network / Family Engagement



Social Media

Spouse Support Network / Family Engagement


APA Headquarters

phone 817-302-2272

Medical Advisors

phone 817-302-2400 email APA Public Email Address

Growing Family?

email APA Public Email Address

Spouse Support Network / Family Engagement

Proper Care and Feeding of Airline Pilots

A Day in the Life of a Pilot

Spouse Support Network / Family Engagement


Spouse Support Network / Family Engagement


Send questions via email

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